Compsophorus coxator, Riedel & Pos, 2019

Riedel, Matthias & Pos, Davide Dal, 2019, Contribution to the AIrotropical Ɨchneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ɨchneumonidae) Irom Gabon and Sierra Leone, with descriptions oI Iive new species and two new subspecies, Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (1), pp. 419-436 : 421-422

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scientific name

Compsophorus coxator

sp. nov.

Compsophorus coxator nov.sp. (figs 1, 5, 8, tab. 1 View Tab )

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Holotypus: (♀) Gabon - prov. Ogooué-Ivindo, Parc National de ĺ Ivindo , station de Ipassa , 0°30́45́́N 12°48́10́́ E, 20/29.II. 2012, leg. M. Pavesi ( MSNM, Milan ). GoogleMaps

D e s c r i p t i o n: ♀: Body length 15 mm. Flagellum long, moderately lanceolate, with 42 flagellomeres, 1 st and 2 nd flagellomeres each c.2.5x longer than wide; widest flagellomeres c.1.6x wider than long. Temple long, parallel behind eye and slightly narrowed apically, c.0.65x as wide as the eye. Distance of lateral ocellus to eye 1.8x its diameter. Temple and frons smooth and shining. Face and clypeus densely punctate, median field of face partly rugose-punctate; gena with rather dense punctures ventrally. Mandible large and wide, with a wide gap between both teeth, lower tooth slightly shorter than the upper one. Malar space c.1.2x wider than mandibular base. Genal carina reaching mandibular base.

Pronotum with oblique striae caudally and ventrally, epomia strongly developed, long. Mesoscutum without distinct notaulus, with coarse irregular rugae and three smoothened stripes medially and in the centers of lateral fields. Mesopleuron strongly striate dorsally and rugose ventrally, speculum smooth. Metapleuron rugose-punctate, juxtacoxal carina distinct. Scutellum flat, about as long as wide, coarsely rugose, with complete lateral carina. Propodeum coarsely rugose-punctate; area superomedia hexagonal, slightly longer than wide, almost smooth; basal part of lateral area finely striate. Area petiolaris moderately impressed, with weak lateral carina, rugose-punctate. Hind coxa punctate, with apical lamelliform carina forming a strong triangular elevation; hind femur with mainly dense punctures, ventral third with scattered punctures, slender, c.4.5x longer than wide. Claws not pectinate.

Areolet quadrangular and shortly stalked frontally; 2 nd recurrent vein in its middle; nervulus postfurcal. Nervellus of hind wing reclivous, intercepted in its apical 0.75.

Metasoma semi-amblypygous, short-oval. Postpetiolus moderately widened apically, without dorsal carina, finely aciculate. Gastrocoelus triangular, with fine ridges. Thyridium wide, oblique, c.1.7x as wide as the interval. 2 nd tergite 1.15x wider than long, 3 rd tergite 1.6x wider than long, both tergites completey and coarsely aciculate, apical margins granulate and punctate; following tergites smooth and with fine scattered punctures, strongly shining. Ovipositor sheath not surpassing the metasomal apex.

Color: Head black. Yellowish areas are located as follow: base of mandible, spot on malar space and spot opposite to antennal grooves. Flagellum black, with ivory stripes on flagellomeres 8-12. Mesosoma and metasoma blackish with metallic blue shine; 6 th and 7 th tergites with wide ivory apical bands. Legs black; fore and middle femora and tibiae reddish, with more or less extended caudal infuscate stripes. Wings hyaline, infuscate apically distal to pterostigma; pterostigma blackish.

Male and hosts unknown.


Italy, Milano, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale

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