Pselaphogenius ventralis (Owens & Carlton, 2022)

Owens, Brittany E. & Carlton, Christopher E., 2022, --- Revision- -- of- -- the- -- New- -- Zealand- -- species- -- of- -- the- -- Genus- -- Pselaphogenius Reitter- -- (Staphylinidae: --- Pselaphinae: --- Pselaphitae: --- Pselaphini) ---, Zootaxa 5155 (2), pp. 187-220 : 210-212

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5155.2.2

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pselaphogenius ventralis


Pselaphogenius ventralis View in CoL ­­­(Broun),­­­1895

Pselaphus ventralis Broun (1895: 72) View in CoL , transferred ( Jeannel 1951).

(Figs. 5c, 19a–c)

Type ­­­Material­­­Examined.­­­ After examining the type series of Pselaphus ventralis in the NHM and reviewing Broun’s original description, the following specimen from the NHM is here designated the lectotype: (1­­­male) TYPE (red/orange label)// 2742.// Mount Pirongia // New Zealand Broun coll. Brit. Mus. 1922-482 (lectotype). The additional specimen in the syntype series is also a member of P. ventralis : (1­­­male) 2742.// ♂ // Mount Pirongia // New Zealand Broun coll. Brit. Mus. 1922-482 and is here designated a paralectotype .

Diagnosis.­­­ Externally, this species is most similar to P. calantica , which also bears a thickened region at the apex of ventrite II. The greatly reduced form of the aedeagus, with the median lobe truncate and the absence of lateral and ventral processes, is unique.

Redescription.­­­ MALE. ­­­Integument: head, pronotum, elytra, abdomen, and appendages light brown, palpi lighter in color. Head:­­­ width between eyes equal to ½ length of head from base of vertex to apex of rostrum. Eyes small, composed of five facets. Frontal margin of rostrum emarginate in dorsal view. Gular mound swollen, ovate, longer than wide, narrowed anteriorly and posteriorly, glabrous; area of head posterior to gular mound flattened, slightly concave, nude. Maxillary palpomere IV longer than head, narrow, widened at base and distal 1/4, apical area lightly tuberculate, v-shaped sensory patches reduced. Thorax:­­­ pronotum basal sulcus absent, lateral antebasal foveae and median antebasal fovea reduced, pit like. Mesoventrite with median shield unmodified. Metaventrite afoveate, with median depression, metacoxae separated by extension of ventrite I. Legs unmodified. Elytra with two basal foveae, sutural fovea present; discal stria absent, sutural striae present. Abdomen:­­­ tergites of usual form for tribe. Ventrite I covered in dense, shining setae; ventrite II with basal sulcus occupying width of ventrite, sulcus densely setose, large deep oval median depression not reaching ventrite apex, apical portion of depression thickened into small, lateral ridge. Genitalia: aedeagus symmetrical. Median lobe shortened, truncate. Lateral processes absent. Ventral process absent. Parameres present, slightly exceeding length of median lobe.

Females.­­­ Integument,­­­ Head,­­­Thorax,­­­Abdomen:­­­ similar to male except ventrite II lacking median ovate depression.

Distribution.­­­ This species is known from localities in: Auckland (AK), Hunua Range, Waipipi Scenic Reserve, and the Waitakere Range; Bay of Plenty (BP), Kaimai-Mamaku Range; Nelson (NN), Kahurangi N.P.; Waikato (WO), Pirongia Forest Park and Te Mata.

Material­­­examined.­­­(2­­­males)­­­ NEW ZEALAND: AK: Hunua Ranges, Vining Reserve, Mangatangi Track, 240m, 37 ∘ 0.7.747/S, 175 ∘ 13.13.024/E, 17.xi.2005, Nothofagus-Agathis-Phyllocladus trichomanoides, etc.; FMHD#2005-008, berl. Leaf & log litter, A. Newton, A. Solodovnikov, et al.; ANMT site 1141 95% ethanol FIELD MUSEUM NAT. HIST. ( FMNH, EtOH); (3­­­males,­­­2­­­females)­­­ NEW ZEALAND: AK: Waipipi Scen. Res., 2km. Wsw Waipipi 40m 37.14S 174.40E 22.ii.1987 native hardwood forest in gully A.Newton & M.Thayer 835 FMHD #87-269 berl., leaf & log litter, forest floor ( FMNH, EtOH); (4­­­males,­­­3­­­females)­­­ NEW ZEALAND: AK: Waitakere Ra., Nohoanga Scen. Res., 260m 36.57S 174.35E 23.ii.1987 hardwood-podocarp forest A.Newton & M.Thayer 836 FMHD #87-271 berl., frond litter at base of tree ferns. ( FMNH, EtOH); (4­­­males,­­­2­­­females)­­­ NEW ZEALAND: BP: Kaimai-Mamaku Forest Park, Mt. Te Aroha, upper end Tul Mine Track, nr. Summit road, 775m, 37 ∘ 31.658'S, 175 ∘ 44.684'E, 19.xi.2005, low Nothofagus menziesii forest w/ Astelia ground layer; FMHD#2005-021, berl., forest litter, A. Newton & M. Thayer; ANMT site 1145 95% ethanol FIELD MUSEUM NAT. HIST. ( FMNH, EtOH); (3­­­males,­­­4­­­females)­­­ NEW ZEALAND: NN: Kahurangi N.P., Cobb Dam Rd., Asbestos Track 450m, 41 ∘ 06.333'S, 172 ∘ 43.174'E, 18.xii.2005, mixed broadleaf (incl. Nothofagus fusca )- podocarp forest; FMHD#2005-111, berl., leaf & log litter. A. Solodovnikov, D. Clarke, et al.; ANMT site 1160 95% ethanol FIELD MUSEUM NAT. HIST. ( FMNH, EtOH); (1­­­male,­­­1­­­female)­­­ NEW ZEALAND: NN: Kahurangi N.P., Arthur Range, above Flora Saddle, 1000m, 41 ∘ 11.351'S, 172 ∘ 44.456'E, 28.xi-19.xii.2005, Nothofagus -dominant forest; FMHD#2005-044, flight intercept trap, A. Newton & M. Thayer, ANMT site 1156 propylene glycol to 95% ethanol FIELD MUSEUM NAT. HIST. ( FMNH, EtOH); (2­­­males,­­­2­­­females)­­­ NEW ZEALAND: WO: Pirongia Forest Park, Tirohanga Track (above end Corcoran Rd.), 500m, 37 ∘ 58.409'S, 175 ∘ 07.173'E, 20.xi.2005, broadleaf forest; FMHD#2005-015, berl., forest litter, D. Clarke & A. Solodovnikov; ANMT site 1146 95% ethanol FIELD MUSEUM NAT. HIST. ( FMNH, EtOH); (3­­­males,­­­5­­­females)­­­ NEW ZEALAND: WO: Pirongia Forest Park, Mahaukura Track (above end Grey Rd.), 270m, 37 ∘ 58.218'S, 175 ∘ 06.523'E, 18.xi.2005, mixed broadleaf forest; FMHD#2005-011, berl., leaf & log litter, M. Thayer & A. Newton; ANMT site 1142 95% ethanol FIELD MUSEUM NAT. HIST. ( FMNH, EtOH); (1­­­male,­­­1­­­female)­­­ NEW ZEALAND WO Te Mata Bridal Veil Falls 19 Sep 1981 C.F.Butcher// Litter 81/88 ( NZAC).


Field Museum of Natural History


New Zealand Arthropod Collection




















Pselaphogenius ventralis

Owens, Brittany E. & Carlton, Christopher E. 2022

Pselaphus ventralis

Broun, T. 1895: )
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