Euzetes sp.

Revelo-Tobar, Harol, Ojeda, Margarita, García-Ayala, Leonardo J. & Palacios-Vargas, José G., 2024, Checklist Of Oribatid Mites (Acari: Oribatida) From Mexico, Zootaxa 5465 (1), pp. 1-178 : 132

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5465.1.1

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scientific name

Euzetes sp.


Euzetes sp.

Habitat: Orchid and bromeliads plants.

References: Hammer (1969): 73; Hoffmann & López-Campos (2000): 161; Hoffmann & López-Campos (2002): 276.

Remarks: Euzetes sp. is included here because it is the only record of this genus in Mexico. The authors did not provide the exact location of the collection site for his species reports.

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