Eupolyphaga nigra Han, Che & Wang, 2024

Han, Wei, Che, Yan-Li, Zhang, Pei-Jun & Wang, Zong-Qing, 2024, New species of Eupolyphaga Chopard, 1929 and Pseudoeupolyphaga Qiu & Che, 2024 (Blattodea, Corydioidea, Corydiinae), with notes on their female genitalia, ZooKeys 1211, pp. 151-191 : 151-191

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1211.128805

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Eupolyphaga nigra Han, Che & Wang

sp. nov.

Eupolyphaga nigra Han, Che & Wang sp. nov.

Figs 3 A – N View Figure 3 , 4 C, D View Figure 4 , 5 B, J View Figure 5

Type material.

Holotype: China • male; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Chongzuo City, Longzhou County, Zhubu Village , Buji Reservoir ; 7 Jul. 2023; Wei Han, Xin-Ran Li leg. Paratypes: China • 3 males, 1 female & 16 nymphs, same collection data as holotype .


This species is almost black and is most similar to E. robusta . However, the abdomen of this species is unevenly scattered with some fulvous markings, whereas the abdomen of the latter is orange-yellow overall or dark yellow only on the two terminal segments. In addition, the middle part of terga of females of this species is slightly dark yellowish brown, whereas the terga of females of the latter is completely black; although serrations on the keel of both species are strongly curved, there are gaps between the serrated projections of the ootheca of this species, whereas there are almost no gaps in the latter.


Male holotype. Measurements (mm). Overall length (including tegmen): 27.73; body length: 19.67; body width (tegmina not included): 10.03; tegmen length × width: 23.98 × 9.65; pronotum length × width: 8.13 × 4.79.

Coloration. Head and most of the face black. Ocelli and antennal sockets white. Antennae blackish brown. Ante-clypeus, basal part of the labrum, and a portion of the palate yellow (Fig. 3 A, B, G View Figure 3 ). Pronotum, tegmina, hind wings and legs black. Pulvilli and arolia white. Abdomen black, with some fulvous markings (Fig. 3 A, B View Figure 3 ).

Body. Head: Sub-rounded, hidden under the pronotum. Interocular space narrower than the distance between the ocelli, and the latter narrower than the distance between the antennal sockets. Ocelli distinct. Ocelli ridge curved, with a row of setae on the upper edge. Clypeus developed (Fig. 3 B, G View Figure 3 ). Pronotum: Transverse oval, widest point near the middle. Anterior whitish margin indistinct. Surface covered with short setae (Fig. 3 E View Figure 3 ). Tegmina and hind wings: Nearly unicolored, with a few plaques on both sides (Fig. 3 A View Figure 3 ). Legs: Slender. Front femur type C 1. Pulvilli and arolia present (Fig. 3 B View Figure 3 ). Abdomen: Supra-anal plate transverse, pubescent, posterior margin protruded. Paraprocts simple. Cerci pubescent. Posterior margin and lateral margins of subgenital plate densely setose, hind margin flat. Styli small, the right one bigger than the left (Fig. 3 B, I – L View Figure 3 ). Genitalia: The basal part of L 1 prolonged, and the two hind lobes robust. L 2 curved. Genital hook (L 3) long and robust, the hook part curved. Right phallomere smaller than the left phallomere. R 2 simple, divided into two chunks. R 3 broad and concave (Fig. 3 K, L View Figure 3 ).

Female paratype. Body length: 27.79; body width: 19.12; pronotum length × width: 13.51 × 7.15.

Coloration. Terga dark yellowish brown to black. Sterna nearly black. Vertex and face black. Ocelli yellow. Basal part of labrum black. Distal part of labrum and ante-clypeus yellow. Legs black (Fig. 3 C, D, F, H View Figure 3 ).

The widest point of pronotum near the hind margin (Fig. 3 F View Figure 3 ). Ocelli distinct. Interocular space larger than the distance between antennal sockets, and the latter larger than the distance between ocelli (Fig. 3 H View Figure 3 ). Arolia and pulvilli absent. Posterior margin of the supra-anal plate ( TX) emarginated medially. Cerci short, not exceeding the posterior margin of supra-anal plate. Paraprocts (pp.) pubescent, curved hook-like extensions long. The two median sclerites irregularly shaped (Fig. 3 C View Figure 3 ). Paratergites (pt.) banded, terminally bifurcated. Crosspiece (cp.) broad, the small protrusion short and wide. Posterior lobes of valvifer II (p. l.) short, terminal rounded. Spermathecal plate (sp. pl.) narrow and concave in the middle, the two lobes expanded in the middle (Fig. 5 B View Figure 5 ). Spermatheca (sp.) consists of two distinct large ampullas, the bifurcated duct slightly expanded in the middle (Fig. 5 J View Figure 5 ). Two lobes of basivalvula (bsv.) nearly triangular, with a flat anterior margin and a curly lateral margin. Vestibular sclerite (vst. s) shaped like the letter “ W ”, with widened apex on both sides and a robust, short protrusion in the middle. Subgenital plate ( SVII) densely setose, posterior margin protruded (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ).

Nymph. Similar to the female.

Ootheca. Yellowish brown. The longitudinal lines distinct. Serrations on the keel large and curved. The space between the serrations of the curved portion distinct. Respiratory canals well developed (Fig. 3 M, N View Figure 3 ).

Natural history.

Found in soft, dry soil under the cliffs near the reservoir.


The species epithet is from the Latin niger indicating its black tegmina.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











