Dilasia carvalhoi, Carpintero, 2014

Carpintero, Diego Leonardo, 2014, Western Hemisphere Lasiochilinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) with comments on some extralimital species and some considerations on suprageneric relationships, Zootaxa 3871 (1), pp. 1-87 : 21

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3871.1.1

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scientific name

Dilasia carvalhoi

sp. nov.

Dilasia carvalhoi n. sp.

( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 43–47 )

Diagnosis: This species is so far, the only known representative of the genus of the western hemisphere in which both sexes demonstrate brachyptery. The species is also characterized by the short, apically rounded left paramere.

Description: Measurements, see Table IV. Male: Dorsal view: General coloration reddish-brown with basal half of hemelytra and legs pale brown. Dorsal setae short, those on lateral margins longer. Head: Smooth, eyes small and ocelli greatly reduced; prolonged anteriorly from base of antennae; antennal segment II thick, shorter than head (segments I:II:III:IV) 1: 2.5: 2.2: 2.2. Thorax: Pronotum small, with lateral margins straight, anterior margin rounded, posterior margin slightly concave. Anterior lobe smooth, posterior lobe rugose. Mesosternum and metasternum not sulcate medially ( Fig. 52 View FIGURES 50–55 ), the latter one elongated posteriorly. Forefemora unarmed, pads well developed ( Fig. 50 View FIGURES 50–55 ); foretibiae armed with teeth and spines ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 50–55 ). Hemelytra rugose, short, venation developed. Membrane reduced, reaching seventh abdominal segment. Abdomen: Hairs on dorsal surface restricted to outer margins. Pygophore ( Fig. 53 View FIGURES 50–55 ) with presence of characteristic punctures on dorsal central and subapical areas ( Fig. 54 View FIGURES 50–55 ). Genitalia with left paramere short, nearly straight, slightly widened subapically, narrow but not acute apically ( Fig. 55 View FIGURES 50–55 ). Female: Similar to male in coloration and dimensions. Antennal segments (I:II:III:IV) 1: 2.1: 2.3: 2.2.

Distribution: Brazil. ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 48–49 )

Material examined: Holotype, BRAZIL: ♀ (Santa Catarina), Nova Teutonia , 27º11’08’’–50º23’01’’, 300–500 m (o. s. l.), 13-VII-1958, Fritz Plaumann, H. H. Harris, coll. 1977. USNM ; Paratype, ♂ same data than Holotype, slide-mounted genitalia and some remains of this specimen. USNM .

Etymology: This species honours to Prof. José Cândido de Melo Carvalho, one of the most important heteropterists of the 20th century.

Discussion. The left paramere of this species is similar to that of D. foveicollis , however it may be easily distinguished by its brachyptery and absence of midfovea on the pronotum as well as by its coloration and measurements.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













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