Tachypompilus erubescens (Taschenberg)

Kurczewski, Frank E., West, Rick C., Waichert, Cecilia, Kissane, Kelly C., Ubick, Darrell & Pitts, James P., 2020, New and unusual host records for North American and South American spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), Zootaxa 4891 (1), pp. 1-112 : 45-46

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4891.1.1

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scientific name

Tachypompilus erubescens (Taschenberg)


Tachypompilus erubescens (Taschenberg) View in CoL

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires; 3 February 2012; jjuyk. Host: Unidentified species ( Sparassidae ), subadult female. The wasp pulled the paralyzed huntsman spider backwards, dorsal side upward, up a vertical wall, grasping its right pedipalp with her mandibles ( Jjuyk 2012) .

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires, Botanical Gardens ; 23 January 2010; E. Pascual. Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult female. The wasp grasped the paralyzed huntsman spider, dorsal side upward, by its right pedipalp with her mandibles and pulled it backwards up a vertical surface ( Pascual 2010) .

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires Province, Belgrano ; 24 December 2007; P. Sonder. Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult female. The wasp grasped the paralyzed huntsman spider, dorsal side upward, by its right pedipalp with her mandibles and pulled it backwards up a vertical concrete wall ( Sonder 2007) .

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires Province, Mar del Plata ; 29 December 2018; M. Cagnoli (marielacagnoli). Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult or subadult female. The wasp pulled the paralyzed huntsman spider on the ground through low vegetation and up a vertical plaster wall, dorsal side upward, grasping its right pedipalp with her mandibles ( Cagnoli 2018) .

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires Province, 20 km SE of Olavarria ; 2 January 2010; R. Ruiz. Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult female. The wasp pulled the paralyzed huntsman spider backwards up a vertical brick wall, holding it dorsal side upward and grasping its left pedipalp with her mandibles ( Ruiz 2010) .

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires Province, 4 km N of San Clemente del Tuyú ; 26 December 2014; J. F. Romero. Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult female. The wasp dragged the paralyzed huntsman spider backwards on the ground, dorsal side upward, grasping its right pedipalp with her mandibles ( Romero 2014) .

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires Province, Tandil ; 14 December 2008; A. Waniya. Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult female. The wasp examined the paralyzed huntsman spider as it laid dorsal side upward atop a large rock with legs spread outward ( Waniya 2008) .

ARGENTINA: Córdoba Province, Capilla del Monte, Los Paredones; 26 January 2017; L. Rubio. Host: Polybetes cf rapidus , adult or subadult female. The wasp pulled the much heavier huntsman spider backwards, dorsal side upward, grasping its left pedipalp with her mandibles ( Rubio 2017a).

ARGENTINA: Córdoba Province, Las Varillas ; 1 December 2018; H. D. Caverzasi (tapi45). Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult or subadult female. The wasp dragged the paralyzed huntsman spider along the ground, dorsal side upward, grasping its left pedipalp with her mandibles ( Caverzasi 2018) .

ARGENTINA: Mendoza Province, La Consulta ; 27 February 2018; J. A. Portela. Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult or subadult female. The wasp dragged the huntsman spider backwards through low grass, dorsal side upward, grasping its right pedipalp with her mandibles ( Portela 2018) .

ARGENTINA: Neuquén Province, Pichilemu ; 30 December 2014; M. Belgrano. Host: Polybetes pythagoricus , adult or subadult female. The wasp examined the paralyzed huntsman spider with her antennae as it laid dorsal side upward on the ground ( Belgrano 2014) .

BRAZIL: State of S„o Paulo, Rio Claro, Horto Florestal Edmundo Navarro de Andrade; 14 December 1977; C. A. T. DeLucca. Host: Polybetes sp., female. The wasp with host spider were collected and deposited in the S„o Paulo State University ( UNESP) entomological collection ( V. Ghirotto, UNESP, S„o Paulo, Brazil, 2018 pers. comm.) .

URUGUAY: Montevideo; 26 February 2012; E. Fernández Casella. Host: Polybetes sp., adult or subadult female. The wasp pulled the paralyzed huntsman spider backwards, dorsal side upward, up a vertical surface, grasping its pedipalp or chelicera with her mandibles ( Fernández Casella 2012) .


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium

















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