Buca asymmetrospinata, Gnezdilov & Bartlett & Bourgoin, 2016

Gnezdilov, Vladimir M., Bartlett, Charles R. & Bourgoin, Thierry, 2016, A new tribe of Tropiduchidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) with revision of the genus Buca and description of asymmetric hind leg spinulation, Florida Entomologist 99 (3), pp. 406-406 : 406-

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1653/024.099.0311

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Buca asymmetrospinata

sp. nov.

Buca asymmetrospinata View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figs. 3 View Fig , 4 View Fig , 6 View Fig , 8A, 10, 11)

Diagnosis. Color yellowish, mid-dorsal vitta orangish across mesonotum; forewings lacking dark coloration at apices. Trailing margin of forewing roundly convex, forewing venation with 3–5 branches of RP and 7–9 branches of MP and 2 r-m crossveins.

Description. Color. Body pale yellowish with mid-dorsal red to brown stripe following median carinae of coryphe, pronotum, and mesonotum and more weakly along the commissural margin of forewings (darkest on the vertex); black marking at apex of fastigium and extending to lateral margin. Abdominal tergites III-VI each with big median red spot. Structure. Body length (with wings), 3 8.48 ± 0.35 mm (n = 5), ♀ 8.68 ± 0.32 mm (n = 5); body length (without wings), 3 5.51 ± 0.26 (n = 5), ♀ 4.79 ± 0.23 (n = 5). Metope width (L:W at widest point 1.23 ± 0.05, n = 10), sharply enlarged above clypeus (near level of antennae in frontal view), with distinct median carina running from fastigium to level of antennae, but obsolete ventrad of antennae. Lateral margins of metope sharp, laterally projected to hide scape from frontal view. Clypeus with weak carina. Coryphe broad ( Fig. 4B View Fig ), length at midline approximately equal to width at widest point (near apex; L:W ratio 0.99 ± 0.08, n = 10); lateral margins subparallel, very weakly diverging distally; anterior margin of coryphe convex, posterior margin concave. Pronotum short with median carina, disc (median part of pronotum) small, paranota narrow, acutely angulate, nearly reaching tegulae, without carinae. Mesonotum very large, over 6 times as long as pronotum medially (ratio of mesonotum length excluding scutellum to pronotum length = 6.39 ± 0.59, n = 10), with distinct median and weak lateral carinae. Scutellum separated by a transverse sulcus. Forewings long (7.12 ± 0.33 mm, n = 10), extending well past end of abdomen, and wide (3.60 ± 0.28 mm), with costal area lacking transverse veins ( Figs. 3C View Fig , 8A). Forewing with crossveins absent in costal area; basal cell large; ScP+RA (branch ScP+RA forked from RP in proximal third of wing), RP 3; 2 r-m crossveins; MP 7–9 branched (1st M fork just distad of 1st R fork), following a proximal nodal cell C3, postnodal media cells divided into distal and proximal cells by 6 or 7 im crossveins in a post-nodal line; 1 m-cu crossvein; CuA and CuP usually simple; C5 absent or very distally and open; clavus long, open; Pcu reaching A1 past distal third of wing in apical portion of clavus; 1–4 transverse veins CuP and Pcu near apex of clavus; A1 arched to follow contour of postclaval margin, creating narrow (and usually darkened) cell between A1 and trailing margin of wing.

Male terminalia. Pygofer in lateral view relatively narrow, broadest ventrally (underside concave from ventral view), with convex caudal margin. Phallus recurved in lateral view, dorsolateral phallothecal lobes fused dorsally, each with a narrow subapical process; ventral phallothecal lobe narrow, rounded apically, not reaching apical phallotheca margin. Apical aedeagal processes truncate. Aedeagus with pair of long (2/3 aedeagal length) ventral hooks, apically acuminate, sometimes with marginal teeth. Gonostyli with long, apically enlarged capitulum (in dorsal view), bearing a plate-shaped lateral tooth; hind margin of gonostylus angularly concave, caudo-dorsal angle right. Anal tube narrow and elongate (in lateral view), nearly parallel-sided, distal portion usually slightly expanded (in dorsal view). Paraproct long, almost half as long as anal tube.

Female terminalia. Gonoplacs in lateral view nearly rectangular; gonoplac lobes fused along the median line (in dorsal view)—1st and 2nd gonoplac lobes completely fused, 3rd lobes narrow, separated apically. Posterior connective laminae of gonapophyses IX elongate (in ventral view). Lateral fields of the gonapophyses flat. Distal portions of the laminae straight. Median field convex (in lateral view); lobes fused, with pair of folds directed inside of the field perpendicularly to the field. Gonospiculum bridge narrow. Hind margin of gonocoxae VIII not protruding. Anterior connective lamina of gonapophyse VIII wide. Apical group of teeth of the lamina with 3 teeth, lateral group with 4 teeth (3 of which are keeled; Fig. 11E View Fig ). A large tooth is present below the apical group outside of lateral group. Endogonocoxal process wide, with forked apex. Anal tube narrowing apically—spear-shaped, in dorsal view twice as long as wide ( Fig. 11A View Fig ); flat in lateral view ( Fig. 11B View Fig ). Paraproct very long, reaching anal tube apex.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Greek word “ asymmetros ” (without symmetry, disproportionate) joined with the Latin word “ spine ” bearing the feminine termination “- ata ” (possession, belonging to), indicating the asymmetric spinulation on the hind leg.

Type material examined. Holotype. “1064EcuadorOrellana / ErwinTransect / Onkone Gare Camp / Reserve Ethica Waorani // 00 39’ 25.7”S 076 27’10.8”W / 2.vii.95 T.L. Erwin et al. / Fogging terre firme forest // UDCC _ TCN 00055238 View Materials // photo [handwritten, green paper]// HOLOTYPE / Buca / asymmetrospinata / Gnezdilov et al. 2015 ” [red paper]. GoogleMaps

Paratypes ( MNHN:13, 1♀; USNM:393, 34♀). Ecuador. Sucumbíos Province: “Muséum Paris / Shushufindi / Equateur / Rec. B. Perthuis / 1984–1986 // Muséum Paris / MNHN ( EH) / 7352” (1♀, MNHN);“Equateur, Shushufindi, Rec. B. Perthuis, 1984–1986”, “ MNHN ( EH)7352” (13, MNHN). Orellana Province [formerly part of Napo Province]: Onkone Gare Camp, Reserve Ethica Waorani, Erwin Transect , 0039′ 25.7″ S 076 27′ 10.8″ W, T. L. Erwin et al., fogging terre firme forest (Erwin samples USNM, exemplars retained at ZIN and UDCC): sample 578, 15.I.1994 (13); sample 688, 20.VI.1994 (13); sample 695, 21.VI.1994 (2♀) ; sample 719, 21.VI.1994 (1♀); sample 862, 4.X.1994 (1♀); sample 866, 4.X.1994 (1♀); sample 868, 4.X.1994 (13); sample 907, 7.X.1994 (1♀); sample 913, 9.X.1994 (13); sample 992, 10.II. 1995 (13); sample 1038, 12.II.1995 (13); sample 1039, 12.II.1995 (33 2♀); sample 1040, 12.II.1995 (1♀); sample 1044, 12.II.1995 (1♀); sample 1056, 15.II.1995 (1♀); sample 1093, 3.VII.1995 (13); sample 1104, 4.VII.1995 (1♀); sample 1136, 9.VII.1995 (1♀); sample 1190, 6.X.1995 (1♀); sample 1199, 5.X.1995 (1♀); sample 1213, 6.X.1995 (13); sample 1214, 6.X.1995 (1♀); sample '230, 6.X.1995 (1♀); sample 1231, 7.X.1995 (2 3); sample 1419, 4.II.1996 (1♀); sample 1420, 5.II.1996 (2♀); sample 1424, 5.II.1996 (13); sample 1426, 5.II.1996 (13); sample 1429, 5.II.1996 (13); sample 1444, 7.II.1996 (1♀); sample 1445, 7.II.1996 (13); sample 1461, 7.II.1996 (23, 1♀); sample 1469, 8.II.1996 (13); sample 1487, 10.II.1996 (1♀, 1 deformed); sample 1548, 21.VI.1996 (1♀); sample 1564, 22.VI.1996 (13); sample 1588, 26.VII.1996 (23); sample 1589, 26.VI.1996 (13); sample 1704, 2.X.1996 (13, 1♀); sample 1706, 2.X.1996 (13); sample 1727, 3.X.1996 (1♀); Tiputini Biodiversity Station, near Yasuni National Park , Erwin Transect T / 2, 220–250 m, 0037′55″S 07608′39″ W, T.L. Erwin et al. fogging terre firme forest: sample 1854, 1.VII.1998 (1♀) ; sample 1865, 4.VII.1998 (13); sample 1873, 4.VII.1998 (13); sample 1937, 24.X.1998 (1♀); sample 1954, 26.X.1998 (13); sample 1957, 26.X.1998 (13); sample 1962, 22.X.8 (13); sample 1970, 22.X.1998 (13); sample 1971, 22.X.1998 (1♀); sample 1973, 22.X.1998 (1♀); sample 1865, 4.VII.1998 (13); sample 2004, 9.II.1999 (13); sample 2007, 9.II.1999 (1♀); sample 2010, 9.II.1999 (1♀); sample 2012, 9.II.1999 (13); sample 2068, 8.II.1999 (1♀); sample 2033, 8.II.1999 (1♀); sample 2068, 6.II.1999 (13); sample 2070, 6.II.1999 (23); sample 2096, 5.II.1999 (13).

Remarks. Specimens from the Ecuador canopy fogging study (e.g., Erwin & Geraci 2009) are currently housed at the USNM (representatives retained at UDCC and ZIN), but it is expected that representatives will subsequently be repatriated to the Quito Catholic Zoology Museum at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) by the USNM.


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