Orionis brasiliensis Bortoni, Souza-Gessner & Penteado-Dias

Bortoni, Marco Aurélio, Shimbori, Eduardo Mitio, Shaw, Scott Richard, Souza-Gessner, Carolina Da Silva & Penteado-Dias, Angélica Maria, 2016, A review of the genus Orionis Shaw (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Euphorinae) and first records of the genus from South America and the Oriental Region, Zootaxa 4208 (3), pp. 249-260 : 251-253

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Orionis brasiliensis Bortoni, Souza-Gessner & Penteado-Dias

sp. nov.

Orionis brasiliensis Bortoni, Souza-Gessner & Penteado-Dias sp. nov.

( Figures 1–7 View FIGURES 1 – 7 )

Female. Body length 5.5 mm; ovipositor length 7.4 mm

Head. Flagellum with 21 segments; malar space 0.3 basal width of mandible; ocular setae absent; face setose; frons mostly smooth.

Mesosoma. Pronotum and propleuron roughly punctate; mesonotum densely setose with lateral lobes sparsely setose, median lobe without longitudinal carina, punctuate anteriorly and strongly rugose posteriorly, slightly rugose along the notauli; scutellar sulcus 2-foveate, smooth with median carina (in masoni is 2-foveate, meaning 1 median carina; in eximius scutellar sulcus have 1 median + 1 pair of lateral carina or 4-foveate) mesopleuron densely setose with anterior and ventral portion strongly rugose, sternaulus weakly defined; propodeum and mesopleuron areolate-rugose.

Wings. Fore wing: m-cu distinctly basad to 2RS; R1 1.3 × stigma length. Vein 1a present. Hind wing cu-a:1M: r-m = 10:12:10.

Metasoma. Petiole mostly smooth, weakly striate dorsally ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ), remaining terga completely smooth. Length of petiole 0.6 × length of mesosoma. Length of petiole about 4.3 × longer than its apical width. Apical width of petiole 3 × its narrowest subbasal width. Ovipositor sheaths 2.0 × petiole.

Color. Head black, except for palps, mandibles, apex of antennal sockets, apex pedicels and ocelli yellowish. Mesosoma black. Tegula and wing venation dark brown. Fore legs light yellow. Median legs with coxae and trochanters light yellow, trochantellus yellowish brown, femora dark brown to black; tibia, spurs and tarsi dark brown. Hind legs black, except for apex of coxae, trochanters, base of tibia light brown, trochantellus yellowish brown. Metasoma with T1 black, remaining terga dark brown, ovipositor and sheaths light yellow.

Variation. The yellow and brown body parts of males are darker, two females collected in 2.061 m present this darker color pattern. The specimens collected in 1.070 m (all females) have the same color pattern of holotype, but they do not have the fore wing vein 1a, which is presented by all the specimens collected in 2.061 m. Body length: 5.3–5.7 mm. Ovipositor length: 7.4–7.6 mm. Flagellum: 22–25 segments (males: 23–25; females: 22–23). R1/ stigma length: 1.2–1.4. Length of petiole/mesosoma: 0.5–0.6. Length of petiole / apical width of T1: 3.2–3.4. Length of ovipositor sheaths/petiole: 1.9–2.0.

Biology. Unknown.

Comments. Orionis brasiliensis sp. nov. resembles O. eximius in color pattern, with a mostly black mesosoma and hind coxa dark brown. It differs from O. eximius by the absence of a median longitudinal carina on mesoscutum, which is present in O. eximius , and by the scutellar sulcus with only one carina, compared with three carinae in O. eximius . The two mentioned characters are also present in O. masoni ; however, O. brasiliensis has the middle femur and hind coxa mostly black, compared with brownish yellow in O. masoni . The general body color pattern is darker compared with O. masoni , and the petiole is relatively shorter (0.5–0.6 × length of mesosoma in O. brasiliensis compared with 0.8 × in O. masoni ) and striate in apical half in O. brasiliensis sp. nov., but entirely smooth in O. masoni .

Type material. Holotype, ♀ “ Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , Itatiaia, RJ, Brazil, Armadilha Malaise, 25.IV.2014, S 22°24'10,6", W 44°36'28,3", 2061m, R.F Monteiro col.” GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1♀ ( DCBU 100891 View Materials ), same data as holotype GoogleMaps . 2♂ ( DCBU 100885, 100886 ) “ Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , Itatiaia, RJ, Brazil, Armadilha Malaise, 27.II.2014, S 22°24'10,6", W 44°36'28,3", 2061m, R.F Monteiro col.” GoogleMaps . 2♂ ( DCBU 100884 View Materials ) “ Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , Itatiaia, RJ, Brazil, Armadilha Malaise, 21.XI.2013, S 22°24'10,6", W 44°36'28,3", 2061m, R.F Monteiro col.” GoogleMaps . 2♂ ( DCBU 100888, 100889 ) “ Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , Itatiaia, RJ, Brazil, Armadilha Malaise, 20.XII.2013, S 22°24'10,6", W 44°36'28,3", 2061m, R.F Monteiro col.” GoogleMaps . 1♀ ( DCBU 100893 View Materials ) “ Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , Itatiaia, RJ, Brazil, Armadilha Malaise, 21.XI.2013, S 22°24'1,4", W 44°36'49,5", 1070m, R.F Monteiro col.” GoogleMaps . 1♀ ( DCBU 100892 View Materials ) “ Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , Itatiaia, RJ, Brazil, Armadilha Malaise, 20.XII.2013, S 22°24'1,4", W 44°36'49,5", 1070m, R.F Monteiro col.” GoogleMaps . 1♀ ( DCBU 100883 View Materials ) “ Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , Itatiaia, RJ, Brazil, Armadilha Malaise, 16.I.2014, S 22°24'1,4", W 44°36'49,5", 1070m, R.F Monteiro col.” GoogleMaps . 1♀ ( DCBU 100887 View Materials ) “ Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , Itatiaia, RJ, Brazil, Armadilha Malaise, 26.VII.2014, S 22°24'1,4", W 44°36'49,5", 1070m, R.F Monteiro col.”. GoogleMaps

Distribution: Only recorded from the type locality in Itatiaia National Park, RJ, Brazil. Etymology: The name refers to the country of the type locality.


Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos













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