Copelatus posticatus (Fabricius, 1801)

Manuel, Michaël, Deler-Hernández, Albert, Megna, Yoandri S. & Hájek, Jiří, 2018, Copelatus Erichson from the Dominican Republic, with the description of a new species, comments on elytral striation and faunistic notes on Antillean species (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Copelatinae), Zootaxa 4399 (3), pp. 371-385 : 380

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Copelatus posticatus (Fabricius, 1801)


Copelatus posticatus (Fabricius, 1801) View in CoL

( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 14–18 )

Published records (Hispaniola). Blackwelder (1944: 78), Peck (2005: 44), Perez-Gelabert (2008: 77) (all without precise locality).

Material examined. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 8 spec., ( NMPC), Barahona, MN Domingo Fuerte " Cachote ", 18°5.21'N 71°11.46'W, 1205 m, 14.viii.2014, M. Fikáček leg. 2 spec GoogleMaps . ( NMPC), Barahona, 2.6 km SE of Polo , 18°4.82'N 71°15.53'W, 570 m, 16.viii.2014, A. Deler-Hernández, M. Fikáček, M. Gimmel leg. 8 spec GoogleMaps . ( NMPC), Azua, 12.3 km NW of Azua, crossing of Río Jura , 18°32.54'N 70°48.91'W, 292 m, 7.ix.2014, A. Deler- Hernández, M. Fikáček, M. Gimmel leg. 11 spec GoogleMaps . ( NMPC) La Vega, Res. Ebano Verde (around admin. centre), 19°1.96'N 70°32.59'W, 1070 m, 24.viii.2014, A. Deler-Hernández, M. Fikáček, M. Gimmel leg. 4 spec GoogleMaps . ( NMPC), La Vega at S margin of Manabao , 19°3.85'N 70°47.61'W, 912 m, 27.viii.2014, A. Deler-Hernández, M. Fikáček, M. Gimmel leg. 6 spec GoogleMaps . ( NMPC), M.T. Sánchez , MN Bosque Húmedo Río San Juan, 19°40.46'N 70°0.66'W, 10m, 1.ix.2014, A. Deler-Hernández, M. Fikáček, M. Gimmel leg. 12 spec GoogleMaps . ( NMPC), Puerto Plata, MN Salto Damajagua, 2.3 km SE of Imbert , 19°44.28'N 70°48.72'W, 188 m, 31.viii.2014, A. Deler-Hernández, M. Fikáček, M. Gimmel leg. 8 spec GoogleMaps . ( NMPC), Samaná, MN Salto El Limón 2.8 km SSW of El Limón , 19°16.56'S 69°26.47'W, 160 m, 2.ix.2014, A. Deler-Hernández, M. Fikáček, M. Gimmel leg. 2 spec GoogleMaps . ( NMPC) Puerto Plata, MN Isabel de Torres above Pue. Plata , 19°45.92'N 70°42.71'W, 710 m, 31.viii.2014, A. Deler-Hernández, M. Fikáček, M. Gimmel leg. 8 spec GoogleMaps . ( NMPC), Duarte, Río Nagua 12.3 km NW of Castillo , 19°18.76'N 70°4.31'W, 122 m, 4.ix.2014, A. Deler-Hernández, M. Fikáček, M. Gimmel leg. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. See Megna & Epler (2012).

Variability. In specimens from the Dominican Republic, strioles on the pronotum are less deeply impressed than in those from Cuba. Specimens from Cuba and from the Dominican Republic tend to display a more contrasted dorsal colour pattern than those from Guadeloupe (testaceous areas along pronotum lateral margins, elytral base, lateral margins and towards elytral apex, more extended and better delimited), with some variability in all localities.

Collection circumstances. Copelatus posticatus is the most frequently collected species of the genus in the Dominican Republic. It was found in lentic (permanent and temporary) habitats, where it was predominantly associated with turbid waters with muddy bottom.

Distribution. Widespread Neotropical species, from Mexico to Brazil. In the Antilles, recorded from Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Montserrat, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, and Tobago.


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