Scirtothrips, Shull, 1909

Retana-Salazar, Axel P., 2016, Scirtothrips menai sp. n., a new species from Costa Rica, Central America (Thysanoptera, Terebrantia, Thripidae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 15, pp. 3-15 : 7

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11537843

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Key to Scirtothrips View in CoL species from Costa Rica (Adapted from Mound & Marullo 1996)

1a) Ocellar setae III in position 4, between the posterior ocelli, forewing cilia wavy, pmI, pmII and pmIII subequal in length, metanotal median setae arise at anterior margin, tergites III-V with 3 setae on lateral microtrichial areas, tergite IX without discal microtrichia, tergal antecostal ridges dark ……………… astrictus

1b) Ocellar setae III forward ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

2a) Median setae on tergites IV-V close together, if small then at least twice as long as the distance between their bases ……………………………………………………………… 3

2b) Median setae on tergites IV-V small and far apart, distance between their bases at least twice their length ……………………………………………………………………………… 6

3a) Posteromarginal cilia in wing I straight, ocellar setae III arise within the ocellar triangle, metanotum broadly reticulated in medial area ………………………… 4

3b) Posteromarginal cilia in wing I wavy, ocellar setae III arise on anterior margin of the in position 1/2, metanotum longitudinally reticulated in medial area, vein I in wing I with 4-5 setae on distal half, pronotal setae pmII more than 50 µm long, median setae on tergite V variable but always more than 15 µm long ……… 5

4a) Sculpture of pronotum closely striated, setae pm II elongate, antennal segment II dark brown, tergite IV with more than 8 rows of microtrichia in lateral areas, tergite VIII with a transverse row of microtrichia just behind antecostal ridge …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… euthyntus View in CoL

4b) Sculpture of pronotum exceptionally wide apart, almost reticulate I the medial region, posteromarginal setae small, antennal segment II as pale as I, segment III dark, tergite IV with less than 5 rows of microtrichia, tergite VIII without discal microtrichia ………………………………………………………………………………………… pteridis View in CoL

5a) Pronotal discal setae 10-13 µm, 9 rows of tergal microtrichias in lateral thirds, medial teeth on posteromarginal comb on VIII tergum 15 µm …………………………… bounites View in CoL

5b) Pronotal discal setae 17-20 µm, 11-12 rows of tergal microtrichia in lateral thirds, medial teeth on posteromarginal comb on VIII tergum 12-13 µm long …… menai View in CoL sp. n.

6a) Tergites IV-V with four setae on each lateral microtrichial area, tergite IX with numerous discal microtrichia on posterior half, VIII with several rows of microtrichia medially between antecostal ridge and median setae …………………… 7

6b) Tergites IV-V with three setae on each lateral microtrichial area, tergite IX without discal microtrichia, VIII with or without few discal microtrichia ……… 9

7a) Sternites with antecostal ridge scarcely shaded, IV-VI not covered with microtrichia, usually with a clear area of sculptures lines mesad of marginal setae B1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… manihoti View in CoL

7b) Sternites with antecostal ridge dark, covered with microtrichia ……………………… 8

8a) Ocellar setae III on anterolateral margins of ocellar triangle in position 1/2, body colour light Brown………………………………………………………………………………………………… ikelus View in CoL

8b) Ocellar setae III close together within the ocellar triangle, body colour mainly yellow ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… panamensis View in CoL

9a) Ocellar region without sculpture, vein II in wing I with 5 setae, pronotal setae pmII 1,5 times as long as pmI …………………………………………………………………………………… abditus View in CoL

9b) Ocellar region with lines of sculpture, vein II in wing I with 8 setae, pronotal setae pmII and pmIII twice as long as pmI ……………………………………………………………… lumarius View in CoL


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium











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