Neolygus hasegawai, Yasunaga, 2024

Yasunaga, Tomohide, 2024, New species of the plant bug genus Neolygus Knight from Japan, Taiwan and Thailand (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirini), Zootaxa 5446 (4), pp. 451-487 : 463-464

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5446.4.1

publication LSID


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scientific name

Neolygus hasegawai

sp. nov.

Neolygus hasegawai n. sp.

Figs. 4I View FIGURE 4 , 8A–F View FIGURE 8 , 16A–L View FIGURE 16

Material examined. Holotype (♂). JAPAN: Honshu, Fukushima Pref., Oze National Park, Tashiro , 36.977, 139.480, Angelica pubescens , 18 Jul 1950, H. Hasegawa ( NIAES) ( AMNH _ PBI 00378768 About AMNH ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: JAPAN: same data as for holotype, except for date 17–18 Jul 1950, 2♂ 3♀ ( NIAES) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. At first sight similar to the uniformly pale green, moderate-sized congeners, this new species is distinct in having the following characters: apex of clypeus darkened; apical protuberances of parameres bulbous; vesica with straight, apically widened spiculum and truncated apex of ventral sclerite; and dorsal sac with unique inner looped strap-like sclerite, strongly protruded and fused with anterior part of posterior wall ( Fig. 8F View FIGURE 8 ).

Description. Body elongate oval, moderate in size ( Figs. 4I View FIGURE 4 ); general coloration stramineous brown (most probably greenish when alive, fading in dry-preserved old specimens collected in 1950). Head shining; vertex relatively wide, with distinct basal transverse carina that is slightly narrower than pronotal collar ( Fig. 16B View FIGURE 16 ); apex of clypeus infuscate. Antenna pale brown; segments III and IV darker. Labium pale reddish brown, reaching or slightly exceeding apex of mesocoxa. Pronotum and pleura uniformly pale brown; scent efferent system relatively narrow ( Fig. 16C View FIGURE 16 ). Hemelytra immaculate; membrane pale smoky brown, with pale yellow veins. All coxae and legs pale; tibial spines pale reddish brown; pretarsal structure as in Fig. 16F View FIGURE 16 . Ventral side of abdomen uniformly pale.

Male genitalia ( Figs. 8A–D View FIGURE 8 , 16A–L View FIGURE 16 ): Parameres with bulbous apical protuberances on sensory lobes ( Fig. 8A– B View FIGURE 8 ); hypophysis of right paramere sharpened apically; vesica with spiculum widened apically and ventral sclerite truncated at apex ( Figs. 6E View FIGURE 6 , 16H–I View FIGURE 16 ).

Female genitalia ( Figs. 8G–I View FIGURE 8 , 16J–L View FIGURE 16 ): Sclerotized rings thick-rimmed, elongate-ovoid ( Fig. 8G View FIGURE 8 , 14J View FIGURE 14 ); posterior wall as in Fig. 14K–L View FIGURE 14 ; dorsal sac with looped strap-like sclerite that is covered with membranous lobe, strongly protruded and fused with dorsoanterior part of posterior wall ( Fig. 8F View FIGURE 8 , 16K View FIGURE 16 ).

Measurements: See Table 1 View TABLE 1 .

Etymology. Named in honor of the late Mr. Hitoshi Hasegawa (1918–2006), one of well-known heteropterists in Japan; he collected all available specimens of this new species and N. yonanus n. sp. as well.

Distribution. Japan (Fukushima Pref.: Oze National Park).

Biology. Label data shows the specimens designated as type-series were collected from Angelica pubescens Maxim. (Umbelliferae), but the exact breeding host is yet to be confirmed.


National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences


American Museum of Natural History













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