Camptocerus hirtipennis Schedl, 1973

Smith, Sarah M. & Cognato, Anthony I., 2010, A taxonomic revision of Camptocerus Dejean (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Insecta Mundi 2010 (148), pp. 1-88 : 69-71

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Camptocerus hirtipennis Schedl


Camptocerus hirtipennis Schedl View in CoL , removed from synonymy

(Fig. 45, 72)

Camptocerus hirtipennis Schedl 1973: 165 View in CoL . Holotype: male, BRAZIL: Amazonas : Tefe (MZSP).

Diagnosis. This species has a dark brown pronotum and solid black elytra. The elytra are densely covered with long, yellow, recumbent hair-like setae. This species is closely related to C. suturalis and the male is distinguished by the larger size, the solid black elytra, the lateral epistomal margins bearing an arcuate costa pointing distally, by the partially sulcate apical pronotal margin (Fig. 5b), and by the rugose basal medial area of pronotum.

Male genitalia. Median lobe arcuate, lateral and apical margins with heavy sclerotization; lateral folds thick, uniformly arcuate; apex mushroom shaped, surface bearing fine, pale and long hair-like setae; lateral margins of median lobe folded dorsally, thick, broadly arcuate from apex to median struts. Median struts stout, laterally compressed and wider basally, slightly more than a third of body length. Internal sac central area membranous; seminal valve on apical quarter amorphous, lightly sclerotized with moderately sclerotized ‘V’, lightly sclerotized below base of sensory claspers; sensory claspers heavily sclerotized, dorsoventrally flattened, each half as wide as median lobe basally, broad basally and rapidly tapering apically, left lobe strongly ventrally curved, subducted under right, apex broadly rounded, right lobe not as ventrally curved, apex bilobed ( Fig. 72). Tegmen semi-circular, ventral side elongated proximally and spatulate. Spicule nearly longer then aedeagus, sickle-shaped.

Female. Similar to male except epistoma less than a quarter length of head, with a small median tubercle. Frons flat, bearing short, moderately dense setae; moderately sized, deep punctures; a triangular impressed area originating between the eyes and terminating at the distal and lateral epistomal margins the triangle is bisected by a shallow carina on the median line. Each gena with a crescent-shaped mycangium (Fig. 4b). Segments 5-7 of funicle bearing setae on dorsal margin, these less than length of 2 segments. Apical pronotal margin rounded (Fig. 6a), margin between eyes lined with scales; disk smooth, shining.

Specimens examined. (8M, 13F)

Type material. Allotype, BRAZIL: Amazonas : Tapurucuara am Rio Negro, 29.xi.1962, (C. Lindemann), F ( NHMW).

Other material. BRAZIL: Amazonas: Hwy ZF 2, km 20.7, ca 60 km N. Manaus , 2 o 30’S, 60 o 15’W, ex. canopy fogging, 16.viii.1979, (Adis, Erwin, Montgomery et al.), 1F ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 69 km N Manaus , 7.xii.1979, (G. Stevens), 7M, 7F ( USNM) . ECUADOR: Napo: Tiputini Biodiversity Station , -0.631944, -76.144167, 220-250 m, ex. canopy fogging, vi.1998, (T.L. Erwin et al.), lot 1853, 1F ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; vi.1998, lot 1867, 1F ( MSUC) ; vi.1998, lot 1892, 1M ( MSUC) ; x.1998, lot 1955, 1F ( USNM) ; x.1998, lot 1988, 1F ( USNM) .

Discussion. Wood and Bright (1992) considered a this species to be a synonym of Camptocerus suturalis . Holotype comparison required the resurrection of C. hirtipennis based on the solid black color of the elytra, on the presence of genal mycangia, on the presence of dense vestiture restricted to the anterior margin of the pronotum, on the larger size, and on characters of the male genitalia.

Distribution. Brazil (Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo).

Hosts. Unknown.

Biology. Unknown.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Camptocerus hirtipennis Schedl

Smith, Sarah M. & Cognato, Anthony I. 2010

Camptocerus hirtipennis

Schedl, K. E. 1973: 165
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF