Trichocoleus sp.

Da Anunciação, Raylane R., Paulino, Jonatas M., Moura, Ariadne N., Laughinghouse IV, H. Dail & Gama, Watson A., 2024, Morphometric Characterization And The First Taxonomic Synthesis Of Terrestrial Cyanobacteria From The Atlantic Forest In Northeastern Brazil, Phytotaxa 646 (1), pp. 1-31 : 7-8

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.646.1.1


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Trichocoleus sp.


Trichocoleus sp. ( Fig.7H–J View FIGURE 7 ).

Filaments solitary or forming fascicles. Sheath firm, thin, hyaline or absent. Trichomes cylindrical, constricted or not, erect or coiled, false geminate branches. Cells isodiametric or subquadratical, 0.89–2.49 μm wide, 0.89–2.76 μm long, ratio l/w = 0.96. Apical cells conical-rounded to rounded. Cell content homogeneous to granulated, with formation granules in central region, evident chromatoplasma, olive green. Reproduction by hormogones parallels to trichomes, constricted, cells isodiametric. Necridia rarely present.

Habitat:— Rock.

Studied material:— PEUFR56646

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