Calchas nordmanni Birula, 1899

Fet, Victor, Soleglad, Michael E. & Kovařík, František, 2009, Etudes on iurids, II. Revision of genus Calchas Birula, 1899, with the description of two new species (Scorpiones: Iuridae), Euscorpius 82 (82), pp. 1-72 : 42-57

publication ID 10.18590/euscorpius.2009.vol2009.iss82.1

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scientific name

Calchas nordmanni Birula, 1899


Calchas nordmanni Birula, 1899 View in CoL

( Figs. 25 View Figure 25 , 28–41 View Figures 26–31 View Figure 32 View Figure 33 View Figure 34 View Figure 35 View Figure 36 View Figure 37 View Figure 38 View Figure 39 View Figure 40 View Figure 41 ; Tables 2, 3)

Calchas nordmanni Birula, 1899 : XV.

Syntypes. 2 ♀ subad. ( ZISP 942 View Materials ), TURKEY, Artvin Province, Ardanuç District, Ardanuç , in houses, 5(17) July 1898, K. M. Deryugin leg.

REFERENCES (selected; see Sissom & Fet, 2000: 418– 419 for the full list of secondary references; all references before 1980 apply only to Calchas nordmanni View in CoL ):

Calchas nordmanni View in CoL : Birula, 1899: XV; Birula, 1900: 252–255; Birula, 1905: 130–131; Birula, 1911: 175–177, figs. 2–3; Birula, 1912: 124–125; Birula, 1917a: 138–153, figs. 11–15; Birula, 1917b: 143– 159, pl. II, figs. 1–9, pl. IV, figs. 1–2; Vachon, 1971: 406–408, figs. 1–12; Vachon, 1974, figs. 166, 180, 19 6–198, 212–215; Kinzelbach, 1980: 169– 174 (in part), figs. 3–4, 5 (map localities 1–13); Francke & Soleglad, 1981: 245–248 (in part), figs. 1–4; Kinzelbach, 1982: 58 (in part); Kinzelbach, 1985: Map IV (in part); Lourenço, 1998: 140, fig. 4; Crucitti, 1999: 87 (in part); Kovařík, 1999: 40, 42 (in part); Fet & Braunwalder, 2000: 18 (in part); Sissom & Fet, 2000: 418–419 (in part); Crucitti & Cicuzza, 2001: fig. 7 (in part); Crucitti & Vignoli, 2002: 458–459; Graham & Fet, 2006: 6; Kaltsas et al., 2008: 227 (in part); Kamenz & Prendini, 2008: 43 (in part), pl. 62.

Paraiurus nordmanni : Vachon & Kinzelbach, 1987: 99, 102, fig. 6 (in part).

Diagnosis. Medium-sized scorpion with heavy chelae, 45–52 mm in length, pectinal tooth counts, 7 male and 6–7 (6) female. Coloration variable, adult specimens are dorsally red brown or dark brown with darker, almost black, pedipalpal and metasomal carinae; the legs and telson are lighter, yellow, yellow brown or brown. Telson vesicle elongated, with short, abruptly curved aculeus; subaculear setal pair (SSP) located on aculeus base. Six and five inner denticles (ID) and seven and six median denticle (MD) groups on the movable and fixed fingers, respectively. Fixed finger of chela same length as palm, trichobothrium it located at fixed finger midpoint. Trichobothrium dst located distally of midpoint between dt and db. Metasomal segment V 2.5 times longer than wide.

Distribution. TURKEY: northeast (Artvin and Erzurum Provinces) (see maps in Figs. 38 View Figure 38 , 39 View Figure 39 ).

Material examined: (2 ♂, 5 ♀, 3 juv.): TURKEY, Artvin / Erzurum Provinces : 3 ♀, 1 juv. ( FKCP), “Demirkent, Tortum” [i.e., between Demirkent (Artvin Province, Yusufeli District, 40.885°N 41.738°E) and Tortum (Erzurum Province, Tortum District, 40.298°N, 41.548°E)], 3 June 1992, J. Bradka & R. Nergr leg. GoogleMaps ; Erzurum Province: 1 ♀, 1 ♂ subad. ( NMM 0203 ), Tortum, April 1970, C. Kosswig leg.; 2 ♀ juv. ( ZMUH A39 View Materials /71), Yusufeli , 40.817°N, 41.55°E, 30 April 1971, C. Kosswig leg.; 1 ♀ ( FKCP), Tortum, 7 June 1992, M. Kaftan & R. Nergr leg. No specific locality: 1 ♂ ( MNHN RS 5171 View Materials ), “Turkey, FANY”, 1965, M. Tsabar leg. [Note: FANY could be an acronym of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry, a British women's ambulance unit] GoogleMaps .

Other specimens /localities (material not examined): TURKEY, Artvin Province : 2 ♀ subad. syntypes ( ZISP 942 View Materials ), Ardanuç , 41.128°N, 42.059°E, in houses, 5(17) July 1898, K. M. Deryugin leg. GoogleMaps ; 2 ♀ ad., 1 ♂ ad., 2 ♂ juv., 4 ♀ juv. ( ZISP 1394 View Materials , only one specimen exists,


Euscorpius — 2009, No. 82

others not found), Lomashen (Lomasheni) near Artvin, 41.182°N, 41.819°E, 10(23) June 1909, P. V. Nesterov leg.; 1 ♂ ad. ( ZISP 1395 View Materials ), Lomashen near Artvin, July 1911, Yu. N. Voronov leg. ; 1 ♀ ad., 1 ♀ subad., 1 ♀ juv. ( GNM 243 View Materials , only two specimens exist), Khakhauch , Keniya Mts. , left bank of Çoruh River, SE Artvin, July 1911, Yu. N. Voronov leg. ; 3 ♀ juv., 1 ♂ juv., 1 ♀ pull. ( GNM 211 View Materials ), Svetibar [Svetibari] near Artvin, July 1911, Yu. N. Voronov leg. ; 1 ♀ ad. (formerly in ZISP, not found), Çoruh River , near Borçka, 41.3625°N, 41.68°E, 15 (28) May 1910, P. V. Nesterov leg. GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀ ad., 2 ♀ juv., 1 ♂ juv. (formerly in ZISP, not found), near Artvin , 29 May (11 June) 1912, B. Lindholm leg. ; 1 ♀ ( AMNH [ LP 2246 View Materials ]), Ardanuç [reported as “Ardanug”], 26 August 2001, A. Karataş leg. (Kamenz & Prendini, 2008) . Erzurum Province : 1 ♂ ad. ( GNM 212 View Materials ), N of Oltu, border post Erük [now Örik], 30 May (12 June) 1904, E. König leg. ; 1 ♀ juv. ( GNM 519 View Materials ), Oltu District , Anzov [now Anzav], 24 August (6 September) 1905, E. König leg. ; 1 ♂ juv. ( ZISP 1393 View Materials ), Oltu District , near Oltu, 40.55°N, 41.983°E, 12 (25) August 1 910, P. Nesterov leg. GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen ( ZSRO 1052 ), Ispir , rock and castle within the town, left bank of Çoruh Nehri, 40.483° N, 40.995°E, site no. VO-1988/328, 26–27 July 1988, R. Kinzelbach leg. Artvin GoogleMaps / Erzurum Provinces : Çoruh River, near Artvin, and between Artvin and Yusufeli, July– August 1999 [P. Crucitti & V. Vignoli leg.], depository and specimen data unspecified (Crucitti & Vignoli, 2002) .

Identification of C. nordmanni . Two syntypes ( ZISP 942) and other existing specimens studied by A. A. Birula in 1899–1917 ( ZISP, GNM) were not available for this study. We, however, examined 10 specimens of C. nordmanni , including eight from the area between Demirkent and Tortum. This area (see map in Fig. 39 View Figure 39 ) is close to the localities originally listed by Birula (1899, 1900, 1912, 1917a, 1917b), and is well removed from the known ranges of C. birulai sp. nov. and C. gruberi sp. nov. Morphology of our specimens is consistent with the detailed illustrations and description provided by Vachon (1971), based on a single male specimen from Lomashen near Artvin, which belongs to the original Birula collection ( ZISP 1395). In particular, our specimens match the movable finger dentition of six ID and seven MD denticle groups ( Fig. 25 View Figure 25 ); the trichobothrial pattern also matches, trichobothrium dst located much closer to dt than db. See full trichobothrial pattern for this species in Figure 41 View Figure 41 . The overall telson structure is consistent with Birula’s (1917a: fig. 13; 1917b: Pl. II, figs. 6–7) description ( Figs. 28–31 View Figures 26–31 ), and the coloration and patterns seen in two studied females ( Fig. 40 View Figure 40 ) is as described by Birula (1917a, 1917b). Finally, the pectinal tooth counts, male and female, are consistent with those reported by Birula (1917a, 1917b) ( Fig. 36 View Figure 36 ).

Calchas birulai Fet, Soleglad et Kovařík , sp. nov. ( Figs. 4–5 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 , 8–9 View Figure 8 View Figure 9 , 13 View Figure 13 , 15 View Figure 15 , 16 View Figure 16 , 20–23 View Figure 20 View Figure 21 View Figure 22 View Figure 23 , 25 View Figure 25 , 27 View Figures 26–31 , 32–38 View Figure 32 View Figure 33 View Figure 34 View Figure 35 View Figure 36 View Figure 37 View Figure 38 , 42–58 View Figure 42 View Figure 43 View Figures 44–53 View Figure 54 View Figure 55 View Figure 56 View Figure 57 View Figure 58 ;

Tables 2, 3)


Calchas nordmanni : Kinzelbach, 1980: 169–174 (in part), fig. 5 (map localities 14–15); Francke & Soleglad, 1981: 245–248 (in part), fig. 20; Kinzelbach, 1982: 58 (in part); Kinzelbach, 1985: Map IV (in part); Kovařík, 1997: 184; Crucitti, 1999: 87 (in part); Kovařík, 1999: 40, 42 (in part); Fet & Braunwalder, 2000: 18 (in part); Sissom & Fet, 2000: 418–419 (in part); Crucitti & Cicuzza, 2001: fig. 7 (in part); Soleglad & Fet, 2003 b: 7 (in part), Karataş & Çolak, 2005: 4; Fet & Soleglad, 2008: 256 (in part), fig. 5; Kaltsas et al., 2008: 227 (in part); Kamenz & Prendini, 2008: 43 (in part); Soleglad et al., 2009: 2 (in part).

Paraiurus nordmanni : Vachon & Kinzelbach, 1987: 99, 102, fig. 6 (in part).

Holotype: ♂ ( NMW 0843 View Materials ), TURKEY, Mardin Province: Mardin, 6 May 1966, J. Eiselt et al. leg . Paratypes (11 ♂, 14 ♀, 4 juv.), see list below.

Diagnosis. Small-sized scorpion with heavy chelae, 25– 28 mm in length, pectinal tooth counts, 5–6 (6) male and 5–6 (5) female. Coloration yellow-orange with little pigmented patterns. Telson with short, abruptly curved aculeus; subaculear setal pair (SSP) located on aculeus base. Six and five inner denticles (ID) and seven and six median denticle (MD) groups on the movable and fixed fingers, respectively. Fixed finger of chela shorter than palm, trichobothrium it located proximally of fixed finger midpoint. Trichobothrium dst is equidistant between dt and db. Metasomal segment V two times longer than wide.

Distribution. TURKEY: southeast (Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Malatya, Mardin, Şanlıurfa, and Siirt Provinces). IRAQ: north (Arbil Province).? SYRIA (unconfirmed sighting, see Introduction) (see maps in Figs. 38 View Figure 38 , 42 View Figure 42 ).

Etymology. Species name is a patronym honoring the famous Russian scorpiologist, Alexei Andreevich Byalynitskii-Birula (A. A. Birula) (1864–1937),

formerly of the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, the discoverer of Calchas .

MALE. Description based on holotype male from Mardin, Turkey. Measurements of the holotype plus three other specimens are presented in Table 3. See Figure 43 View Figure 43 for a dorsal view of the male holotype .

COLORATION. Basic color of carapace, mesosoma, metasoma, pedipalps yellow-orange; telson and legs yellow; carinae of pedipalps and metasoma, and leg condyles reddish; chelal finger dentition and telson aculeus a dark brown. No variegated patterns present.

CARAPACE ( Fig. 44 View Figures 44–53 ). Anterior edge with a small median indentation, five small irregularly placed setae visible; interocular area somewhat rough with scatter granulation, though smooth around the immediate area of the median eyes; posterior lateral aspects covered with medium to large granules. Anterior and lateral edges next to lateral eyes with small but conspicuous pointed granules. Mediolateral ocular carinae present and granular, extending to the lateral eyes; lateral eyes number two, the posterior eye slightly larger. Median eyes and tubercle somewhat small, positioned considerably anterior of middle with the following length and width formulas: 100|335 (anterior edge to medium tubercle middle |carapace length) and 40|250 (width of median tubercle including eyes| width of carapace at that point).

MESOSOMA ( Fig. 46 View Figures 44–53 ). Tergites I–II granulated on extreme posterior edge, III–VI with heavier granulation, primarily on posterior half; tergite VII covered with coarse granules with two pairs of granulate carinae. Sternites III–VI smooth and lustrous, VII surface rough; on segment VII, one pair of irregularly granulated lateral carinae and one median pair essentially obsolete with some traces present posteriorly. Stigmata ( Fig. 46 View Figures 44–53 ) are short sub-oval in shape, angled 45 degrees in an anterointernal direction.

METASOMA ( Figs. 49–50 View Figures 44–53 ). Segments I–IV: dorsal and dorsolateral carinae crenulate; dorsal (I–IV) and dorsolateral (I–III) carinae terminate with spine; lateral carinae crenulate on I, present on one-half of II, on 30 % of III, and absent on IV; ventrolateral and ventromedian carinae crenulate. Dorsolateral carinae of segment IV terminate at articulation condyle. Segment V: dorsolateral carinae crenulate; lateral carinae crenulate for two-thirds of posterior aspect; ventrolateral and single ventromedian carinae crenulate; ventromedian carina not bifurcated, terminating in straight line ( Fig. 50 View Figures 44–53 ). Intercarinal areas of segments I–IV essentially smooth ventrally, with scattered granulation laterally; segment V

Fet, Soleglad & Kovařík: Revision of Calchas with Two New Species 49

with heavy granulation on ventral surface. Metasoma essentially void of setation.

TELSON ( Figs. 49–50, 51 View Figures 44–53 , paratype female from Mardin). Elongated vesicle with short abruptly curved aculeus. Vesicle ventral surface covered with medium sized granules, heavier basally; scattered setae located on ventral surface of vesicle; subaculear setal pair (SSP) located on base of aculeus, distal of vesicle/aculeus juncture.

PECTINES ( Fig. 47 View Figures 44–53 ). Well-developed segments exhibiting length|width formula 340|190 (length taken at anterior lamellae|width at widest point including teeth). Sclerite construction complex, three anterior lamellae and 4/4 middle lamellae; fulcra of medium development. Teeth number 6/6. Sensory areas developed along most of tooth inner length on all teeth, including basal tooth. Small white setae found on anterior lamellae and distal pectinal tooth. Basal piece large, with deep indentation along anterior edge, length| width formula 80|115.

PREPECTINAL PLATE ( Fig. 47 View Figures 44–53 ). Not present in male (see discussion on female below).

GENITAL OPERCULUM ( Fig. 47 View Figures 44–53 ). Sclerites large, subtriangular, approximately as wide as long, separated for most of length. Conspicuous genital papillae present between the sclerites, but not extending beyond the posterior edge (see discussion on female below).

STERNUM ( Fig. 47 View Figures 44–53 ). Type 2, posterior emargination present, well-defined convex lateral lobes, apex visible but not conspicuous; wider than long, length|width formula 85|135; sclerite tapers anteriorly, posterior-width| anterior-width formula 135|108.

CHELICERAE ( Fig. 53 View Figures 44–53 , female). Movable finger dorsal edge with one large subdistal (sd) denticle; ventral edge with two small pigmented crenulations (va) on the distal half, and one large pigmented accessory denticle at finger base; ventral edge with heavy setal brush covering well-developed serrula with over 20 contiguous tines, terminating just before distal tip. Ventral distal denticle (vd) considerably longer than dorsal (dd). Fixed finger with four denticles, median (m) and basal (b) denticles conjoined on common trunk; no ventral accessory denticles present.

PEDIPALPS ( Figs. 48 View Figures 44–53 , 54 View Figure 54 ). Short fingered, strong chelae, heavily carinated, no scalloping on chelal fingers, thus not exhibiting sexual dimorphism in this structure. Femur: Dorsointernal and ventrointernal carinae serrate, dorsoexternal carina crenulate, ventroexternal rounded. Dorsal and internal surfaces sparsely granulate, ventral smooth, and external surface with line of serrate granules. Patella: Dorsointernal and ventrointernal carinae serrate, dorsoexternal granulate, ventroexternal rough rounded, and exteromedian carina granulate. Dorsal, ventral, and external surfaces smooth; external surface with granulate exteromedian carina; internal surface smooth except for weakly developed doubled DPS and single VPS. Chelal carinae: Complies with the “8-carinae configuration”. Digital (D1) carina strong, smooth to granulate; dorsosecondary (D3) present on basal half only, smooth; dorsomarginal (D4) rounded, continuous, with granules; dorsointernal (D5) weak, sparsely granulated; ventroexternal (V1) strong and granulated proximally, terminating at external condyle of movable finger; ventrointernal (V3) strong and smooth, continuous to internal condyle; external (E) strong, continuous, essentially smooth except for proximal one-fifth which is granulate; internal (I) weak, rounded, not continuous, with small granules. Chelal finger dentition ( Fig. 48 View Figures 44–53 ): median denticle (MD) row groups oblique and slighting imbricating, numbering 6/6 and 7/7 on fixed and movable fingers; 5/5 and 6/6 internal denticles (ID) and 5/5 and 6/6 outer denticles (OD) on fixed and movable fingers, respectively. No accessory denticles present. Number of MD denticles on movable finger is 55. Trichobothrial patterns ( Fig. 54 View Figure 54 ): Type C, orthobothriotaxic. See discussion of trichobothria differences between Calchas species which highlights the pattern of this male type.

LEGS ( Fig. 45 View Figures 44–53 ). Both pedal spurs present on all legs; tibial spurs present on legs III and IV. Tarsus covered heavily with large socketed setae on ventral surface.

HEMISPERMATOPHORE ( FIG View Figure 55 . 55). In Figure 55 View Figure 55 the right hemispermatophore ventral view is illustrated. It is consistent with the C. birulai hemispermatophore described in detail elsewhere. The overall structure is simplistic with a straight, parallel, and somewhat wide lamina terminating in a blunt, slightly tapered distal tip. The distal tip is thickened on the external edge exhibiting a slight sclerotization. The lamina base lacks a basal constriction but a slight angled expansion is visible just proximally of the lamina midpoint. At the lamina base is a nonpigmented, slightly sclerotized thin pointed internal protuberance. Emanating from the internal aspect of the capsular area is a highly pigmented sclerotized acuminate process terminating in a delicately truncated point.

Female Paratype (Mardin, Turkey, Figs. 51–53 View Figures 44–53 ). Adult females are approximately the same size as the male, 24.60–27.00 [2] for males, compared to 25.90– 28.00 [2] for females. The genders do not exhibit any significant morphometric differences except for the carapace length, which is relatively larger in the female; the female carapace length dominated in every possible ratio calculation. Pectinal tooth counts in the male exceed the female by one tooth over 80 % of the samples, male 5–6 (5.97) [30], female 5–6 (5.15) [26] (see histograms in Fig. 36 View Figure 36 ). The genital operculum of the male is dramatically different from that in the female ( Figs. 47, 52 View Figures 44–53 ). The sclerites, subtriangular in shape, are as long as or longer than wide in the male, whereas in the female the sclerites are short and wide, more than twice as wide as long. Whereas the sclerites are fused medially in the female, they are separated their entire length in the male, exposing significantly developed genital papillae. The prepectinal plate, so conspicuous in the female, is absent in males ( Figs. 47, 52 View Figures 44–53 ). Figures 56– 58 View Figure 56 View Figure 57 View Figure 58 show dorsal and ventral views of both male and female specimens, and a locality area (Birecik, Turkey) for this species.

Type material. Holotype: ♂ ( NMW 0843 View Materials ), TURKEY, Mardin Province: Mardin, 37.30°N, 40.733°E, 6 May 1966, J. Eiselt et al. leg GoogleMaps . Paratypes (11 ♂, 14 ♀, 4 juv.):

TURKEY, Adıyaman Province: 1 ♀ ( FKCP), Nemrut Dağı, 40 km N Kahta, 37.982°N, 38.741°E, 3 July 1993, V. Šejna leg. Diyarbakır Province: 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ( HNHM), Kavurma Köyü, 10 km NE Ergani, 1400 m a.s.l., 38.267°N, 39.767°E, 27 April 1989, G. Fabian, G. Ronkay & L. Ronkay leg. Gaziantep Province: 1 ♀ ( NMW 0844), Sakçagözü, 37.198°N, 36.927°E, 26 April 1966, J. Eiselt et al. leg. Malatya Province: 1 ♀ ( FKCP), Malatya, 38.067°N, 38.0167°E, June 1992, M. Kaftan leg.; 1 ♂ ( FKCP), near Birecik, ca. 15–20 km from Syrian border (see Fig. 58 View Figure 58 ), 37°01.185'N, 37°59.348'E, 500 m a.s.l. (collected together with Compsobuthus matthiesseni and Mesobuthus eupeus ), 20 October 2008, A. Funk leg. Mardin Province: 3 ♂ 3 ♀ ( NMW 0843), Mardin, 6 May 1966, J. Eiselt et al. leg. Şanlıurfa Province: 3 ♂ 2 ♀ ( NMW 0840), 20 km S Urfa (now Şanlıurfa), 37.15°N, 38.80°E, 1 May 1966, J. Eiselt et al. leg.; 1 ♀ ( MNHN RS 6452), Birecik [label: “Bilejdik”], 37.025°N, 37.977°E, 23 April 1971, J. Garzoni leg.; 1 ♂ subad., 2 ♀ subad., 1 ♂ juv., 1 ♀ juv. ( HNHM), Halfeti, 37.25°N, 37.867°E, 1990, G. Ronkay leg.; 1 ♂ subad., 2 ♂ juv. ( HNHM), Halfeti, valley of Euphrates, 500 m a.s.l., 15–22 April 1990, B. Herzig & G. Ronkay leg. Siirt Province: 1 ♂ ( NMW 0842), road Siirt –Kurtalan, 16 May 1966, J. Eiselt et al. leg.; 1 ♀ ( NMW 0846), Baykan (between Siirt and Bitlis), 38.165°N, 41.780°E, 15 May 1966, J. Eiselt et al. leg.; 1 ♀ ( ZMUH A37/72), Siirt, 37.933°N, 41.95°E, 18 June 1972, C. Kosswig leg.

Note: see Eiselt (1967) for detailed itinerary and map of the NMW expedition to southeastern Turkey in 1 966.

Additional specimens/localities (not examined): TURKEY: Adıyaman Province: 1 specimen ( ZSRO 1181 ) ,

Nemrut Dağı between summit and Horik , 37.93– 37.97°N, 38.70– 38.73°E site no. VO-1982/52d, 28 September 1982 GoogleMaps , R. Kinzelbach leg. Gaziantep Province: 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ( ZDNU 2003 /524/1-2), Şahinbey District, Güllüce Village , lower slopes of Mt. Ellezi , 13 September 2003 ; 1 ♂ ( ZDNU 2003 /573/1), 1 ♀ ( ZDNU 2003 /573/2), Şahinbey District, Güllüce Village , 36.983°N, 37.267°E, 21 September 2003 (Karataş & Çolak, 2005) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ ( AMNH [ LP 4333 View Materials ]), Şehitkamil District, Incesu Köyü , 7 May 2005 , E. Aydin [Yağmur] leg. (reported as “ Antep-Sehitkamil: Incesu Köyü ” by Kamenz & Prendini, 2008); 2 specimens ( ZSRO 1101 ), Rumkale , 37.265°N, 37.874°E, 28 April 1987 GoogleMaps , M. Kasparek leg. Sanlıurfa Province: 1 specimen ( ZSRO 0358 , formerly NMM 0500 ), Karaçadağ Mts. near Siverek , 1200 m a.s.l., 37.691°N, 39.654°E, 18 April 1981 GoogleMaps , W. Heinz leg. ( Kinzelbach, 1982: 58). IRAQ (north). Arbil (Erbil, Hawler) Province. 1 specimen, Geli Ali Beg waterfall, 36.6305°N, 44.4475°E, 21 April 1 958, C. Kosswig leg. ( ZMUH, no. 9/1958) (R. Kinzelbach, pers. comm., May 2009) GoogleMaps .


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Calchas nordmanni Birula, 1899

Fet, Victor, Soleglad, Michael E. & Kovařík, František 2009

Calchas nordmanni

Birula 1899

Calchas nordmanni

Birula 1899
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