Blaps skopini, Chigray, Ivan & Ivanov, Alexander, 2020

Chigray, Ivan & Ivanov, Alexander, 2020, A Review Of The Genus Blaps (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Of Central And South Kazakhstan With Description Of Two New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 66 (2), pp. 111-162 : 140-146

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Blaps skopini

sp. nov.

Blaps skopini sp. n.

( Figs 28–33 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig , 37C View Fig )

Type material. Holotype (m) and paratypes (1 m, 2 ff): ‘ Southeast Kazakhstan / Ketmen Range / 7 km SW Aktam village / 43°23’21.6’’N, 79°52’48.3’’E / h= 1376 m / 30.v.2015 / leg. A. V. Ivanov’ ( ZIN) GoogleMaps ; Paratypes: 1 m, 1 f: ‘ Southeast Kazakhstan / Sugates Mountains / 4.ix.1968 / leg. N.G. Skopin’ ( ZIN) ; 1 m, 3 ff: ‘ Southeast Kazakhstan / Ketmen Range / 4 km N Talas village / 43°10’07.2’’N, 79°47’38.6’’E / h GoogleMaps = 2185 m / 24.iv.2018 / leg. A. V. Ivanov’ ( ZIN); 2 mm: ‘ Southeast Kazakhstan / Ketmen Range / 4 km N Talas village / 43°10’07.2’’N, 79°47’38.6’’E / h GoogleMaps = 2185 m / 09.iv.2019 / leg. A. V. Ivanov’ (IEPaAY, ZIN) ; 1 m: ‘ Southeast Kazakhstan / 14 km NW Aktogay village / 43°17’43.9’’N, 78°59’27.7’’E / h GoogleMaps = 1006 m / 24.v.2016 / leg. A. V. Ivanov’ ( ZIN) .

Description. Male. Body black, mat, slender. Anterior margin of epistoma weakly emarginate, straight in middle. Lateral margins of epistoma straight. Lateral margins of genae straight in anterior half, rounded at base. Lateral margins of head with indistinct emargination between epistoma and genae. Head widest at level of eyes and temples. Head 1.41 times as wide as interocular distance. Antennomeres 10–11 reaching base of pronotum when directed backwards. Ratio of length/width of antennomeres 2–11 as 6 (8), 31 (9), 11 (9), 11 (9), 11 (9), 15 (11), 10 (8), 10 (9), 10 (10), 14 (10). Mentum hexagonal, with weak outer angles. Punctation of head sparse, dense (distance between punctures subequal to or smaller than puncture diameter), bottom of punctures with one microgranule.

Pronotum transverse (1.32 times as wide as long), widest at middle, 1.94 times as wide as head. Ratio of pronotal width near anterior angles to widest part and that at base 4.1: 7.8: 6.2. Disc of pronotum weakly convex, narrow flattened along lateral sides and base. Anterior margin of pronotum widely emarginate, lateral margins widely rounded in anterior third and weakly rounded in posterior half, base of straight. Disk completely beaded except for apical middle. Anterior angles widely rounded, posterior angles narrowly rounded and right. Punctures of pronotum similar to those on head, strongly dense, puncture subcontiguous, sparser in middle (distance between punctures smaller than puncture diameter). Prothoracic hypomera with small wrinkles and covered with sparse small granules. Hypomera along lateral margins narrowly excavate.

Elytra weakly convex, elongate (2.1 times as long as wide together), widest at middle, 3.86 times as long and 1.37 times as wide as pronotum, 2.39 times as wide as head. Caudal extension of elytra (mucro) distinct, 5 mm long; elytra 4 times as long as mucro. Elytra with rasp-like punctures, punctation at sides becoming denser. Epipleura with fine wrinkles and sparse fine rasp-like punctation. Hair tuft between abdominal ventrites 1 and 2 present. Abdominal ventrites 1–3 with large transverse wrinkles in middle, ventrites 4–5 without wrinkles. Abdominal ventrites 1–3 covered with sparse small granules and rasp-shaped punctures, ventrite 4 with only rasp-like punctures, ventrite 5 with simple punctures, completely beaded except for base.

Legs slender. Ratio of lengths of femora, tibiae and tarsi of fore, middle and hind legs 6.5: 5.5: 3.2; 7.2: 6.3: 4.1; 9.1: 8.2: 4.7. All tarsomeres with bifurcated setal brush.

Anterior margin of male inner sternite VIII weakly emarginate, straight in middle, accessory gland of sternite VIII moderately long and thin, middle of sternite without hairs. Rods of spiculum gastrale merged at apex, forming long common stem, lobes of spiculum gastrale elongated. Aedeagus length 4.3–4.4 mm, width 0.8–0.9 mm. Aedeagus weakly Cshaped. Basal third of lateral margins of parameres almost straight, middle widely round- ed, apical third strongly acuminate at apex. Parameres length 1.4 mm, width 0.5 mm. Sides of parameres with two longitudinal impressions: one longer beginning from base and another shorter and disposed at middles.

Body length 27–28 mm, width 9.7–9.9 mm.

Female. Shape of body and punctation similar to those of male. Head 1.26 times as wide as interocular distance. Antennomeres 10–11 reaching base of pronotum when directed backwards. Ratio of pronotal width near anterior angles, in widest part and at base 3.8: 6.9: 6.4. Elytra elongate (1.72 times as long as wide together), 3.16 times as long and 1.38 times as wide as pronotum, 2.7 times as wide as head. Mucro short (1.6 mm).

Ovipositor moderately long. Apical lobes straight in basal thirds, weakly arcuately rounded in middle, apical third weakly arcuately emarginate. Apex of lobes acute. Anterior margin of proctiger with deep narrow emarginated in middle. Basal duct of spermatheca between vagina and reservoirs long, gland of spermatheca short. Bases of reservoirs of spermatheca thin, their apical half wider, 1st reservoir twice larger than 2nd. Stem of spiculum ventrale moderately long and thin.

Body length 22–24 mm, width 9–9.2 mm.

apical piece, dorsal view; E = the same, ventral view; F = the same, lateral view. Scale bars:

30 µm for D, E, 100 µm for B, F, 200 µm for C, 300 µm for A

Etymology. The species is named after the late Nikolay Georgievich Skopin famous specialist on Central Asian Tenebrionidae .

Differential diagnosis. The body shape and punctation of this new species is similar to B. granulata , B. granulipennis and B. tsharynensis . Blaps skopini

sp. n. differs from:

B. granulata in the more elongate pronotum (pronotum of B. granulata 1.4 times as wide as long); longer mucro of males (male elytra of B. granulata 5.5 times as long as mucro); in contrast to those of Blaps skopini sp. n., the sides of parameres of B. granulata are smooth, without longitudinal impression, slightly and gradually arched to apex (viewing from above), apex of the latter is straight ( Fig. 28B View Fig );

B. granulipennis in the coarser and denser punctation of the pronotum (punctures in Blaps skopini sp. n. are subcontiguous, while in B. granulipennis are subcontiguous everywhere except for middle); longer mucro of males and females (elytra of B. granulipennis 7.9 times as long as mucro); sides of parameres of B. granulipennis are widely rounded to the apex, with obtuse distinct emargination near the apex; lateral sides of apex of parameres are straight and parallel relative to each other ( Fig. 27A View Fig );

B. tsharynensis in the coarser and denser punctation of the pronotum (punctures in Blaps skopini sp. n. are subcontiguous, while they in B. tsharynensis are not contiguous); longer mucro of males and females (elytra of B. tsharynensis 10.5 times as long as mucro); larger and more distinct hair tuft between abdominal ventrites 1 and 2 ( Figs 35B View Fig ); parameres of Blaps skopini are elongated (2.48 times as long as wide), while parameres of B. tsharynensis are shorter (1.8 times as long as wide); joined apex of parameres in Blaps skopini sp. n. is thin and long ( Fig. 30 View Fig ), while ca, r = reservoirs, g = accessory gland of spermatheca). Scale bars = 1 mm

that in B. tsharynensis is thin, but short; reservoirs of spermatheca of Blaps skopini sp. n. are thin and fusiform, while reservoirs of spermatheca in B. tsharynensis are elliptic; stem of spiculum ventrale of the new species is thinner than that in B. tsharynensis .


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