Heraeus inca

Pablo M. Dellapé, María C. Melo & Thomas J. Henry, 2016, A phylogenetic revision of the true bug genus Heraeus (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae: Myodochini), with the description of two new genera and 30 new species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 177 (177), pp. 29-134 : 68-70

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1111/zoj.12362



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scientific name

Heraeus inca

sp. nov.


( FIGS 15 View Figure 15 E, 16E, 20A–D, 22)


Ocelli posterior. Postocular region subequal to twice the length of an eye. Labium extending to mesocoxae. Distiflagellomere with a pale band. Pronotum with long erect setae only on anterior pronotal lobe. Profemur darker on distal half, paler dorsally; meso- and metafemur with a subapical dark band; meso- and metatibia with a narrow band on basal region. Aedeagus with two pairs of lobes on vesica, with the posterior lobe large and strongly sclerotized posteriorly. Processus gonopori long, widening towards apex.

Heraeus inca sp. nov. is similar to H. tiputini sp. nov. in having the ocelli placed posteriorly, the profemur paler dorsally, the metafemur darker apically (with a dark band instead of darker distally in a few specimens of H. inca sp. nov.), and the processus gonopori long and widening towards apex. Heraeus inca sp. nov. shows a narrow band on basal region of metatibia that is absent in H. tiputini sp. nov., in which the metatibia is uniformly yellowish. In H. inca sp. nov., the anteri- or margin of dorsal aperture of pygophore is slightly rounded with lateral regions angulate, and the posterior vesical lobe is large and strongly sclerotized posteriorly, whereas in H. tiputini sp. nov., the anterior margin of dorsal aperture of pygophore is rounded, and the vesical lobes are not sclerotized.

Description ( Fig. 15 View Figure 15 E)

Total length 6.18. Setose species.

Head: Convex dorsally, dark brown, dull, with short recumbent and long erect setae. Head length 1.02, width 0.93, postocular length 0.56. Eyes protruding, not surpassing the dorsal margin of head in lateral view. Ocelli posterior to an imaginary line passing posterior border of eyes. Interocular width 0.46, interocellar width 0.26. Labium pale brown, segments III and IV darker, with short erect setae; nearly extending to mesocoxae. Labial segment lengths: I 0.80, II 0.83, III 0.64, and IV 0.37. Antennal tubercles parallel. Antennae pale brown, except for dark-brown scape and distal half of basiflagellomere; distiflagellomere with a pale band; setae short and recumbent. Antennal lengths: scape 0.50, pedicel 1.38, basiflagellomere 1.14, and distiflagellomere missing.

Thorax: Pronotum pruinose, anterior lobe dark brown, posterior lobe brown with two longitudinal incomplete stripes medially and two diffuse lateral pale stripes. Anterior lobe of pronotum with long erect and short recumbent setae, posterior lobe with short recumbent and semi-erect setae, longest on lateral margins. Collar length 0.08, anterior lobe length 0.62, posterior lobe length 0.56; anterior lobe width 0.93, posterior lobe width 1.42. Pleurae dark brown. Evaporative area extended. Scutellum dark brown, pruinose, punctate, with long erect and short recumbent setae. Hemelytra pruinose, with erect and semi-erect setae; pale brown, costal margin pale on proximal threequarters, with a subapical corial spot; colour pattern as in Figure 15 View Figure 15 E. Membrane fuscous with an apical pale spot, veins paler. Legs: Legs pale brown, profemur darker on distal half and paler dorsally; meso- and metafemur with an apical dark band; meso- and metatibia with a thin dark band on basal region, apex of tibiae darker ( Fig. 16 View Figure 16 E) tarsus I missing. Profemur elongate, slightly incrassate, with spines restricted to distal two-thirds. Legs with erect setae, longest on profemora.

Abdomen: Brown, with abundant, short, recumbent setae. Male genitalia: Pygophore ( Fig. 20 View Figure 20 A, B) rounded, anterior margin of dorsal aperture slightly rounded with lateral regions angulate, inner projections more pronounced posteriorly. Parameres:

Variability observed in paratypes

Most of the paratypes have a dark apical band on the metafemur, but in a few specimens the band is reduced and appears subapical; even the apical bands sometimes have a narrowly pale apex. Both apical and subapical metafemoral bands occur in specimens from the same series.


Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru ( Fig. 22 View Figure 22 ).


The specific epithet is a noun in aposition and refers to the Inca people from Ecuador and Peru.

Type material

Holotype: ♂, PERU: Avispas, X-1952, L.E. Peña (USNM).

Paratypes: BOLIVIA: La Paz: 1♂, 3♀, Guanay, X/XI- 1993, L.E. Peña (USNM); 2♂, 4♀, Guanay, Tres Esteros, 19/25-VIII-[19]89, L.E. Peña (USNM); 1♂, 1♀, L.E. Peña (MLP); 1♂, 1♀, Guanay, Uyapi, X-1994, G. Castillo (USNM); 1♂, 1♀, G. Castillo (MLP). BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: 1♀, NE Caceres, 21-VII- [19]88 (USNM). ECUADOR: Napo: 1♂, Limoncocha, 15-VI-1977, collected in Malaise trap, P.J. Spangler & D.R. Givens (USNM); Zamora-Chinchipe: 1♂, Yanzaza, 16-VI-1976, A. Langley et al., Ecuador Peace Corps, Smithsonian Institution Aquatic Insect Survey (USNM); Tungurahua: 1♂, ∼ 29 km N of Puyo, 22- I-1974, 3800 ft, R.M. King, on Austroeupatorium inulaefolium , compositae at USNM coll. (USNM); 1♂, 2♀ 1, Gualaquiza, 1000 m a.s.l., 25/28-VIII-1977, L.E. Pena G. (USNM). PERU: 3♀, Madre de Dios, Avispas, 10/30-IX-1962, L.E. Peña (AMNH); 1♀, L.E. Peña (MLP); 1♂, 2♀, Sinchono, VII-[19]28, J.G. Sanders (OSUC); 2♀, Cueva de los Pavos, 15 km S Tingo María, 15-VII-1968, C.W. & L. O’Brien (AMNH); 1♀, Bella Durmiente near Tingo María, 12- VII-1968, C.W. & L. O’Brien (AMNH); 1♂, 24 km W Aguaytia between Pucallpa y Tingo María, C.W. & L. O’Brien (AMNH); 1♀, Satipo, 10-VIII-1941, P. Paprzycki (USNM); 1♀, 17-VIII-1941, P. Paprzycki (USNM).















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