Nativus carare, Casas & Rheims, 2023

Casas, Cristian M. & Rheims, Cristina A., 2023, Nativus gen. nov., a new huntsman spider genus from South America (Araneae: Sparassidae: Heteropodinae), Zootaxa 5360 (1), pp. 1-43 : 6-8

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scientific name

Nativus carare

sp. nov.

Nativus carare sp. nov.

Figs 11−18 View FIGURES 11–15 View FIGURES 16–18

Type material: Holotype: COLOMBIA: Santander: ♂, Municipio Puerto Araujo (6.5164, -74.0969), Veredas Las Marías, Hacienda Los Manantiales, 1 April 2003, S. Bustamante leg. ( MPUJ _ ENT0070589 ). GoogleMaps

Additional material examined. COLOMBIA: Boyacá: 1♂, Otanche, Serranía Las Quinchas (5.8463, -74.2709), April 1997, G. Alarcón leg. (ICN−Ar-12998) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific name refers to the Carare River, located close to the collection locality of the holotype; noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Males of N. carare sp. nov. resemble those of N. mariua sp. nov. ( Figs 59−61 View FIGURES 59–64 ) and N. tawu sp. nov. ( Figs 106−108 View FIGURES 106–111 ) by the palps with E roughly straight and tegulum lacking RdP. They are distinguished from both species by the dRTA single and by the tegulum lacking small triangular protrusion close to bp ( Figs 17−18 View FIGURES 16–18 ) (dRTA bifid, with ventral branch hook-shaped in retrolateral view and triangular protrusion present in the latter species). Females unknown.

Description. Male (holotype): Prosoma orange brown with brown margins; cephalic region with three pale brown longitudinal lines extending posteriorly from behind ALE and from between PME; fovea and thoracic striae dark brown; eye borders black. Chelicerae brown, lighter than prosoma. Legs and palps brown, lighter than prosoma. Endites brownish orange, distally lighter. Labium brown, distally pale brown. Sternum pale yellow, with orange margins. Opisthosoma yellowish cream colored; dorsally with few white marks scattered laterally and around cardiac mark; ventrally with pair of U-shaped muscle impressions. Spinnerets yellowish cream colored ( Figs 11−12 View FIGURES 11–15 ). Total length 8.79. Prosoma: 4.15 long, 4.07 wide. Opisthosoma: 4.47 long, 2.52 wide. Eyes diameters: 0.35, 0.41, 0.40, 0.60; interdistances: 0.53, 0.60, 0.76, 0.73, 0.76, 0.81. Legs: I: 25.35 (5.62, 1.95, 7.90, 7.32, 2.56); II: absent; III: 19.06 (5.54, 1.69, 5.61, 4.80, 1.45); IV: 24.37 (6.47, 1.57, 6.50, 7.31, 2.52). Spination follows the generic pattern, except femur III: r1-0-1; tibia III: d1-0-1; metatarsus III: v2-2-0. Palp: PTA roughly triangular, with rounded tip, slightly wider than long; VTA triangular, displaced retrolaterally; vRTA two times longer than wide in retrolateral view; dRTA spade-shaped with small subdistal triangular projection; tegulum smooth without protrusions; bp keel-like, at least 7 times wider than long; DTA without projections ( Figs 13−18 View FIGURES 11–15 View FIGURES 16–18 ).

Female: Unknown.

Variation. Males (n = 2): Total length 8.74−8.79; prosoma length 4.13−4.15; femur I length 5.59−5.62.

Distribution. Only known from Boyacá and Santander departments, central-northern Colombia ( Fig. 142 View FIGURE 142 ).













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