Tachypompilus erubescens (Taschenberg)

Kurczewski, Frank E., West, Rick C., Waichert, Cecilia, Kissane, Kelly C., Ubick, Darrell & Pitts, James P., 2020, New and unusual host records for North American and South American spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), Zootaxa 4891 (1), pp. 1-112 : 46

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4891.1.1

publication LSID




persistent identifier


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scientific name

Tachypompilus erubescens (Taschenberg)


Tachypompilus erubescens (Taschenberg) View in CoL or Tachypompilus xanthopterus (Rohwer)

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires Province, Buenos Aires, Carlos Thays Botanical Garden ; October 2014; M. M. Chimento. Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult female. The wasp pulled the paralyzed huntsman spider backwards, ventral side upward, up a vertical surface, grasping its left pedipalp with her mandibles ( Chimento 2014) .

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires Province, Buenos Aires, Costanera Sur ecological Reserve ; 22 April 2019; L. Zapata (lorenazapata). Host: Polybetes rapidus , adult or subadult female. The wasp stood near and examined the paralyzed huntsman spider with her antennae and it laid, dorsal side upward, on the ground ( Zapata 2019) .

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires Province, La Plata, Paseo del Bosque; 3 February 2018; G. A. Herrera. Host: Polybetes cf rapidus , adult or subadult male. The wasp dragged the paralyzed huntsman spider backwards up a wall, dorsal side upward, grasping the base of its chelicera with her mandibles ( Herrera 2018).

ARGENTINA: La Pampa Province, vicinity of Santa Rosa ; 1 January 2014; M. D. Bianco. Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult female. The wasp dragged the paralyzed huntsman spider backwards on the ground, dorsal side upward, grasping the base of its left pedipalp ( Bianco 2014) .

ARGENTINA: Misiones Province, 20 km before Moconá Falls, Tekorendá Reserve; 7 December 2009; R. Moyano. Host: Selenops sp. ( Selenopidae ), adult or subadult female. The wasp dragged the paralyzed wall crab spider backwards on the ground and into a wall crevice, dorsal side upward, grasping its right pedipalp with her mandibles ( Moyano 2009).

ARGENTINA: Santa Fe Province, San Cristóbal Department, Santurce; 1 June 2018; P. Capovilla. Host: Polybetes cf rapidus , adult or subadult female. The wasp held the paralyzed huntsman spider upright on the ground, grasping a chelicera with her mandibles ( Capovilla 2018).

BRAZIL: State of Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, Serra Dourada ; 18 September 2015; R. Sartin. Host: Unidentified species ( Sparassidae ), adult female. The wasp dragged the paralyzed huntsman spider backwards on the ground, dorsal side upward, grasping its right pedipalp with her mandibles ( Sartin 2015) .

BRAZIL: State of Paraná, Foz do Iguaçu; 25 April 2006; Daniela M. Host Heteropoda cf venatoria , adult ot subadult female. The wasp pulled the paralyzed huntsman spider up and along a window frame, dorsal side upward, grasping its left pedipalp with her mandibles (Daniela M. 2006).

URUGUAY: Canelones Department, Ciudad de la Costa; 25 February 2017; J. Rivas (jorgerivas23). Host: Polybetes cf rapidus , adult or subadult female. The wasp stood near the paralyzed huntsman spider as it laid on the ground, dorsal side upward ( Rivas 2017).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

















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