Aplocnemus (Aplocnemus) caelatus (Brullé, 1832)

Liberti, Gianfranco, 2019, The Aplocnemus Stephens, 1830, of Greece (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Dasytidae). A contribution to their knowledge, Natural History Sciences 6 (1), pp. 3-26 : 15

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4081/nhs.2019.389

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scientific name

Aplocnemus (Aplocnemus) caelatus (Brullé, 1832)


Aplocnemus (Aplocnemus) caelatus (Brullé, 1832)

(Figs. 11, 36-38)

Dasytes caelatus Brullé, 1832: 150 , pl. 37 fig. 2, loc. typ. Peloponnesus; Kiesenwetter, 1859: 174; Pic, 1937: 32; Peacock, 1987: 153 [ Aplocnemus ]; Mayor, 2007: 410.

= Haplocnemus pristocerus Kiesenwetter, 1859: 170 , loc. typ.

Nafplio, Athina [syn. n.]; Pic, 1937: 39; Mayor, 2007: 413

[ Aplocnemus ].

Types - Two syntypes are at MNHNP (“general col- lection”): one of them , ♂, labelled “224” hw; “ Dasytes / caelatus / Morée / M. Brullé” hw, this second label pin- ned on the box floor. The second syntype is in very bad conditions (only elytra and abdomen remaining) and is labelled “ Dasytes caelatus Brullé ” hw. The original de- scription is rather accurate and make reference to the dark green overall colour which allows the (easy) recognition of this species.

The Kiesenwetter types of his Haplocnemus pristocerus have been lost but the description seems to be sufficient to allow an identification, so that little doubts remain on this synonymy. Kiesenwetter himself states that, probably, Brullé’s Dasytes caelatus (and D. cribrarius , both unknown to him) could be placed “in the same systematic position” (“hierher zu beziehen”) of his H. pristocerus .

Description - This species belonging to the “ reitteri group”, the above general description (under “Systema- tics”) applies. Easily recognizable from all other Aplocnemus species for rough, dull appearance and green reflections.

Rather large, black with green reflections; legs and an- tennae black. Antennae (Fig. 11) rather elongate: article 3 triangular, elongate, slightly narrower than 4; 4-6 trasver- se, 4 and 5 shorter and narrower than 6-9; 7-9 balanced and very slightly S-shaped on inner side. Pronotum lateral sides finely crenulated, mainly on basal half. Elytral apices separately rounded. Penultimate sternite straight or very feebly emarginated on rear border; last sternite median process very short (Fig. 38).

Dimensions in mm. TL: ♂♂ 6.0-6.7; ♀♀ 5.1-6.2.

♂♂. TL = 6.10 ± 0.67, PL = 1.12 ± 0.10, EL = 4.12 ± 0.38, PW = 1.76 ± 0.19, EW = 2.24 ± 0.28 .

♀♀. TL = 5.80 ± 0.67, PL = 1.13 ± 0.13, EL = 4.05 ± 0.43, PW = 1.85 ± 0.24, EW = 2.33 ± 0.31 (4 measu- res) .

Distribution and comments - Apparently an endemics of southern continental Greece, where it is rather com- monly found by grass sweeping.

Materials studied


Fthiotida prov. : Domokos (Krätschmer, 1980, SMNS) .

Viotia prov.: Analipsi near Livadia (Liberti, 1998, CLi); Arahova (Doguet, 1996, CCo)*.

Atiki-Piréas prov.: Erithres (Liberti, 1998, CLi)(F).

Ahaïa prov.: Kalavrita (Teunissen, 1987, CCo*; Angelini, 1999, CAn).

Korinthia prov.: Agios Patapiou (Ziegler, 1996, SMNS); Bouzi (Angelini, 1999, CAn); Galatas (Köstlin, 1976, SMNS and CCo); Kaliani (Ziegler, 2010, CZi); Klitoria (Saltini, 2014, CSl)(F); Lafka (Angelini, 1999, CAn); Oros Killini (Saltini, 1998, CSl); Riza (Teunissen, 1988, CCo)*; Sofikò (Angelini, 1999, CAn); Stilia (Saltini, 1994, CSl); Stimfalia (Angelini, 2004, CAn, CLi; Saltini, 2014, CSl); Zemenò (Ziegler, 2010, CZi).

Arkadia prov.: Agiorgitika (Doguet, 1995, CCo)*; Kardaras (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Levidi (Saltini, 2016, CSl); Panagitsa (Konviçka, 2009, CKn); Paradisia (Saltini, 2015 e 2016, CSl); Pigadakia (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Stavrodromio (Angelini, 1999, CAn, CLi); Vitina (Ziegler, 2010, CZi).

Argolida prov.: Ahladokambos (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Epidauros (Angelini, 1999, CAn); Mili (Angelini, 1999 and 2004, CAn); Mykenai (Malkin & Riedel, 1981, CCo*; Frisch, 1987, ZMB); Skotini (Ziegler, 2007, CZi).

Messinia prov.: Kalamata (Köstlin, 1982, CCo)*.

Lakonia prov.: Agios Nikolaos (Angelini, 2004, CAn, CLi); Areopoli (Ziegler, 1996, SMNS); Arhontikò (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Arna (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Elafonissi (Schmalfuss, 1987, SMNS); Gerolimenas (Riedel, 1987, SMNS); Githio (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Gorani (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Kastania (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Polovitsa (Doguet, 1995, CCo*;Angelini, 2004, CAn); Melissa (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Melitini (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Mistras (Ziegler, 2011, CZi); Monemvassia (Rieger, 1987, SMNS; Constantin, 1997, CCo*); Skoura (Angelini, 2004, CAn); Taigetos (Sabella, 1984, CLi; Reichel, 1989, CCo*; Ziegler, 2007, CZi); Vasiliki (Angelini, 2004, CAn).


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay


Západoceské muzeum v Plzni


Paleontological Collections


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections)














Aplocnemus (Aplocnemus) caelatus (Brullé, 1832)

Liberti, Gianfranco 2019

Haplocnemus pristocerus

Kiesenwetter 1859: 170
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