Archaeoteleia araucana Masner

Early, J. W., Masner, L. & Johnson, N. F., 2007, Revision of Archaeoteleia Masner (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea, Scelionidae)., Zootaxa 1655, pp. 1-48 : 22-24

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Christiana (2009-05-26 21:12:37, last updated 2024-11-26 07:00:48)

scientific name

Archaeoteleia araucana Masner


Archaeoteleia araucana Masner View in CoL   HNS

Figures 30-35

Archaeoteleia araucana Masner   HNS 1968: 657. Original description. Loiacono & Diaz 1977: 96, description; Sarazin 1986: 972, type information.

The original description (Masner 1968) may be supplemented as follows:

Head (Figs. 32-34): LOL subequal to OOL; eye with few, extremely minute, scattered hairs; median keel on frons lacking; claval formula A6-A12/2-2-2-2-2-2-1.

Mesosoma (Figs. 32, 33): transverse pronotal carina weakly arcuate, anterolateral corners angular, not spikelike; vertical epomial carina very strong, complete, complete row of foveae along anterior margin of side of pronotum; horizontal epomial carina weakly developed, obliterated in anterior half, pronotal shoulders poorly defined, with row of foveolae along mesoscutal margin; lateral portion of pronotum with large central smooth, glabrous field; netrion very well-indicated by foveolae, micropilose; admedian lines very long, clearly indicated; notaulus deeply incised, complete, finely foveolate, nearly parallel to subparallel; parapsidal line faintly indicated; scutellum transverse, length 0.5 times length of mesoscutum, largely smooth, shining, with scattered small setigerous punctures, scutellar spines short, straight, horizontal; mesopleural carina absent; mesopleuron largely smooth, glabrous, mesepisternum with few scattered hairs; acetabular carina fine; posterior margin of mesopleuron with complete chain of deep foveolae reaching ventrally to coxal cavity; metapleuron with arcuate foveolate longitudinal line at meson, below this with long setae, surface rather densely punctate, above predominantly glabrous, with only very few small, scattered setae, shining, with row of foveolae along anterior margin; median portion of propodeum shallowly excavate, median keels weakly pronounced; fore wing broadly exceeding apex of metasoma; hind coxa relatively small, smooth.

Metasoma (figs 30, 31, 35) relatively short, broad, length 2.3 times greatest width; T1 horn in lateral view not exceeding height of dorsellum, dorsal portion of horn totally smooth; length of T2 0.5 times width, longitudinally rugulose, with fine microsculpture in furrows between rugulae; length of T3 0.4 times width, with longitudinal striae medially in basal half or predominantly smooth, with scattered punctures; length of T4 0.4 times width, with only short basal costae or costae extending over its basal half; length of T5 0.3 times width, nearly smooth; length of T6 equal to width.

Diagnosis: Most similar to A. simulans   HNS and A. gracilis   HNS , all of which have the mesoscutum with areas devoid of sculpture. Archaeoteleia araucana   HNS is distinguished by its dark color and apically smooth horn on T1.

Link to Distribution Map. [ _page?page_level=3&page_id=taxon_page_data&page_version=4038&page_option1=M]

Material Examined: Holotype female: CHILE: Pichinahuel, Cord. de Nahuelbuta , Malleco Prov., Araucania Reg., L. Pena, CNC 10475 . Deposited in CNCI.

Paratypes: CHILE: Araucania, Pichinahuel, Cord. de Nahuelbuta , Malleco Prov., 1.X.1959, L. Pena, female, OSUC 192707 ( CNCI) . Bio-Bio, Butamalal , Prov. de Arauco, 31.I.1954, L.E. Pena, male, OSUC 146465 ( CNCI) ; Caramavida , Prov. de Arauco, 10.II.1953, L.E. Pena, male, OSUC 146468 ( CNCI) ; Pichinahuel, 1100-1400m, Cord. de Nahuelbuta , Prov. de Arauco, 1- 10.I.1959, L. Pena, male, OSUC 146466 ( CNCI) ; Pichinahuel, 1100-1400m, Cord. de Nahuelbuta , Prov. de Arauco, 12.II.1953, L. Pena, male, OSUC 146463 ( CNCI) ; Pichinahuel, 1100- 1400m, Cord. de Nahuelbuta , Prov. de Arauco, 20- 28.I.1959, L. Pena, male, OSUC 192701 ( CNCI) ; Pichinahuel, 1100-1400m, Cord. de Nahuelbuta , Prov. de Arauco, 10- 20.I.1959, L. Pena, male, female OSUC 192702, 192706 ( CNCI) ; Pichinahuel, 1100-1400m, Cord. de Nahuelbuta , Prov. de Arauco, 12.II.1953, L. Pena, male, OSUC 192704 ( CNCI) ; Los Lagos, Antillanca , Prov. de Osorno, 18.II.1955, L.E. Pena, male, OSUC 146464 ( CNCI) ; Enco, 1100-1600m , Prov. de Valdivia, 6.III.1955, L.E. Pena, female, OSUC 146467 ( CNCI).

Other material: CHILE: Araucania, 10km S Pucon, 900 m, Nothofagus grove on ash, Villarrica N.P. , Cautin Prov., 15.XII.1984 - 10.II.1985, J. Peck, S. Peck, male, OSUC 146478 ( CNCI) ; 12 km E Malalcahuello, 1350 m , Prov. de Malleco, 13- 31.XII.1982, A. Newton, M. Thayer, female, OSUC 146470 ( CNCI) ; Parque Nacional Conguillio, 1150 m , Cautin, 5.II.1988, L. Masner, male, OSUC 151835 ( AEIC) ; Conguillio National Park, 1150 m, Araucaria / Nothofagus , Cautin Prov., 4- 5.II.1988, L. Masner, male, OSUC 146483 ( CNCI) ; Conguillio National Park , 38°38'56"S 71°39'49"W, 1214m , UCR AToL C05-010, Araucaria / Nothofagus forest , 11- 24.II.2005, male, OSUC 174425 ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Conguillio National Park , 38°39'01"S 71°39'45"W, 1239m , UCR AToL C05-011, Nothofagus / Chusquea forest, 3.9 km S north entrance , 11.II.2005, male, OSUC 174426 ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Contulmo National Monument, 350 m, mixed evergreen forest, Puren , Malleco Prov., 11.XII.1984 - 13.II.1985, J. Peck, S. Peck, male, OSUC 146476 ( CNCI) ; Juble, 1100 m, W of Cordillera de Las Raices , 19- 21.XII.1976, L. Pena, male, OSUC 146471 ( CNCI) ; N of Malalcahuello, 1570 m , Prov. de Malleco, 13- 31.XII.1982, A. Newton, M. Thayer, female, OSUC 146475 ( CNCI) ; Nahuelbuta National Park, 1200-1500 m, Araucaria / Nothofagus forest, 40 km W Angol , 9.XII.1984 - 17.II.1985, J. Peck, S. Peck, female, OSUC 146477 ( CNCI) ; Nahuelbuta National Park, 1200-1500m, Araucaria / Nothofagus forest , 9.XII.1984 - 17.II.1985, J. Peck, S. Peck, male, OSUC 146469 ( CNCI) ; Nahuelbuta National Park , 37°48'10"S 73°01'27"W, 1327m , UCR AToL C05-004, Araucaria / Chusquea forest , 8.II.2005, female, OSUC 174428 ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Nahuelbuta National Park , 37°48'54"S 73°00'44"W, 1288m , UCR AToL C05-007, open scrub Nothofagus forest , 9.II.2005, male, OSUC 174424 ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Nahuelbuta National Park , 37°49'30"S 72°58'24"W, 1168 m , 9- 10.II.2005, L. Masner, 3 males, OSUC 203614-203616 ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Nahuelbuta National Park , 37°49'30"S 72°58'24"W, 1168 m , UCR AToL C05-001, meadow & Nothofagus , 10- 24.II.2005, 2 males, female OSUC 174427, OSUC 203617, OSUC 203618 ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Nahuelbuta National Park , 37°49'42"S 73°00'39"W, 1138 m , 8- 9.II.2005, L. Masner, 4 males, 10 females, OSUC 203600-203613 ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta, 1300 m , Prov. de Malleco, 31.I- 3.II.1979, L. Pena, male, OSUC 146472 ( CNCI) ; Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta, 1300 m , Prov. de Malleco, L.E. Pena, female, OSUC 151829 ( AEIC) ; Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta , 37.809°S 73.016°W, 1200 m , Prov. de Malleco, 9- 12.I.2000, D. Webb, D. Yeates, female, OSUC 146491 ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta , 37.809°S 73.016°W, 3680 ft , 6- 9.I.2000, D. Webb, D. Yeates, male, OSUC 146492 ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Pichinahuel, 1300 m, Cord. de Nahuelbuta , Malleco, 13- 15.I.1977, L.E. Pena, male, OSUC 151830 ( AEIC) ; Pichinahuel, Cord. de Nahuelbuta , Malleco Prov., 1.X.1959, L. Pena, female, OSUC 163612 ( CNCI) ; Pichinahuel, Cord. de Nahuelbuta , Malleco Prov., 15- 20.I.1977, L. Pena, male, OSUC 146473 ( CNCI) ; Rio Blanco, CuraCautin , Prov. de Malleco, 1- 5.II.1959, Pena, male, OSUC 146474 ( CNCI) ; Rio Blanco, CuraCautin , Prov. de Malleco, II.1964, L.E. Pena, female, OSUC 151831 ( AEIC) ; Rio Blanco , Prov. de Cautin, 5- 20.I.1996, T. Cekalovic, male, OSUC 146488 ( CNCI) ; Villarrica Volcano , 39°23.27'S 71°57.82'W, 1390 m, stunted Nothofagus pumilo forest, road to ski center, Villarrica N.P. GoogleMaps , Cautin Prov., 27.XII.1996 - 3.II.1997, A. Newton, M. Thayer, female, OSUC 146489 ( CNCI) ; Villarrica , 39°10.052'S 71°58.892'W, 440 m, canopy, Flor del Lago Ranch , 12.I.2003, Arias et al., 2 females, OSUC 174429-174430 ( CNCI) GoogleMaps . Bio-Bio, Las Escaleras , Prov. de Concepcion, 4.I.1995, T. Cekalovic, female, OSUC 146490 ( CNCI) ; Pata de Gallina, E of Contulmo , Arauco Prov., II.1989, P. Salinas, 2 males, female, OSUC 146487, 163613- 163614 ( CNCI) ; Contulmo , Arauco, II.1989, P. Salinas, 2 males, female, OSUC 55597-55599 ( OSUC) . Los Lagos, Petrohue, Nothofagus forest , 9.I.1986, N. A. Deans, male, OSUC 163611 ( LUNZ) ; 30 km W La Union, 600 m , Prov. de Valdivia, 10- 11.II.1988, L. Masner, male, OSUC 151837 ( AEIC) ; Antillanca, 1300 m, Nothofagus tree line, Puyehue N.P. , Osorno Prov., 16.II.1988, L. Masner, male, OSUC 146479 ( CNCI) ; coast, Pucatrihue , Prov. de Osorno, 25- 31.I- 10.II.1980, L. Pena, male, OSUC 146480 ( CNCI) ; Las Lajas, W of La Union , Prov. de Valdivia, 9- 13.I.1990, L.E. Pena, male, OSUC 146486 ( CNCI) ; Las Trancas, 500 m, Nothofagus , 30 km W La Union , Valdivia Prov., 8- 11.II.1988, L. Masner, male, OSUC 146484 ( CNCI) ; nr. Lake Chapo, 200 m, Nothofagus tree line , Llanquihue Prov., 18.II.1988, L. Masner, male, OSUC 146482 ( CNCI) ; Puntra River, 100 m, Nothofagus forest, Route 5, Chiloe Isl. , 24.II.1988, L. Masner, male, OSUC 146485 ( CNCI) ; W of La Union , Prov. de Osorno, III.1987, L.E. Pena, male, OSUC 146481 ( CNCI) .


Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Canadian National Collection of Insects


USA, Florida, Gainesville, American Entomological Institute


USA, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio State University


New Zealand, Lincoln, Lincoln University













