
LECROY, MARY & SLOSS, RICHARD, 2000, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History. Part 3. Passeriformes: Eurylaimidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Furnariidae, Formicariidae, Conopophagidae, And Rhinocryptidae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (257), pp. 1-88 : 37-40

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)257<0001:TSOBIT>2.0.CO;2

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scientific name



Thamnophilus zarumae Chapman, 1921c: 6 (Zaruma,

Prov. del Oro, Ecuador). Now Thamnophilus zarumae zarumae Chapman, 1921.

See Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 229, and Parker et al.,

1995: 217–218.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 129684 , adult male, collected above Zaruma , 03°41′S, 79°37′W, 6000 ft, El Oro, Ecuador, on 17 September 1913, by William B. Richardson. GoogleMaps

Thamnophilus doliatus palamblae Zimmer Thamnophilus doliatus palamblae Zimmer, 1933a: 6 (Palambla, Department of Piura, Perú, altitude 3900–6500 ft.).

Now Thamnophilus zarumae palamblae Zimmer, 1933. See Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 229.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 175251 , adult male, collected at Palambla , 05°23′S, 79°37′W, 3900–6500 ft, Piura, Peru, on 19 September 1922, by Harry Watkins (no. 6082). GoogleMaps

Thamnophilus bricenoi Hartert Thamnophilus bricenoi Hartert, 1898b: 220 (Sabanetas de

Estangues, about 800 metres above the Sea).

Now Thamnophilus doliatus nigrescens Lawrence, 1867 .

See Hartert, 1922: 391, and Ridgely and Tudor, 1994:


HOLOTYPE: AMNH 489726 , adult male, collect- ed in the small savannas of Estánques , 08°28′N, 71°33′W, 800 m, Mérida, Venezuela, on 7 April 1897, by Salomón Briceño Gabaldón. From the Rothschild Collection. GoogleMaps

COMMENTS: Hartert (1898b: 220) stated that the type is the specimen appearing in the photograph in pl. 4 of the same publication. This specimen matches the photograph and has “ type ” written on the original label, and the data match those given by Hartert (1922: 391) in his list of types in the Rothschild Collection. Señor Briceño sent more than one specimen to Hartert (1898b: 220), and there are two additional Rothschild Collection males collected by Briceño now in AMNH. On one of them the data are the same as on the type, but the make of the skin is quite different from the one in the plate.

Thamnophilus nigrescens Lawrence Thamnophilus nigrescens Lawrence, 1867: 469 ( Venezuela). Now Thamnophilus doliatus nigrescens Lawrence, 1867 . See Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 228. SYNTYPES: AMNH 43372 and 43373, males, and AMNH 43337, juv. female, collected by George Robbins. From the George N. Lawrence Collection. COMMENTS: Lawrence’s original description was based on three specimens, two males and one female, sent to him by John Cassin for examination. Lawrence gave the habitat as “ Venezuela,” and that is the locality on two of the specimens. However, the locality of AMNH 43372 is given as “Demarara” on the Cassin label. Hellmayr (in Cory and Hellmayr, 1924: 66) discussed this discrepancy and concluded that all three specimens probably came from the Maracaibo region. Cassin’s (1864: 287) statement that George Robbins brought a specimen of Calliste hannahiae (= Tangara cyanicollis hannahiae ) from the Mérida Mountains supports this.

All three syntypes have John Cassin labels. The two male syntypes have Lawrence Collection labels as well, and male AMNH 43373 has a label in Lawrence’s hand noting that it was presented by J. Cassin. The female, on the other hand, has a Museum of Comparative Zoology label, no. 17430. It is noted as being from the John Cassin collection, in exchange from Brown University. Although there is no Lawrence label, the specimen was cataloged in AMNH as part of the Lawrence Collection and has “type” written on the Cassin label in Lawrence’s hand. There seems to be no reason to doubt that these are the three specimens that Lawrence had in hand when he described this taxon.

Thamnophilus doliatus tobagensis Hartert and Goodson

Thamnophilus doliatus tobagensis Hartert and Goodson, 1917b: 497 (Plymouth, Tobago Island).

Now Thamnophilus doliatus tobagensis Hartert and Goodson, 1917. See Junge and Mees, 1958: 86.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 489585 , adult male, collected at Plymouth, 11°13′N, 60°47′W (Times Atlas), GoogleMaps

Tobago Island, West Indies, on 23 April 1903, by

Pasea, one of Eugene André’s collectors. From the

Rothschild Collection.

Thamnophilus doliatus signatus Zimmer Thamnophilus doliatus signatus Zimmer, 1933a: 5 (Santarém, Rio Tapajoz, Brazil). Now Thamnophilus doliatus signatus Zimmer, 1933. See

Pinto, 1978: 347.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 288508 , adult male, collected at Santarém , 02°26′S, 54°42′W, right bank of the Rio Tapajós, Pará, Brazil, on 13 August 1931, by Alfonso M. Olalla. GoogleMaps

Thamnophilus tenuifasciatus Lawrence

Thamnophilus tenuifasciatus Lawrence, 1867: 468 ( Ecuador, Napo River).

Now Thamnophilus tenuepunctatus tenuifasciatus Lawrence, 1867. See Sibley and Monroe, 1990: 380, and Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 230.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 43396 , subadult male, the collecting locality given as Napo [ Ecuador]. The collector’s initials are given on one label as “W.E.M.” and on another label as what appears to be “ G. W. Sansoned. ” From the George N. Lawrence Collection.

COMMENTS: Chapman (1926a:10) commented that early Ecuadorian bird skins were often lacking in exact locality data and that “ Napo ” could mean “anything on the Amazonian side of the Andes from the Temperate to the Tropical Zone.”

Thamnophilus palliatus similis Zimmer Thamnophilus palliatus similis Zimmer, 1933a: 9 (Chelpes, Junín, Perú, altitude 7300 feet). Now Thamnophilus palliatus similis Zimmer, 1933 . See Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 230. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 169681, adult male, collected at Chilpes, ca. 11°18′S, 75°18′W (Vaurie, 1972: 11), 7300 ft, Junín, Peru, on 27 April 1921, by Harry Watkins.

Thamnophilus praecox Zimmer

Thamnophilus praecox Zimmer, 1937: 1 (mouth of Lagarto Cocha, eastern Ecuador).

Now Thamnophilus praecox Zimmer, 1937. See Sibley and Monroe, 1990: 381, and Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 234. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 255955, adult female, collect-

ed at the mouth of the Río Lagartococha, 00°39′S,

75°16′W, Napo, Ecuador, on 26 January 1926, by

Carlos Olalla and sons.

Thamnophilus aethiops injunctus Zimmer Thamnophilus aethiops injunctus Zimmer, 1933a: 17 (Rosarinho (Lago Sampaio), Rio Madeira (left bank), Brazil).

Now Thamnophilus aethiops injunctus Zimmer, 1933. See Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 235.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 281902 , adult male, collected at Rosarinho , ca. 03°42′S, 59°08′W, Lago Sampaio , left bank of Rio Madeira , Amazonas, Brazil, on 27 January 1930, by the Olalla brothers. GoogleMaps

Thamnophilus unicolor longicaudus Chapman

Thamnophilus unicolor longicaudus Chapman, 1923b: 1 (Barro Blanco, 7200 ft., Antioquia, Colombia).

Now Thamnophilus unicolor grandior Hellmayr, 1924. See Cory and Hellmayr, 1924: 84, and Fjeldså and Krabbe, 1990: 397.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 133403 , adult male, collected at Barro Blanco , 06°15′N, 75°23′W, 7200 ft, 12 mi E of Santa Elena in the northern part of the Central Andes (Chapman, 1917: 642), Antioquia, Colombia, on 26 November 1914, by Leo E. Miller (no. 10263) GoogleMaps

and Howarth Boyle.

COMMENTS: Hellmayr (in Cory and Hellmayer, 1924: 84) introduced T. u. grandior as a new name for T. u. longicaudus, which was preoccupied by Thamnophilus longicaudus Vieillot, 1816.

Dysithamnus schistaceus heterogynus Hellmayr

Dysithamnus schistaceus heterogynus Hellmayr, 1907d: 61 (Teffé, Rio Solimões, Brazil).

Now Thamnophilus schistaceus heterogynus (Hellmayr, 1907). See Pinto, 1978: 351.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 490132 , adult female, collect- ed at Tefé (= Ega ), 03°22′S, 64°42′W, south bank of the Rio Solimões ( upper Amazon ), Amazonas , Brazil, on 13 June 1906 (not 12.vii.06 as in orig. description), by Wilhelm Hoffmanns (no. 812). From the Rothschild Collection. GoogleMaps

COMMENTS: The date on the field label is difficult to read, but the day is definitely 13. Hellmayr (1907d: 40) stated that Hoffmanns was at Tefé “from the last week of May to the end of June,” and nos. 813 and 814 ( Brotogeris sanctaethomae ) were also collected on 13 June.

Dysithamnus aroyae Hellmayr Dysithamnus aroyae Hellmayr, 1904: 52 (La Aroya, Inambari valley, Marcapata district, S.E. Peru, Elev. 3000 ft.). Now Thamnophilus aroyae (Hellmayr, 1904). See Sibley and Monroe, 1990: 381, and Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 237. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 490167 , adult male, collected at Oroya , 13°53′S, 69°40′W, right bank of Río Inambari , 3000 ft, Puno, Peru, on 22 April 1901, by George Ockenden (no. 95). From the Rothschild Collection. GoogleMaps

Thamnophilus punctatus interpositus Hartert and Goodson

Thamnophilus punctatus interpositus Hartert and Goodson, 1917b: 496 (typical Bogota preparation).

Now Thamnophilus punctatus interpositus Hartert and Goodson, 1917. See Isler et al., 1997.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 489288, adult male, collected by native Bogota collectors, preparation typical.

From the Nehrkorn Collection via the Rothschild


Thamnophilus punctatus pelzelni Hellmayr

Thamnophilus punctatus pelzelni Hellmayr (in Cory and Hellmayr, 1924: 96) (Abrilongo, near Chapada, e. Matto Grosso).

Now Thamnophilus pelzelni Hellmayr, 1924 . See Isler et al., 1997.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 33937 , adult male, collected on Mt. Abrilongo , 15°19′S, 55°35′W (Vanzolini, 1992: 17), near Chapada dos Guimarães (Paynter and Traylor, 1991: 147), Mato Grosso, Brazil, on 21 February 1885, by Herbert H. Smith. GoogleMaps

Thamnophilus nigricans Wied Thamnophilus nigricans Wied, 1831: 1006 (no locality given).

Now Thamnophilus ambiguus Swainson, 1825. See Allen,

1889b: 248, Cory and Hellmayr, 1924: 97, and Isler et al., 1997.

SYNTYPES: AMNH 5306 and 6822, males, AMNH 5312 and 6818, females, collected in SE Brazil by Maximilian, Prince of Wied. From the Maximilian Collection.

COMMENTS: AMNH 5312 is albinistic, having the forehead, sides of the crown, and nape white; and the tail is missing.

Thamnophilus amazonicus obscurus Zimmer Thamnophilus amazonicus obscurus Zimmer, 1933b: 17 (Tauary´, Rio Tapajoz (right bank), Brazil).

Now Thamnophilus amazonicus obscurus Zimmer, 1933. See Pinto, 1978: 354.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 286386 , adult female collect- ed at Tauari , 03°05′S, 55°06′W, right bank of the Rio Tapajós, Pará, Brazil, on 9 April 1931, by Alfonso M. Olalla. GoogleMaps

Thamnophilus paraguayensis Hellmayr Thamnophilus paraguayensis Hellmayr, 1904: 53 (Colonia Risso, Rio Apa, in Northern Paraguay).

Now Thamnophilus caerulescens paraguayensis Hellmayr, 1904. See Peters, 1951: 176.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 489377 , [male], collected at Colonia Risso, 22°21′S, 57°50′W, on the left bank of the upper Río Paraguay, 25 km below the Río Apa , Concepción, Paraguay, in mid-October 1893, by Alfredo Borelli (no. 398). From the Rothschild Collection. GoogleMaps

Thamnophilus caerulescens pernambucensis Naumburg

Thamnophilus caerulescens pernambucensis Naumburg, 1937: 200 (Brejó, Pernambuco (alt. 2500 ft), Brazil).

Now Thamnophilus caerulescens pernambucensis Naumburg, 1937. See Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 243.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 242942 , adult female, collect- ed at Brejão , 09°03′S, 36°29′W, 2500 ft, Pernambuco, Brazil, on 11 February 1927, by Emil Kaempfer (no. 4364). GoogleMaps

COMMENTS: The original Kaempfer label on this specimen gives the locality as Brejão. The following itinerary of Kaempfer for this period (Naumburg, 1935: 455, and additional information from specimens), with coordinates as given by Paynter and Traylor (1991), indicates that this is correct: 3–7 February, Garanhuns (08°54′S, 36°29′W) GoogleMaps ; 9–14 February, Brejão (09°03′S, 36°29′W) GoogleMaps ; 21–25 February, Rio Branco = Arcoverde (08°25′S, 37°04′W) GoogleMaps ; 25 and 26 February, Belo Jardim (08°20′S, 36°26′W) GoogleMaps ; 4–9 March, Palmares (08°41′S, 35°36′W) GoogleMaps ; 6 March, Água Preta (08°42′S, 36°22′W). Kaempfer usually spelled this locality “Brejão,” but a few times he spelled it “Brejo.” Brejo, as shown on Naumburg’s ( 1935) map, and equated by Paynter and Traylor (1991: 89) with Brejo da Madre de Deus at 08°09′S, 36°22′W, seems considerably less likely in terms of dates and distances GoogleMaps .

Thamnophilus scalaris Wied Thamnophilus scalaris Wied, 1831: 999 (no locality given). Now Thamnophilus torquatus Swainson, 1825 . See Allen,

1889b: 249, Cory and Hellmayr, 1924: 107, and Sick,

1997: 536.

SYNTYPES: AMNH 5313, male, and AMNH 5315, female, collected in southeastern Brazil by Maximilian, Prince of Wied. From the Maximilian Collection.

COMMENTS: Allen (1889b: 249) considered this taxon a synonym of Thamnophilus ruficapillus, but Cory and Hellmayr (1924: 107) listed it in the synonymy of T. torquatus . Comparison of the syntypes with specimens of both species confirms that they are identifiable with T. torquatus .

Cory and Hellmayr (1924: 107) credited the description of T. scalaris to Wied but added “ex Lichtenstein Ms.” This was apparently a manuscript name only, because it was not published in Lichtenstein’s 1823 catalog.

Rhopochares cochabambae Chapman Rhopochares cochabambae Chapman, 1921b: 2 (Tujima [sic], alt. 8200 ft., Prov. Cochabamba, Bolivia). Now Thamnophilus ruficapillus cochabambae (Chapman, 1921) . See Fjeldså and Krabbe, 1990: 399, and Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 231. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 139234, adult male, collected at Tujma, ca. 17°52′S, 65°18′W, 8200 ft, 8 km N of Mizque on Río Tujma, Cochabamba, Bolivia, on 23 (not 25) September 1915, by Leo E. Miller (no. 13755) and Howarth S. Boyle.











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