Megalomyrmex Forel, 1885: 56

Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes & Brandão, Carlos R. F., 2013, Catalogue Of Dacetini And Solenopsidini Ant Type Specimens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) Deposited In The Museu De Zoologia Da Universidade De São Paulo, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 53 (14), pp. 187-209 : 193-195

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492013001400001

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scientific name

Megalomyrmex Forel, 1885: 56


Genus Megalomyrmex Forel, 1885: 56 View in CoL

Leonius group

Megalomyrmex acauna Brandão, 1990: 429 View in CoL . Holotype: 1W [ Brazil], M[ato] Grosso, Gustavo Dutra, [14°43’S 55°39’W], 25.x.[19]53, C. R. G[onçalves leg.]. Missing L6 tibia and tarsus. Paratypes: 6W [ Brazil], MT [Mato Grosso], Gustavo Dutra, [14°43’S 55°39’W], 25.x.1953, C. R. Gonçalves [leg.]. One worker missing L3 second to fifth tarsus, L4 tibia and tarsus; one worker missing L2/L5/L6 tarsus; one worker missing A2 funiculus, L2 tarsus, L3 trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus; one worker missing A2 funiculus, disarticulated L1 glued on a paper triangle; one worker missing L2, disarticulated head and frist segment of the thorax glued on a paper triangle. 1W [ Brazil], Mato Grosso, Chapada , [15°26’S 55°45’W], vii.1960, C. Amann col. Missing A2 funiculus GoogleMaps .

Megalomyrmex bidentatus Fernández & Baena, 1997: 112. Paratype: 1W Colombia, Nariño, Barbacoas, Tajadas, 01°17’N 78°15’W, 1000 m, ago[sto.19]94, F. Escobar [leg.], #446. Missing L 2/L6 last tarsus, L5 trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus .

Megalomyrmex cyendyra Brandão, 1990: 433. Paratypes: 1W Colombia, Valle [del Cauca], Diguá [Dagua, Parque Nacional Natural Farollones de Cali, El] Queremal, Rio San Juan, [03°31’N 76°43’W], 1300 m View in CoL , 28.vii.[19]73, W.L. Brown [leg.]. Missing A 1. 2W Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Park [Nacional Natural] Farollones de Cali, El Topazio , [Rio] Pance , [03°20’N 76°43’W], 31.xii.1981, J.E. Lattke col. GoogleMaps

Megalomyrmex glaesarius Kempf, 1970: 355 View in CoL . Holotype: 1W Peru, [Cajamarca], Llama, [06°31’S 79°08’W], 2350 m, [no date, W.] Weyrauch [leg.], #1069. Missing L6 femur, tibia and tarsus. Paratypes: 26W Peru, [Cajamarca], Llama, [06°31’S 79°08’W], 2350 m, [no date, W.] Weyrauch [leg.], #1069. One worker missing L5 coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus; two workers with disarticulated postpetiole and gaster glued on a paper triangle; one worker missing A1, L1 tibia and tarsus; one worker missing L6 femur, tibia and tarsus; one worker missing A2, L5 femur, tibia and tarsus.

Megalomyrmex leoninus Forel, 1885: 57. Type[Paralectotype]: 1W Colombia, Coll. Forel. Missing A 1/A2, disarticulated L2 glued on a paper triangle, and L3 glued in the gaster View in CoL .

Megalomyrmex pacova Brandão, 1990: 437. Paratype: 1W Ecuador, 26.iv.1957, in bananas [specimen came from banana shipments arrived at U.S. Quarentine ports – Charleston, South Carolina; Brownsville, Texas; and New York], F. Perlmutter [leg.] View in CoL .

Megalomyrmex timbira Brandão, 1990: 439. Holotype: 1W, Paratype: 1W Venezuela, Táchira, Palmira, La Flautera, 1200 m, 8.viii.1983, J. Lattke col. Paratype with disarticulated L4, postpetiole and gaster glued on a paper triangle View in CoL .

Modestus group

Megalomyrmex ayri Brandão, 1990: 420 View in CoL . Holotype: 1W Brasil, MT [Mato Grosso], Utiariti, Rio Papagaio, 325 m, vii.1961, K. Lenko col., # 1731. Paratypes: 3W 1G Brasil, MT [Mato Grosso], Utiariti, Rio Papagaio , 325 m, vii.1961, K. Lenko col. , #1731. One worker missing A1, L2/L3 trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus, disarticulated head, mandibles and mouth apparatus glued on a paper triangle; one worker with disarticulated head, mandibles, mouth apparatus and A1/A2 glued on a paper triangle; one worker with disarticulated head, mandibles and mouth apparatus glued on a paper triangle; dealate gyne. 3W [ Brazil], MT [Mato Grosso], Sinop , 55°37’W 12°31’S, x.1974 GoogleMaps , [M.] Alv [arenga] & [O.] Roppa [leg.], #12516 . One worker missing L2 tibia and tarsus; one worker missing L6 second to fifth tarsus. 3W 1G Brasil, Mato Grosso, Diamantino, Faz [enda] Junqueira Vilela , [14°25’S 56°26’W], 3 km E[ast] casa, for., 17-18.vii.1973 GoogleMaps , W.L. Brown [leg.]. One worker missing L5 tibia and tarsus; one worker missing L1 femur, tibia and tarsus; dealate gyne. 4W 2G Brasil, Rondônia, Vilhena, Est [rada] V [elha] Colorado , [Chácara Pedro], mata [perto de igarapé], litter, ninho, 31.vii.1988 , Ana Yoshi Harada [leg.]. Dealate gynes; mandibles from other specimen glued on a paper triangle .

Megalomyrmex caete Brandão, 1990: 422. Paratypes: 1W 1G Ecuador, Prov[incia] Guayas, 3 km SW[Southwest] Bucay, mt-base for., 24.vii. [19]73, W.L. Brown [leg.]. One worker missing M2, disarticulated mouth apparatus glued on a paper triangle; dealate gyne missing A2 funiculus View in CoL .

Megalomyrmex cupecuara Brandão, 1990: 423. Paratype: 1M Colombia, [Departament] Valle [del Cauca], 4 km E[ast] Sabaletos, Trop[ical] rain forest, 18.x.1975, R. C. Wilkerson col., malaise trap, Venezuela-Inst[ituto de] Zool[ogía] Agricola, Fac[uldad de] Agronomia, U [niversidad] C[entral de] V [enezuela, Campus] Maracay. Missing part of A2. Paratypes: 1W 1M Colombia, [Departament] Valle [del Cauca], Munic [ipio] Buenaventura, Anchicayá, rainfor[est], 200 m,, W.L. Brown [leg.]. Male missing part of A1/A2. 1M Ecuador, [Provincia Pichincha], 16 km SE[Southeast] S[anto] Domingo de los Colorados, Tinalandia, vi.1975, S. [Peck] & J. Peck. [leg.] View in CoL .

Megalomyrmex goeldii Forel, 1912: 14. Paralectotype: 1W Brasil, RJ[Rio de Janeiro], Colônia Alpina[Teresópolis, no date, E.A.] Goeldi col. View in CoL

Megalomyrmex iheringi Forel, 1911: 304. Cotype[Lectotype]: 1W [ Brazil, São Paulo], A[lto] da Serra [Paranapiacaba, Santo André, 23°47’S 46°19’W, 22.viii.1910, H. F.A.] v. Jheringi [leg., Coll. Borgm.] #2093. Cotypes [Paralectotypes]: 3W [ Brazil, São Paulo], A[lto] da Serra [Paranapiacaba, Santo André, 23°47’S 46°19’W, 22.viii.1910], H.[F.A.] v. Jheringi [leg., Coll. Borgm.] #2093. 7W [ Brazil], SP[São Paulo], Alto da Serra [Paranapiacaba, Santo André, 23°47’S 46°19’W, 22.viii.1910], H.[F.A.] v. Jheringi [leg., MZSP] #15527. 4W [ Brazil, São Paulo, Santo André, Paranapiacaba], Parque Cajuru [Reserva Biológica do Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba, 27.ix.1909, H.] Lüderwaldt [leg., MZSP] #14096. Cotypes [Not types]: 1G [ Brazil, São Paulo], A[lto] da Serra [Paranapiacaba, Santo André, 22.viii.1910, H. F.A.] v. Jheringi [leg., Coll. Borgm.] #2093. Dealate gyne. 1G [ Brazil], SP[São Paulo], Alto da Serra [Paranapiacaba, Santo André], 22.viii.1910, [H. F.A.] v. Jheringi [leg.], #2095. Dealate gyne. Comment: These two gynes labelled as cotype were not described by Forel, who studied only workers, thus we do not consider them as types View in CoL View Cited Treatment .

Megalomyrmex weyrauchi Kempf, 1970: 357 View in CoL . Holotype: 1W Peru, [Cajamarca], Llama, [06°31’S 79°08’W], 2350 m, [no date, W.] Weyrauch [leg., Weyrauch accession number] #1070. Paratypes: 20W Peru, [Cajamarca], Llama, [06°31’S 79°08’W], 2350 m, [no date, W.] Weyrauch [leg., Weyrauch accession number] #1070. Two workers missing A1; one worker missing head; one worker missing A2, L6 tarsus, disarticulated mandibles and mouth apparatus glued on a paper triangle.

Pusillus group

Megalomyrmex drifti Kempf, 1961: 504 View in CoL . Holotype: 1W, Paratypes: 4W Surinam, Dirkshoop , [40 km west of Paramaribo – capital of Surinam], DIIIcd[soil sample taken in primary forest], x.1959, I[J.] v[an] d[er] Drift col. One worker missing petiole, postpetiole and gaster (paratype) .

Megalomyrmex gnomus Kempf, 1970: 359 Holotype View in CoL : 1W [ Brazil], MT [MS/ Mato Grosso do Sul], Corumbá, 18.x.[19]53, C. R. G[onçalves leg.]. Paratypes: 2W [ Brazil], MT [MS/ Mato Grosso do Sul], Cuyabá[Corumbá], 18.x.[19]53, C. R. G[onçalves leg.]. One worker missing A1, disarticulated petiole, postpetiole and gaster glued on a paper triangle. Comment: In the original description all types were designed from the same locality, Corumbá, and Dr. Gonçalves confirmed this information ( Brandão, 1990).

Megalomyrmex incisus M.R. Smith, 1947: 102 View in CoL . Paratypes: 3W [ Panama], Barro Colorado Is[land], C[anal] Z[one], vi-x.1943, [J.] Zetek [leg.], nº 5105, Lot. 43-16534, USNM [National Museum of Natural History] 58040. One worker missing A2; one worker with disarticulated head and missing A1; one worker missing L1/L2 last tarsus, disarticulated mandibles, mouth apparatus and A1 glued on a paper triangle.

Megalomyrmex miri Brandão, 1990: 452 Paratype: 1W Costa Rica, Zent, iii.1924, W.M. Mann [leg.], Coll. Mann 1954. Missing A 1 and L6 last tarsus View in CoL .

Silvestrii group

Megalomyrmex cuatiara Brandão, 1990: 440. Holotype: 1W Colombia, Amazonas, 7 km NW[Northwest] Leticia, [04°09’S 69°57’W], forest, litter, 20-25.ii.1972 [original publication says “iii”], S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.], #250, berl[ese funnel]. Missing L 2 tibia and tarsus. Paratypes: 1G Colombia, Amazonas, 7 km NW[Northwest] Leticia, [04°09’S 69°57’W], forest, litter, 20-25.ii.1972 [original publication says “iii”], S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.], #250, berl[ese funnel]. Dealate gyne. 2W 1G Colombia, Putumayo, Villa Garzón, [01°02’N 76°37’W], 14.viii.[19]77, B. Jackson [leg.]. One worker missing L2 last tarsus. 1W Colombia, Meta, Villavicencio, [04°10’N 73°37’W], forest, litter, 1-4.iii.1972, S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.], #233, berl[ese funnel]. Missing postpetiole and gaster, disarticulated mandibles and A1 glued on a paper. 1G Colombia, Meta, Quebrada Susamuko, 23 km NW[Northwest] Villavivencio, for[est], litter, 1000 m, 5.iii. 1972, S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.], #B-234 View in CoL .

Megalomyrmex mondabora Brandão, 1990: 442. Paratypes: 1W Costa Rica, 3-5 km E[ast] Turrialba, R [io] Reventazón, [09°45’N 83°41’W], 18-22.i.1973, W.L. Brown [leg.]. Missing L 4 last tarsus, disarticulated A1, mandibles and mouth apparatus glued on a paper. 1W [ Brazil], RO[Rondônia], Vilhena, [12°43’S 60°07’W], xi.1973, M. Alvarenga [leg.], #10221. Missing A 1, L1/L2/L3 femur, tibia and tarsus, L4 last tarsus View in CoL .

Megalomyrmex mondaboroides Longino, 2010: 49 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W Panama, [Provincia] Panama, El Lano, 9.279555°N 78.9615°W, forest, in underground nest of Apterostigma goniodes Lattke, 1997 , 30.iii.2011, H. Fernandez-Marin [leg.], #HF010330-50. Comment: One worker of host species, A. gonoides , in the same pin.

Megalomyrmex nocarina Longino, 2010: 51. Paratype: 1W Costa Rica, [Heredia, Cantarrana], 11 km ESE[East-Southeast] La Virgen, 10.34528[°N] 84.05778[°W], wet forest, leaf litter, 300-500 m, 26.ii.2007, [no leg., Proyecto] TEAM AMI-4 -W-123-09 View Cited Treatment .

Megalomyrmex piriana Brandão, 1990: 443. Paratype: 1W Ecuador, Prov [incia] Pichincha, Tinalandia, 16 km SE[Southwest] S[anto] Domingos de los Colorados, [00°18’S 79°04’W],, S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.]. Missing L 1, L2 tibia and tarsus View in CoL .

Megalomyrmex sjöstedti Wheeler, 1925: 30 . Types[Syntypes]: 3W Peru, Llinquipata, [13°49’S 70°38’W], N. Holmgrem [leg.]. Junior synonym of Megalomyrmex silvestrii Wheeler, 1909: 235 View in CoL by Kempf & Brown, 1968: 97.

Megalomyrmex symmetochus Wheeler, 1925: 168. Lectotypus [Paralectotypes]: 1W 1G [ Panama], Barro Colorado I [sland], C[anal] Z[one, 09°10’S 79°51’W], 30.vii.1924, W.M. Wheeler [leg.], nº 790. Dealate gyne, two wings glued on a paper. 1W [ Panama], Barro Colorado I [sland], C[anal] Z[one, 09°10’S 79°51’W], 24.i.1924, W.M. Wheeler [leg.], nº 769. Disarticulated A 1, mandibles and mouth apparatus glued on a paper. 1W [ Panama], Mt [ Mount] Hope, nr[near] Colón, C[anal] Z[one], 24.vii.1924, W.M. Wheeler [leg.], nº 616 View in CoL .

Megalomyrmex tasyba Brandão, 1990: 446. Holotype: 1W Ecuador, Prov [incia] Napo, Limoncocha, 00°24’S 76°36’W, 3.viii.1972, C.W. Rettenmeyer [leg.], #4911. Missing A 1. View in CoL

Megalomyrmex wettereri Brandão, 2003: 155 View Cited Treatment . Paratypes: 2W 1G Panama, Prov[incia] Panama, km 7 of El Llano Carti Suitupo Road, 09°18’02”N 78°57’31”W, 7.vii.1998, U. Mueller [leg.], #980607-01. Dealate gyne missing A1 funiculus. 8W Costa Rica, [Heredia], La Selva, [10°26’N 84°01’W], em ninho Trachymyrmex bugnioni View in CoL , 2.iii.1993, J. Wetterer col. One work- er missing A1, L2 trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus; one worker missing A1.


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Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History












Megalomyrmex Forel, 1885: 56

Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes & Brandão, Carlos R. F. 2013

Megalomyrmex mondaboroides

LONGINO, J. T. 2010: 49

Megalomyrmex nocarina

LONGINO, J. T. 2010: 51

Megalomyrmex wettereri Brandão, 2003: 155

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 2003: 155

Megalomyrmex bidentatus Fernández & Baena, 1997: 112 . Paratype: 1W Colombia , Nariño, Barbacoas, Tajadas , 01°17’N 78°15’W, 1000 m, ago[sto.19]94, F. Escobar [leg.], #446. Missing L 2/L6 last tarsus, L5 trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus

FERNANDEZ, F. & BAENA, M. L. 1997: 112

Megalomyrmex acauna Brandão, 1990: 429

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 429

Megalomyrmex cyendyra Brandão, 1990: 433 . Paratypes: 1W Colombia , Valle [del Cauca], Diguá [Dagua, Parque Nacional Natural Farollones de Cali, El] Queremal , Rio San Juan , [03°31’N 76°43’W], 1300 m

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 433

Megalomyrmex pacova Brandão, 1990: 437 . Paratype: 1W Ecuador , 26.iv.1957, in bananas [specimen came from banana shipments arrived at U.S. Quarentine ports – Charleston, South Carolina; Brownsville , Texas; and New York], F. Perlmutter [leg.]

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 437

Megalomyrmex timbira Brandão, 1990: 439 . Holotype: 1W, Paratype: 1W Venezuela , Táchira, Palmira, La Flautera , 1200 m, 8.viii.1983, J. Lattke col. Paratype with disarticulated L4, postpetiole and gaster glued on a paper triangle

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 439

Megalomyrmex ayri Brandão, 1990: 420

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 420

Megalomyrmex caete Brandão, 1990: 422 . Paratypes: 1W 1G Ecuador , Prov[incia] Guayas, 3 km SW[Southwest] Bucay, mt-base for., 24.vii. [19]73, W.L. Brown [leg.]. One worker missing M2, disarticulated mouth apparatus glued on a paper triangle; dealate gyne missing A2 funiculus

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 422

Megalomyrmex cupecuara Brandão, 1990: 423 . Paratype: 1M Colombia , [Departament] Valle [del Cauca], 4 km E[ast] Sabaletos, Trop[ical] rain forest, 18.x.1975, R . C. Wilkerson col., malaise trap, Venezuela-Inst[ituto de] Zool[ogía] Agricola, Fac[uldad de] Agronomia, U [niversidad] C[entral de] V [enezuela, Campus] Maracay. Missing part of A2. Paratypes: 1W 1M Colombia , [Departament] Valle [del Cauca], Munic [ipio] Buenaventura , Anchicayá , rainfor[est], 200 m,, W.L. Brown [leg.]. Male missing part of A1/A2. 1M Ecuador , [Provincia Pichincha], 16 km SE[Southeast] S[anto] Domingo de los Colorados, Tinalandia, vi.1975, S. [Peck] & J. Peck. [leg.]

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 423

Megalomyrmex miri Brandão, 1990: 452 Paratype : 1W Costa Rica , Zent , iii.1924, W.M. Mann [leg.], Coll. Mann 1954. Missing A 1 and L6 last tarsus

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 452

Megalomyrmex cuatiara Brandão, 1990: 440 . Holotype: 1W Colombia , Amazonas, 7 km NW[Northwest] Leticia, [04°09’S 69°57’W], forest, litter, 20-25.ii.1972 [original publication says “iii”], S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.], #250, berl[ese funnel]. Missing L 2 tibia and tarsus. Paratypes: 1G Colombia , Amazonas , 7 km NW[Northwest] Leticia , [04°09’S 69°57’W], forest, litter, 20-25.ii.1972 [original publication says “iii”], S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.], #250, berl[ese funnel]. Dealate gyne. 2W 1G Colombia , Putumayo, Villa Garzón , [01°02’N 76°37’W], 14.viii.[19]77, B. Jackson [leg.]. One worker missing L2 last tarsus. 1W Colombia , Meta, Villavicencio , [04°10’N 73°37’W], forest, litter, 1-4.iii.1972, S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.], #233, berl[ese funnel]. Missing postpetiole and gaster, disarticulated mandibles and A1 glued on a paper. 1G Colombia , Meta, Quebrada Susamuko , 23 km NW[Northwest] Villavivencio , for[est], litter, 1000 m, 5.iii. 1972, S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.], #B-234

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 440

Megalomyrmex mondabora Brandão, 1990: 442 . Paratypes: 1W Costa Rica , 3-5 km E[ast] Turrialba, R [io] Reventazón , [09°45’N 83°41’W], 18-22.i.1973, W.L. Brown [leg.]. Missing L 4 last tarsus, disarticulated A1, mandibles and mouth apparatus glued on a paper. 1W [ Brazil ], RO[Rondônia], Vilhena, [12°43’S 60°07’W], xi.1973, M. Alvarenga [leg.], #10221. Missing A 1, L1/L2/L3 femur, tibia and tarsus, L4 last tarsus

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 442

Megalomyrmex piriana Brandão, 1990: 443 . Paratype: 1W Ecuador , Prov [incia] Pichincha, Tinalandia, 16 km SE[Southwest] S[anto] Domingos de los Colorados , [00°18’S 79°04’W],, S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.]. Missing L 1, L2 tibia and tarsus

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 443

Megalomyrmex tasyba Brandão, 1990: 446 . Holotype: 1W Ecuador , Prov [incia] Napo, Limoncocha , 00°24’S 76°36’W, 3.viii.1972, C.W. Rettenmeyer [leg.], #4911. Missing A 1.

BRANDAO, C. R. F. 1990: 446

Megalomyrmex glaesarius

KEMPF, W. W. 1970: 355

Megalomyrmex weyrauchi

KEMPF, W. W. 1970: 357

Megalomyrmex gnomus

KEMPF, W. W. 1970: 359

Megalomyrmex drifti

KEMPF, W. W. 1961: 504

Megalomyrmex incisus M.R. Smith, 1947: 102

SMITH, M. R. 1947: 102

Megalomyrmex sjöstedti

KEMPF, W. W. & BROWN JR., W. L. 1968: 97
WHEELER, W. M. 1925: 30
WHEELER, W. M. 1909: 235

Megalomyrmex symmetochus

WHEELER, W. M. 1925: 168

Megalomyrmex goeldii

FOREL, A. 1912: 14

Megalomyrmex iheringi

FOREL, A. 1911: 304


FOREL, A. 1885: 56

Megalomyrmex leoninus

FOREL, A. 1885: 57
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