Gloeocantharellus aculeatus Linhares, Daniëls & M.A.Neves, 2016

Linhares, Fernanda T. F., Reck, Mateus A., Daniëls, Pablo P. & Neves, Maria Alice, 2016, Gloeocantharellus aculeatus (Gomphaceae), a new neotropical species in the gomphoid-phalloid clade, Phytotaxa 268 (3), pp. 193-202 : 196-200

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.268.3.3

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gloeocantharellus aculeatus Linhares, Daniëls & M.A.Neves

sp. nov.

Gloeocantharellus aculeatus Linhares, Daniëls & M.A.Neves View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figs. 3 View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Mycobank: MB 816104

Diagnosis:—Basidiomata light salmon to dark orange; lamellae pale cream, forming longitudinal striae on stipe apex; basidiospores 9.0–10.5 × 5.0–6.0 μm, hyaline to light brown, aculeate; basidia with 2–4 sterigmata; gloeocystidia lanceolate to subventricose; pileipellis as an ixocutis; context with clamped hyphae. Similar to Gloeocantharellus echinosporus but differing in the wrinkled basidiospore surface with rounded aculei.

Etymology:— “ aculeatus ” refers to the aculeate ornamentation on the basidiospores.

Holotype:— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Florianópolis, Pântano do Sul, Lagoinha do Leste Municipal Park trail, 27°46’43”S, 48°29’51”W, 04 January 2012, F. T. F. Linhares 18 ( FLOR 47977 About FLOR ). GoogleMaps

Description: —Pileus 35–75 mm diam., plane, sometimes with slight depression in center, margin plane to decurved and entire; surface dry, smooth to velutinous and dark orange (OAC756 to OAC631) at center, slightly fibrillose and light salmon to light orange (OAC632 to OAC634) towards margin; context 1–2 mm thick, soft, spongy, white. Lamellae deeply decurrent, close, sometimes bifurcate and slightly intervenose, smooth to slightly fimbriate at edges, pale cream (OAC815 to OAC816), sometimes extended to stipe apex forming pinkish longitudinal striae up to 12 mm long; lamellulae present. Stipe 50–80 × 8–17 mm, central, solid, terete to slightly compressed, equal to clavatebulbous, base obtuse and sometimes tapered and bent; surface pulverulent, cracking irregularly and exposing context toward base when mature, pale salmon to light orange (OAC619 to OAC631 or OAC682) over entire surface when immature, lighter salmon to lighter orange (OAC578 to OAC696) basally when mature; context soft, spongy, white. Basidiomata becoming purplish brown (OAC526 to OAC640) where bruised.

Basidiospores (8.5–) 9.0–10.5 (–11.0) × 5.0–6.0 μm (X = 9.43 × 5.50 μm) (Q = 1.73), ellipsoid to narrowly ellipsoid, thick-walled (<2 μm), hyaline to light brown in H 2 O, IKI-, cyanophilic, strongly ornamented with ornamentation up to 2 μm, aculeate under OM; ornamentation with apically rounded aculei, ventricose, sometimes somewhat tuberculate, with outgrowths eventually connected at base and wrinkled surface between them under SEM; apiculus 1–2 μm, hyaline. Basidia 45–75 × 10–16 μm, clavate, deeply tapering towards base, hyaline, with 2–4 sterigmata up to 8 μm long. Gloeocystidia on the sides and margin of the lamellae, 43–142 × 4–12 μm, subventricose, cylindrical to lanceolate with obtuse to subacute apex, deeply tapering and often becoming sinuous towards the base, thin-walled; hyaline and without content when young, then with refringent yellowish brown and densely granular content when old; base inserted in subhymenium or in lamellar trama, rarely protruding above the hymenium. Hyphidia 17–40 × 2–5 μm, filiform, sinuous, inconspicuous, scattered in hymenium. Generative hyphae clamped through all parts of basidioma and basal mycelium. Gloeoplerous hyphae with refringent or granular content, sinuous, sometimes branched, 2–10 μm diam. Lamellar trama partially to completely gelatinized, composed of hyphae 2–10 (–16) μm diam., interwoven, sometimes slightly inflated, mediostratum with subparallel hyphae and some hyaline gloeoplerous hyphae. Pileipellis an ixocutis composed of hyphae 2–5 μm diam., loose, interwoven, sinuous, thin-walled, sometimes with granular content. Pileus context with hyphae 4–36 μm diam.; context hyphae interwoven, thin-walled becoming slightly thick in some parts, often inflated, hyaline, intermixed with some gloeoplerous refringent hyphae. Stipitipellis a trichodermial palisade on the pulverulent portions, with thin-walled hyphae 3–8 μm diam.; gloeoplerous elements present as pseudocaulocystidia. Stipe context with hyphae 2.5–9 μm diam., which are parallel, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, hyaline; some gloeoplerous hyphae present. Basal mycelium composed of hyphae 2–5 μm diam., which are interwoven, slightly thick-walled, hyaline; gloeoplerous hyphae scattered; cysts 11–20 × 8–18 μm, globose to amorphous, with granular content, sometimes with bipyramidal crystals up to 1 μm wide.

Habit, habitat and distribution:—Solitary to scattered, sometimes forming fairy rings. Brazil, Atlantic Forest (Espírito Santo and Santa Catarina states).

Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Florianópolis, Pântano do Sul , Lagoinha do Leste Municipal Park trail, 27°46’43”S, 48°29’51”W, 04 January 2012, F. T. F. Linhares 18 ( FLOR 47977 About FLOR — holotype) GoogleMaps ; Espírito Santo:

Santa Teresa , Augusto Ruschi Biological Reserve, Waterfall trail, 19°54’19.6”S, 40°34’8.2”W, 04 December 2012, A.C. Magnago 507 ( FLOR 49692 About FLOR ) GoogleMaps ; Road near Casa da Pedra, 05 December 2012, A.C. Magnago 524 ( FLOR 59113 About FLOR ) .

Additional specimens examined:— Gloeocantharellus corneri : BRAZIL. Paraná: Piraquara, Morro do Canal, 25°30’55”S, 48°58’53”W, 12 November 2010, M.A. Neves 750 (collected by P. Santos) (FLOR 47978); G. echinosporus : MALAYSIA. Sabah (N-Borneo): Mt Kinabalu N.P., 14 April 1964, RSNB 8275 (CGE 16040); PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Morobe: Bulolo district, Manki, 22 March 1972, Horak 72-266 in ZT; SINGAPORE. Central Region: Bukit Timah, 19 August 1939, Corner s.n. (CGE 16048— holotype); SOLOMON ISLANDS. Kolombangara, 23 August 1965, RSS 1028A (CGE 16041); G. okapaensis : PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Okapa: 11 October 1960, Corner s.n. (CGE 16045— holotype, as Gomphus okapaensis ); SOLOMON ISLANDS. San Cristobal: July 1965, RSS 731 (CGE 16044); Kolombangara: 23 August 1965, RSS 1028B (CGE 16046).

Remarks:— Gloeocantharellus aculeatus is macromorphologically characterized by the orange to salmon color of the pileus with plane to slightly depressed shape and slightly fibrillose margin surface, the cream color of the lamellae that form longitudinal striae on the stipe apex, and the squamulose to pulverulent stipe. The basidiomata become purplish brown after a few minutes when bruised, which is a common characteristic in the genus. Micromorphologically, the basidiospores have aculeate to tuberculate ornamentation with a wrinkled surface between the outgrowths (this last feature can only be seen under SEM). Gloeocantharellus aculeatus is also characterized by its clavate basidia that are deeply tapered at the base, stipitipellis trichodermial palisade with caulocystidia, and subventricose to lanceolate gloeocystidia present throughout the hymenium. The immature hyaline gloeocystidia could be mistaken for another type of cystidia in the hymenium, but the content of gloeocystidia changes during maturation ( Stalpers 1996). The presence of a robust basidioma, decurrent lamellae, ornamented basidiospores, gloeocystidia and gloeoplerous hyphae make it a species of Gloeocantharellus . The pattern of basidiospore ornamentation has never been recorded for the genus; the basidiospores of most other species have a verrucose to warty ornamentation.

Gloeocantharellus aculeatus View in CoL is morphologically similar to Gloeocantharellus echinosporus Corner View in CoL ( Corner 1969). Both species have a robust basidioma, orange-pink pileus, bifurcate and slightly intervenose lamellae that are cream colored and attenuate on the stipe apex forming ribs, yellowish to pinkish stipe with pulverulent surface, almost the same sized basidiospores, and gelatinized pileipellis. However, the type of G. echinosporus View in CoL does not have hyaline cystidia (even though hyaline cystidia have been observed in one specimen from Papua New Guinea, Horak 72-266 in ZT), and has ellipsoid to subfusiform basidiospores with echinulate ornamentation ( Corner 1969). The distinct basidiospore ornamentation patterns between the two species can be observed under OM, which are more remarkable under SEM ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ) where the ornamentation of G. echinosporus View in CoL has very acute apices. The distribution of the two species is also very distinct because G. echinosporus View in CoL is known only from Southeast Asia and Oceania.

A pileus with an orange-pink color and dry surface is frequent in species of Gloeocantharellus View in CoL , such as G. dingleyae (Segedin) Giachini View in CoL , G. novae-zelandiae (Segedin) Giachini View in CoL , G. okapaensis (Corner) Corner View in CoL , and G. purpurascens View in CoL . However, all of those species have basidiospores with verruculose to verrucose ornamentation and lack a gelatinized pileipellis ( Corner 1966; Corner 1969; Petersen 1971; Segedin 1984). Gloeocantharellus uitotanus View in CoL , from Colombia, has a gelatinized pileipellis, but possesses a reddish brown pileus and verruculose basidiospores ( Vasco-Palacios & Franco-Molano 2005).

Gloeocantharellus corneri , the other species reported for Brazil, is different from the new species in the more robust basidiomata (up to 160 mm high), reddish orange pileus, cream-colored stipe and amygdaliform to subfusiform basidiospores with verrucose ornamentation.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics














Gloeocantharellus aculeatus Linhares, Daniëls & M.A.Neves

Linhares, Fernanda T. F., Reck, Mateus A., Daniëls, Pablo P. & Neves, Maria Alice 2016

Gloeocantharellus aculeatus

Linhares, Daniels & M. A. Neves 2016
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