Pseudoeupolyphaga latizona Han, Che & Wang, 2024

Han, Wei, Che, Yan-Li, Zhang, Pei-Jun & Wang, Zong-Qing, 2024, New species of Eupolyphaga Chopard, 1929 and Pseudoeupolyphaga Qiu & Che, 2024 (Blattodea, Corydioidea, Corydiinae), with notes on their female genitalia, ZooKeys 1211, pp. 151-191 : 151-191

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1211.128805

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scientific name

Pseudoeupolyphaga latizona Han, Che & Wang

sp. nov.

Pseudoeupolyphaga latizona Han, Che & Wang sp. nov.

Figs 11 A – R View Figure 11 , 15 C, D, L, M View Figure 15

Type material.

Holotype: China • male; Sichuan Province, Yaan City, Shimian County, Caoke Village ; 20 Jul. 2022; Wei Han, Xin-Xing Luo leg. Paratypes: China • 1 female, 5 nymphs & some oothecae, same collection data as holotype 4 males; Sichuan Province, Ganzi Prefecture, Danba County ; 12 Jul. 2017; Jian-Yue Qiu, Hao Xu leg 1 male; Sichuan Province, Ganzi Prefecture, Danba County, Jiaju Zangzhai ; 12 Jul. 2017; Hao Xu, Jian-Yue Qiu leg 2 males; Sichuan Province, Ganzi Prefecture, Danba County, Zhanggu Town , Baiga Mountain ; 14 Jun. 2013; Li He leg 1 female, 3 nymphs, 3 oothecae; Sichuan Province, Ganzi Prefecture, Danba County, Zhanggu Town , Baiga Mountain ; Oct. 2016; Jian-Yue Qiu leg 1 female, 2 nymphs, 5 oothecae; Sichuan Province, Ganzi Prefecture, Danba County ; 20 Feb. 2017; Jian-Yue Qiu leg 1 male; Sichuan Province, Ganzi Prefecture, Danba County, Zhanggu Town , Baiga Mountain ; 14 Jun. 2013; Li He leg 4 nymphs, 1 ootheca; Sichuan Province, Ganzi Prefecture, Danba County, Zhanggu Town , Baiga Mountain ; Feb. 2017; Lu Qiu leg.


The male of this species resembles the newly described species P. baimaensis sp. nov., but differs in having denser markings on the tegmina, darker abdominal coloration, and more distinct boundaries of yellow-black abdominal markings. The female of this species has slightly smaller ocelli compared to the latter. Additionally, the serrations of the ootheca of this species are very weak, whereas those of P. baimaensis sp. nov. are slightly stronger.


Holotype. Measurements (mm). Overall length (including tegmen): 33.70; body length: 20.94; body width (tegmina not included): 11.54; tegmen length × width: 29.29 × 9.91; pronotum length × width: 9.19 × 5.39.

Coloration. Pronotum dark yellowish brown, covered with short yellowish setae. Anterior margin white (Fig. 11 A, K View Figure 11 ). Maculae in tegmina and hind wings blackish brown (Fig. 11 A, B View Figure 11 ). Eyes, vertex, and spaces between ocelli black. Ocelli and antennal sockets white. Post-clypeus dark yellowish brown. Ante-clypeus pale yellow. Base of labrum white, rest yellowish brown. Labial palpi and maxillary palpi yellowish brown, connections white (Fig. 11 B, M View Figure 11 ). Legs yellowish brown, tibia and spines dark yellowish brown. Pulvilli and arolia white. Sterna yellow, margins, middle and distal part with black markings (Fig. 11 B View Figure 11 ).

Body. Head: Sub-rounded, nearly completely hidden under pronotum. Eyes and ocelli developed. Ocelli ridge narrow, with a row of setae on the upper edge. A dimple present between the ocelli. Interocular space nearly equal to the distance between ocelli, and both narrower than the distance between antennal sockets. Clypeus developed (Fig. 11 M View Figure 11 ). Pronotum: Transverse oval, widest near the middle. Densely covered with setae on surface, with symmetrical stripes in the middle. Anterior whitish margin greatly broad, clearly delineated from the yellowish-brown areas (Fig. 11 K View Figure 11 ). Tegmina and hind wings: Densely covered with maculae, most of maculae small (Fig. 11 A View Figure 11 ). Legs: Slender, front femur type C 1. Pulvilli and arolia present. Abdomen: Supra-anal plate transverse, narrow and pubescent, posterior margin slightly protruded medially. Paraprocts simple. Hind margin of subgenital plate densely covered with setae, slightly asymmetrical, middle part slightly concave. Styli long (Fig. 11 O, P View Figure 11 ). Genitalia: The left protuberance of L 1 robust, two posterior lobes and terminal protrusion strong. L 2 arched. Genital hook (L 3) straight, the hook small. L 4 M broad lamellate. Pda and paa developed, protrusions long. L 8 irregular, subtriangular. R 1 M expanded terminally. R 1 L elongate, banded. R 2 divided into two chunks. R 3 broadly concave (Fig. 11 Q, R View Figure 11 ).

Female paratype (same locality as holotype). Body length: 24.12 mm; body width: 16.33 mm; pronotum length × width: 11.81 × 6.85 mm.

Coloration. Terga yellowish brown to blackish brown (Fig. 11 G, I View Figure 11 ). Vertex and eyes black. Ocelli yellow. Antennae yellowish brown. Antennal sockets, base of labrum and two sides of ante-clypeus white. Middle of ante-clypeus yellow. Post-clypeus and middle of labrum reddish brown. Distal part of labrum black. Legs dark yellowish brown to reddish brown, spines reddish brown to black. Sterna reddish brown to black (Fig. 11 H, J View Figure 11 ).

Body. The widest point of pronotum near the hind margin, middle area with symmetrical dark stripe. Anterior whitish margin absent (Fig. 11 L View Figure 11 ). Ocelli degraded to two spots. Interocular space almost equal to the distance between ocelli, both narrower than the distance between antennal sockets (Fig. 11 N View Figure 11 ). Front femur type C 1. Arolia and pulvilli absent. Posterior margin of supra-anal plate protruded, slightly emarginated medially. Cerci short and robust, not exceeding posterior margin of supra-anal plate. Posterior margin of subgenital plate protruding medially (Figs 11 G – J View Figure 11 , Suppl. material 1: fig. S 1 D).

Nymph. Similar to the female, a little paler in color.

Ootheca. Dark reddish brown to black. Surface with densely parallel longitudinal lines. Serrations of keel very weak. No respiratory canals (Fig. 15 C, D, L, M View Figure 15 ).


The species epithet is derived from a combination of the Latin words latus and zona, which refers to the broad anterior whitish margin on the pronotum of the male.


Samples from Danba County were previously identified as P. yunnanensis ( Qiu et al. 2018) . However, their tegmina maculae are significantly denser than those of P. yunnanensis . There are some differences between samples from Shimian County and Danba County: the former has a darker body coloration and dense but separate tegmina maculae, while the latter has a paler body coloration and with some fused maculae in tegmina. We also found a recently emerged male individual with dense but scattered forewing maculae and a yellowish-white abdomen (Fig. 11 E, F View Figure 11 ). The genetic distance between the samples from Shimian County and Danba County of this species is 4.75 %, leading to their designation as conspecific. Furthermore, the genetic distance between this species and members of the rest of the genus ranges from 12.92 % to 20.90 %, providing further support for its classification as a new species.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile