Verbascum golawanense Fırat, 2017

Firat, Mehmet, 2017, Verbascum golawanense (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from Van, Turkey, Phytotaxa 305 (1), pp. 21-28 : 22-25

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.305.1.3


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scientific name

Verbascum golawanense Fırat

sp. nov.

Verbascum golawanense Fırat View in CoL spec. nov. ( Figs. 1‒3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 ).

Diagnosis: — Verbascum golawanense is morphologically similar to V. lasianthum Boissier ex Bentham , but differs from the latter in the following characteristics: bracts lanceolate, acute (versus triangular-cordate to ovate, acuminate-caudate); pedicels 1 11 mm (versus 5 mm); calyx 2 3 mm, with lobes lanceolate acute and as long as or shorter than tube (versus 4 6 mm, lobes triangular-ovate, acute, slightly longer than tube); corolla 5 16 mm (versus 20‒30 mm); the two anterior stamens with filaments glabrous near apex, (versus all filaments woolly up to anthers); capsule 2 3 × 1 2.5 mm, stellate tomentose (versus 4 6 × 3.5 5 mm, densely tomentose). The diagnostic characters to distinguish the two species are summarized in Table 1.

Type:— TURKEY. B9 Van: from Van to Muradiye, Bendi mahi region, fallow fields, edge of fields, 1659 m, 38°57’42’’N, 43°37’50’’E, 1 July 2011, M. Fırat 27749 (holotype ANK!, isotypes E!, GAZI!, HUB!, VANF!).

Description: —Perennial, 40 200 cm tall, whitish or yellowish stellate tomentose, eglandular; stems robust, terete, woolly, branched; basal leaves broadly lanceolate, 7 40 × 3 9 cm, entire, acute; petioles 1 5 cm long, cauline leaves triangular, acute, 1 8 × 0.8 6 cm; inflorescence forming a pyramidal panicle, well branched with clusters of 2 9 flowers; bracts lanceolate, acute, similar to cauline leaves; pedicels 1 11 mm long; bracteoles lanceolate; calyx 2 3 mm, lobes lanceolate, acute, as long as or shorter than tube; corolla yellow, 5 16 mm diameter, stellate-tomentose on the outside, with pellucid glands only on the inside; stamens 5, filament wool whitish, anthers reniform, two anterior with filaments glabrous near apex, their anthers obliquely inserted; ovary 0.9 × 0.5 mm, ovate; style 3 6 mm long, filiform, stigma 1 mm long, spathulate; capsule ovate-globose, 2 3 × 1 2.5 mm, stellate-tomentose.

Phenology:—Flowering from June to July, fruiting from August to September.

Habitat:—Fallow fields, edge of fields, 1600‒ 800 m.

Etymology:—This new species is named after Lake Wan (Gola Wanê), the only area where the species has been recorded from.

Vernacular name:—In Van province the indigenous people use the name “Masîjark” for Verbascum ( Fırat 2013) .

Additional specimens examined (paratypes): B9 Van: Muradiye, Kale region , steppe, 1900 m, 28 June 1997, M. Ünal 1446 ( VANF!-2917; det. by Murat Ünal as Verbascum decursivum ) ; Van: Erciş, Upper Kozluca district , steppe, 2250 m, 24 June 2001, O. Karabacak 1902 ( VANF!; det. by Lütfi Behçet as Verbascum geminiflorum ) ; Van: Erçiş, between İşbaşı village and Hasanabdal village , steppe, 1796 m, 39°11’47’’N, 43°21’96’’E, 12 July 2007, O. Karabacak 6745 ( VANF!-12937; det. by Osman Karabacak as Verbascum songaricum subsp. subdecurrens ) ; Van: Erçiş, Gözütok village , steppe, 1700 m, 39°06’34’’N, 43°19’56’’E, 29 June 2006, O. Karabacak 4730 ( VANF-12935 ; det. by Osman Karabacak as Verbascum geminiflorum ) GoogleMaps .

Examined representative specimens of Verbascum lasianthum : A4 Ankara: Çubuk, Ovacık-Saraycık villages, Borucağız Hill region , opening shrub, 1250‒1380 m, 3 August 1992, E. Dündar 1452 ( GAZI!) ; Ankara: Çubuk, Hacıkadın stream, steppe, 9 May 1964, R. Çetik & E. Yurdakul 1084 ( ANK!) ; Ankara: Kızılcahamam, Kargasekmez roadside, 1000 m, 12 July 1974, O. Ketenoğlu 4 ( ANK!) ; Ankara: Kızılcahamam, Kargasekmez roadside, 1000 m, 13 July 1974, O. Ketenoğlu 3 ( ANK!) ; Ankara: between Kızılcahamam and Kargasekmez region , creek open oak, 900 m, 9 June 1983, A. Güner et al. 5023 ( GAZI!) ; Kastamonu: Korgun-Ilgaz , oak shrubs, 950 m, 19 July 1993, A.A. Dönmez 3567 ( HUB!) ; Kırıkkale: around Sulakyurt , steppe, 900 m, 19 August 1990, A.A. Dönmez 2804 ( HUB!) ; A5 About HUB Çorum: Iskilip, Koçcağız village, Ayı stream region, 1350‒ 400 m, 17 July 1976, M. Kılınç 6620 ( ANK!) ; Kırıkkale: Keskin, Dinek Mountain, Around Radar , rocky-steppe, 1250 m, 25 July 1993, A.A. Dönmez 3862 ( HUB!) ; Kırıkkale: Keskin road, roadside, 27 June 1987, S. Erik 3201 ( HUB!) ; Kırıkkale: Koçubaba Town, Bağlar region , steppe, 1200 m, 10 August 1989, A.A. Dönmez 1570 ( HUB!) ; B3 About HUB Afyon: Bayat, Asar hill NW-Inpazarcık, 1300 m, 3 August 1975, M. Vural 178 ( ANK!) ; Köroğlubeli , 1400‒1510 m, 2 August 1993, Z. Aytaç et al. 6468 ( GAZI!) ; Eskisehir: Sivrihisar , 1200‒1300 m, D. 36028! (E!) ; Isparta: Şarkikaraağaç, Kızıldağ National Park, Çatakbaşı hill, 1150‒1300 m, 16 July 1195, B. Mutlu 1610 ( HUB!) ; B4 About HUB Ankara: Haymana, Karacaören village, Demirhavey village , stony slopes, 1040 m, 29 July 1992, M. Vural et al. 6215 ( GAZI!) ; Ankara: Beynam , Davis 13004 (E!) ; between Konya and Halatlıbel , afforestation area, serpentine, 1000 m, 4 October 1992, A.A. Dönmez 3007 ( GAZI!) ; Tesiz street, B. Kasaplıgil 5170 ( ANK!) ; B5 Kayseri: 19 km from Kayseri to Sivas road, fallow field, 9 July 1956, H. Birand & K. Karamanoğlu 58 ( ANK!) ; Kırşehir: Kaman, Çağırkan, Baran Mountain , rocky slopes, 1300‒1350 m, 2 August 1993, M. Vural et al. 6800 ( GAZI!) ; Kaman, Çağırkan, Baran Mountain , rocky slopes, 1300‒1350 m, 2 August 1993, M. Vural et al. 6796 ( GAZI!) ; Kırşehir, 20 km Çiçekdağı, from Attepesi to Akçakent , roadside, step, 1300‒1450 m, 5 August 1995, Karavel 2252 ( GAZI!) ; 20 km Çiçekdağı, from Attepesi to Akçakent , roadside, step, 1300‒1450 m, 5 August 1995, Karavel 2319 ( GAZI!) ; Akören-Kamah , roadside, 1230 m, 1 August 1993, M. Vural et al. 6772 ( GAZI!) ; B5 Kayseri: Yemliha, Drawbridge around, 1000‒1030 m, 22 August 1999, S. Erik 6213 ( HUB!) ; Nevşehir: Ürgüp, Göreme valley , volcanic tuff, moist and shady valley, 1200 m, 8 August 1989, M. Vural et al. 5504 ( GAZI!) ; Ürgüp, Göreme between Avanos and, alluvial plains, volcanic tuff, 940 m, 23 June 1983, M. Vural et al. 530 ( GAZI!) ; B5 Niğde: Nevşehir-Ürgüp , step, 1200‒1300 m, 22 June 1952, R. Çetik & Davis 19112 ( ANK!) ; Niğde: Nevsehir to Urgup , 1200‒1300 m, Davis 19112 ( ANK!) ; B6 Kahramanmaraş: Kapıdere , 3 July 1952, Davis & R. Çetik 20425 ( ANK!) ; Sivas: Sivas to Malatya, near Uluguney , 1200 m, Birand & Karamanoğlu 154 ( ANK!) ; B7 Elazığ: 90 km from Elazığ to Kalemdan Bridge , 840 m, 11 July 1956, H. Birand & K. Karamanoğlu 170 ( ANK) ; C4 Antalya: Gazipaşa, Çobanlar villages plateau, Deli eğrik region, 1800‒2000 m, 19 July 1981, H. Sümbül 1121 ( ANK!) ; Isparta: around Lake Kovada , open Pinus brutia forest, 850 m, 29 August 1993, H. Duman et al. 5423 ( GAZI!) ; Karaman: Ermenek, Damlaçal , Cedrus libani forest, 1750 m, 6 July 1978, M. Vural 934 ( ANK!) ; C5 Içel: Mut, Adras Mountain , 1500 m, 20 July 1977, M. Vural 1978 ( KNYA!) ; Içel: Mut, Kelçe village , opening step, 500 700 m, 26 June 2012, E. Şirin 247 ( KNYA!) ; Konya: Ermenek, Damlaçalı , Cedrus libani forest, 1700 m, 7 July 1978, M. Vural 989 ( KNYA!) .

Conservation status assessment: The new species has been found in three locations so far. The overall area of occurrence was estimated as 10 km 2. Verbascum golawanense grows on limestone rocks and steppe. Its habitat continues to decline due to agricultural activities and other local land use. Verbascum golawanense is thus ranked critically endangered CR according to criteria [B1ab (iii)] IUCN (2014).


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