Iris (Rodionenko, 2009)

Crespo, Manuel B., Martínez-Azorín, Mario & Mavrodiev, Evgeny V., 2015, Can a rainbow consist of a single colour? A new comprehensive generic arrangement of the ‘ Iris sensu latissimo’ clade (Iridaceae), congruent with morphology and molecular data, Phytotaxa 232 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.232.1.1

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scientific name



1. Iris View in CoL L., Sp. Pl.: 38 (1753). Type (lectotype designated by Hitchcock in Hitchcock & Green 1929: 118):— Iris germanica L .

Description:—Rhizomatous herbs, with perennial or deciduous aerial structures. Rhizome stout, branched, usually nodose-annulate; roots fibrous, ± thickened. Stems aerial, simple or ramose in the upper part, usually solid, rounded in cross section. Leaves isobilateral, linear to ensiform, without prominent ribs, not fetid. Flowers solitary or in small lateral clusters, terminal on branches, pedicellate to subsessile. Spathe valves 2, membranous or herbaceous with scarious margin and apex at anthesis, not or weakly keeled. Perigone in 2 rows, not much differing in size and shape (sometimes the inner larger), fused in a long tube, widened at the apex; falls erect-patent, obovate-cuneate to oblanceolate, strongly patent towards apex, gradually tapering into a short claw, with dense, central, ± coloured, multiseriate beard of clavate, multicellular hairs; standards erect, obovate-cuneate to oblanceolate, smooth or bearded, narrowed into a canaliculate haft. Stamen filaments free, adnate to the fall bases. Ovary trilocular, with axile placentation. Style filiform, with 3 petaloid branches, about half longer than falls, each one concealing a stamen; crests short, incurved, broadly triangular to subquadrate; stigma entire to weakly emarginate or denticulate. Capsule oblong-ovoid to lanceolate-ovoid, trigonous to trilobed, sometimes with 6 prominent ribs, usually dehiscent below the apex through three clefts, not hidden into spathes, pointed or sometimes shortly beaked; pericarp coriaceous. Seeds numerous, globose, pyriform to subcubic, ± apiculate, with or without aril or whitish raphe; testa surface irregularly wrinkled to reticulate-wrinkled. p = 8, 10, 11, 12. Figs. 3A View FIGURE 3 , 6Q–R View FIGURE 6 , 8A View FIGURE 8 , 10 View FIGURE 10 .

It includes over 110 species, occurring in most Eurasia, excepting the northernmost areas, and northern Africa. The highest diversity is found from Turkey and Caucasus to northeastern China and Siberia ( Figs. 11–12 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 ).



Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch

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