Chimarra (Otarrha) soroa Blahnik & Holzenthal

Blahnik, Roger J. & Holzenthal, Ralph W., 2012, New Neotropical species of Chimarra (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae), ZooKeys 184, pp. 1-33 : 22-25

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scientific name

Chimarra (Otarrha) soroa Blahnik & Holzenthal

sp. n.

Chimarra (Otarrha) soroa Blahnik & Holzenthal   ZBK sp. n. Fig. 19 A–F20A–C


This new species closely resembles Chimarra garciai Botosaneanu, 1980, also known from Cuba, and represents a probable sister species. It is also similar in general features to Chimarra jamaicensis Flint, 1968 and Chimarra machaerophora Flint, 1968, both described from Jamaica. All of these species have a tergum X that is divided mesally, with very elongate lateral lobes, and similarly shaped inferior appendages. Like Chimarra garciai , Chimarra soroa , sp. n. has a tergum VIII with a pair of short spine-like projections, but without the mesal projection of Chimarra machaerophora . In the key by Blahnik (2002), Chimarra soroa would key out to the couplet including Chimarra garciai and Chimarra jamaicensis . It differs from Chimarra garciai in lacking a pair of sclerotized spines at the base of the lobes of tergum X, and from either species in having a distinctly projecting, rounded, sensilla-bearing process on the lateral margin of each of the lobes of tergum X. Additionally, the inferior appendages appear more truncate in lateral view than in either of those species.

Adult. Forewing length (male) 4.8-5.2 mm, (female) 5.3 mm. Overall color nearly uniformly medium brown, palps slightly darker; thorax ventrally, meso- and metacoxae light brown. Venation typical for subgenus, forewing with Rs straight s, r and r-m of forewing linearly arranged and unpigmented, as is m-cu and apex of Cu2; 2A of forewing without apical “fork” (2A and 3A both apparently looped to 1A). Rs of hind wing 3-branched, M 2-branched. Head relatively short (postocular parietal sclerite short). Maxillary palps short, segment 2 much shorter than 3 (about ½ length). Male with protarsi unmodified.

Male genitalia. Tergum VIII with short, paired, acute processes from posterior margin. Abdominal segment IX widest mid-laterally, anterolateral margin broadly rounded, narrowed dorsally and ventrally, posterolateral margin angularly projecting at level of inferior appendages; anterodorsal and anteroventral margins strongly invaginated mesally; posteroventral process elongate, projecting, narrowed basally, rounded apically. Tergum X divided mesally, forming 2 elongate sclerotized lateral lobes; each strongly tapered and somewhat arched, with scattered sensilla apically and more densely on projecting, rounded, basolateral projection. Preanal appendage very large, flattened, earlike. Inferior appendage short, truncate apically in lateral view, with short, broadly rounded process on mesal surface. Phallic apparatus with phallotheca narrow, tubular, expanded basodorsally; endotheca membranous, apparently moderately elongate (incompletely expanded in holotype). Phallotremal sclerite complex composed of rod and ring structure, about ¼ length of phallotheca; ring distinct, with dorsal projection, rod only relatively elongate, with small apicolateral sclerites.

Female genitalia. Segment VIII short; anterior margin slightly projecting midlaterally at position of apodemes, apodemes short, angular, undeveloped; posterior margin nearly straight, with deep cleft near ventral margin, extending almost to anterior margin, ventral part of segment (below cleft) forming projecting process, narrow as viewed laterally, rounded apically as viewed ventrally; segment with elongate setae on posterolateral margin and shorter setae at apex of ventral projection. Tergum IX very short, with moderately elongate apodemes from anteroventral margin; posteromesally with projecting, short, rounded, setose projection. Sternum IX membranous. Tergum X bilobed, each lobe divided into prominent, rounded, lightly sclerotized basal region and less sclerotized apical region with cercus at apex. Vaginal apparatus moderately elongate, dorsalaterally with elongate paired sclerites, each divided for nearly entire length to form apparent pair of rod-like sclerites; apically with additional pair of short needle-like sclerites on either side of elongate sclerites; vaginal apparatus anteriorly with indistinct ring-like sclerite.


, male (pinned) (UMSP000095831):CUBA:Pinar del Río: La Caridad, 2 km NW Soroa, 22°48.6'N, 83°01.2'W, 220 m, 4-5.xii.1994. O.S. Flint, Jr. (NMNH).


CUBA: Pinar del Río: same data as holotype, 1 male (pinned) (NMNH); Soroa, 22°47.7'N, 83°00.1'W, 200 m, 4-6.xii.1994. O.S. Flint, Jr., 1 female (pinned) (NMNH).


This species is named Chimarra soroa , used as a noun in apposition, after the resort in Cuba near which the type specimen was collected.













