Ceratozetes sp.

Revelo-Tobar, Harol, Ojeda, Margarita, García-Ayala, Leonardo J. & Palacios-Vargas, José G., 2024, Checklist Of Oribatid Mites (Acari: Oribatida) From Mexico, Zootaxa 5465 (1), pp. 1-178 : 131

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5465.1.1

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scientific name

Ceratozetes sp.


Ceratozetes sp.

Records in Mexico: Morelos, Mexico City, State of Mexico, Puebla, Quintana Roo, Hidalgo, Tabasco, Oaxaca and Veracruz, Queretaro, Michoacan and Colima.

Biogeographic province: Sierra Madre del Sur. Pacific Lowlands. Yucatan Peninsula. Veracruzan. Sierra Madre Oriental. Transmexican Volcanic Belt. Balsas Basin. Chihuahuan Desert.

Habitat: Potatoes, orchids and bromeliads. Soil and litter of fallow and cloud mountain forest. Leaf litter ( Pinus cembroides ). Litter in a cave. Leaf litter and soil of medium sub evergreen forest, lowland forest, mangrove and halophyte vegetation. Leaf litter and soil (technified, transitional and production without the use of machinery and species associated with Mangifera indica plantations), soil and leaf litter and agricultural soil (Technified sugar cane management system). Low flooded rainforest soil. Moss. Litter in acahual. Litter in alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ) plantations. Xerophytic vegetation. Pinus michoacana and Quercus rugosa forest. Pasture and pine forest. Moss. Soil in avocado plantations. Xerophytic shrub, composed mainly of succulents and cacti ( Myrtillocactus geometrizans ).

References: Hammer (1969): 71; Riverón (1985): 123; Ojeda (1987): 7–8; Vázquez (1999): 106; Hoffmann & López-Campos (2000): 161; Hoffmann & López-Campos (2002): 275; Bernal-Rojas & Iglesias (2004): 58; Estrada-Bárcenas (2005): 28–70; Iglesias et al. (2008): 16–17; Bernal et al. (2009): 992; Palacios-Vargas et al. (2011): 119; Vázquez et al. (2011): 57; Salvador de Jesús (2014): 95; Sánchez-Rocha (2014): 37–38; Salazar-Santana (2016): 71–72; Vázquez et al. (2016): 147–162; García (2017): 106–140; Iglesias et al. (2019): 5; Cabrera et al. (2019): 236; Revelo-Tobar et al. (2022): 2; Iglesias & Palacios-Vargas (2023): 8–9; García-Ayala (2024): 54–55.

Remarks: Hammer (1969) does not provide the exact location of the collection site for his species reports.

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