Peckia (Pattonella) intermutans (Walker)

Buenaventura, Eliana & Pape, Thomas, 2013, <strong> Revision of the New World genus <em> Peckia </ em> Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) </ strong>, Zootaxa 3622 (1), pp. 1-87 : 39

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3622.1.1

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scientific name

Peckia (Pattonella) intermutans (Walker)


Peckia (Pattonella) intermutans (Walker) View in CoL

( Figs. 10 View FIGURES 8–16. 8–9 , 18, 19 View FIGURES 17–21. 17 , 55 View FIGURES 54–65. 54 ) (figs. 86–86a in Aldrich 1916, fig. 50 in Curran & Walley 1934, figs. 4–6, 19, 20, 23, 35, 65, 75, 88, 89, 99, 104, 107 in Lopes 1958, figs. 34–38 in Lopes 1975a, fig. 74 in Carvalho & Mello-Patiu 2008, figs. 13E–13H in Giroux et al. 2010, fig. 44 in Vairo et al. 2011)

Sarcophaga intermutans Walker, 1861: 308 View in CoL . Mexico. Holotype female, in BMNH (examined by Aldrich 1930: 20, Lopes 1975a: 544).

Sarcophaga occipitalis Thomson, 1869: 532 View in CoL . Peru, Callao. Holotype female, in NHRS (examined by Aldrich 1930: 27).

Sarcophaga cotyledonea Aldrich, 1916: 187 View in CoL . Brazil, Río de Janeiro. Holotype male, in USNM (examined by Pape in 1988; unpublished).

Pattonella magnifica Enderlein, 1928a: 39 View in CoL . Paraguay. Lectotype male, in ZMHB (designated by Townsend 1938: 51, examined by Pape 1995: 21).

Description. Male. Head. Ocellar setae equal to or shorter than postoculars. Outer vertical seta stronger than postoculars. Black orbital setae. Four frontal setae situated below the dorsal limit of the lunule. Genal setae black anteriorly, yellow or white posteriorly. First two rows of occipital setae black, others yellow. Thorax. Chaetotaxy: acrostichals = 0 + 1, dorsocentrals = 0 + 4 (anterior two shorter), intra-alars = 2 + 2 (anterior one shorter), supraalars = 2 + 3, basal scutellars = 4. Prosternum and posterior surface of hind coxa with yellow or light brown setae. Black antero-ventral scutellar setae. Three katepisternal setae. Postalar wall with white anterior setae. Lower calypter with a central dark spot and a fringe of long hair-like setae along outer margin, extending to its posterior margin. Mid femur with a ctenidium. Antero-dorsal surface of mid tibia with 1 median and 1 apical seta. Ventral surface of hind femur with 1 row of setae. Hind tibia antero-dorsally with 1 seta in the basal third, 1 in the middle third and 1 preapical. Abdomen. Postero-ventral seams between T3/T4 curved anteriorly, so that segments are markedly longer dorsally than ventrally. Posterior seam of T5 projected posteriorly and ventrally. Microtrichosity of the abdomen laterally grey and golden. ST1+3 with yellow or light brown hair-like setae. One lateral setae on each side of T4. T5 with golden microtrichosity. Postero-lateral area of T5 with setae directed towards the ventral body region. Terminalia. ST5 orange. Medial margin of ST5 Λ- shaped. Inner margins of ST5 arms straight. Inner margins of ST5 arms with a patch of short setae on the median region and long hair-like setae posteriorly. Syntergosternite 7+8 as long as high in lateral view, orange, with golden microtrichosity. Epandrium bright orange. Cercus orange proximally and brown or dark brown distally. Dorsal margin of cercus angulated and apex acute in lateral view. Cercus with setae on dorsal setae apically. Surstylus orange, finger-shaped. Pregonite trapezoidalshaped, becoming wider towards the apex, straight in lateral view, with a truncated apex. Postgonite elongated, with a hooked apex. Basi- and distiphallus connected by a desclerotized strip. Phallic tube curved and extremely elongated. Juxta with a demarcated connection with the phallic tube. Juxta without juxtal lateral plate, semisclerotized composed of two lobes. Distiphallus with a pair of lateral styli separated, each with a longitudinal cleft, not visible in lateral view. Vesica composed of two slender filaments, each undulated at mid length.

Variable features. Asymmetry in the number of frontal setae situated below the dorsal limit of the lunule with 5 on the left side and 4 on the right side. Chaetotaxy: dorsocentrals = 0 + 3 (anterior one shorter).

Distribution. NEARCTIC— Mexico (Morelos). NEOTROPICAL— Belize, Brazil (Ceará, Federal District, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Pará, Río de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, São Paulo), Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Chocó, Cundinamarca), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas, Jalisco, Tabasco), Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St. Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago ( Trinidad, Tobago), Venezuela (Aragua).

Material examined. Belize: 2 males, Orange Walk Dist., Río Bravo Cons. , 19.iv.1995, P. Kovarik ( ZMUC) . Brazil: 1 male ( Sarcophaga cotyledonea Aldrich, 1916 , holotype), Río de Janeiro, H. H. Smith ( USNM) ; 1 male, Río de Janeiro, Marambaia , 26.viii.1993, T. Pape ( ZMUC) ; 1 male, Río de Janeiro, Tijuca. Cult. 810, vii.1968, H.S. Lopes ( MNRJ) ; 1 male, São Paulo, Ilha dos Busios , 16.x–04.xi.1963, Exp. Dep. Zool. ( ZMUC) . Colombia: 1 male, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu Camino a San Martín Plataforma a 25m, decomposing fish, 3°41'N 70°15'W, 150m, 01–10.iii.2004, T. Pape & D. Arias ( IAvH) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but sweep net ( IAvH) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu, Camino a San Martin , 03°41'N 70°15'W, 01–10.iii.2004, T.Pape & D.Arias ( ZMUC) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Antioquia, Amalfi, Porce, Hda. [Hacienda] Normandía , Bosque , VSR, decomposing fish, 6°44'52''N 75°05'06''W, 1050m, 25.x.1998, P Duque ( CEUA) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Antioquia, Amalfi, Vda. [Vereda] El lagarto cerca casa, 04.viii.2005, S. Martínez ( CEUA) ; 3 males, Antioquia, Envigado, El escobero en chucha, Criadas desde LI, iii.2005, GEUA ( CEUA) ; 4 males, Antioquia, La Pintada, Hda. [Hacienda] Montenegro Comfenalco , Bosque , VSR 1800, decomposing fish, 5°43'25''N 75°37'15''W, 850m, 20.iv.2007, N. Uribe ( CEUA) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, Antioquia, Maceo, Reserva Cañon del Río Alicante, Bosque , VSR, 05.xii.2000, S Perez ( CEUA) ; 2 males, Antioquia, Medellín, Zona rural La Sierra H 146, 10.xi.2004, Fiscal ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Boyacá, Puerto Boyacá, Puerto Romero , iv.2001 ( ICN) ; 1 male, Boyacá, Santa María, La almenara, Bosque Est. Arbustivo. , 900m, 09.ix.2000, J. Pulecio ( ICN) ; 1 male, Boyacá, Santa María, Vda. [Vereda] Caño Negro Camino a La Cristalina , sweep net, decomposing fish, 4°50'54''N 73°16'21''W, 729m, 29.xii.2008, E. Buenaventura ( ICN) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Chocó, Jobi Chagualito patio casero, VSR, decomposing fish, 1–2.viii.2006, M Wolff & P Duque ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Cundinamarca, La mesa, El Espino , pig, 09.xii.2002 ( CEUA) . Costa Rica: 2 males, Guanacaste, Guan. Nat. Pk. Maritza Fld st, Casafran Trail , 600–1000m, 2–8.ix.1996, Gustafsson, Pape & Viklund ( ICN) ; 10 males, San José, San José, Ciudad Universitaria , 1200m, x.1998, R.G. Franceschi ( ZMUC) . Ecuador: 3 males, Napo Province, Yasuní National Park, Yasuní Research Station , 76°36'W 00°38'S, 03–20.xi.1998, T. Pape & B. Viklund ( ZMUC) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Paramba 3500', V. 97, dry season ( Rosenberg ) Purchd. fr. Rosenberg. B.M. 1899–104, B.M. ( MNRJ) . Honduras: 2 males, Colon, Sangrelaya , 13.iv.1924 ( MNRJ) . Mexico: 1 male ( Sarcophaga volucris Wulp, 1895 , labelled as syntype), Tabasco, Teapa, Jan. [January], H. H. S. [H. H. Smith] ( BMNH) . Nicaragua: 4 males, Masaya Dist., Laguna de Apoyo , 28.ix.1993, E. van der Berghe ( ZMUC) . Panama: 1 male, Colón, Fort Sherman, Cativo forest, Skunk Hollow Road , 07.v.2000, J. Méndez ( ZMUC) ; 2 males, Panama City, 04.viii.1992, J. Méndez ( ZMUC) . Venezuela: 13 males, Aragua, Henri Pittier Nat. Park, nr Rancho Grande , 1100–1800m, 12–30.xi.1997, T. Pape ( ZMUC) .


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural














Peckia (Pattonella) intermutans (Walker)

Buenaventura, Eliana & Pape, Thomas 2013

Pattonella magnifica

Pape, T. 1995: 21
Townsend, C. H. T. 1938: 51
Enderlein, G. 1928: 39

Sarcophaga cotyledonea

Aldrich, J. M. 1916: 187

Sarcophaga occipitalis

Aldrich, J. M. 1930: 27
Thomson, C. G. 1869: 532

Sarcophaga intermutans

Lopes, H. S. 1975: 544
Aldrich, J. M. 1930: 20
Walker, F. 1861: 308
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