Staurogyne sylvatica Lindau ex Braz & Monteiro (2006: 584)

Braz, Denise Monte & Monteiro, Reinaldo, 2017, Taxonomic Revision of Staurogyne (Nelsonioideae, Acanthaceae) in the Neotropics, Phytotaxa 296 (1), pp. 1-40 : 33-34

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.296.1.1


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scientific name

Staurogyne sylvatica Lindau ex Braz & Monteiro (2006: 584)


24. Staurogyne sylvatica Lindau ex Braz & Monteiro (2006: 584) View in CoL . Type: — BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Parati, “Fazenda São Roque, ca. 600 m. Flor lilás com estrias arroxeadas. Arbusto 1m. Brácteas esverdeadas”, 4 August 1988, M.C. Marques 106 (holotype: RB!). (Fig. Braz & Monteiro 2006: 586)

Subshrub 0.2 − 1 m tall, sparsely branched, with scattered simple trichomes. Petiole 2.1 − 6.3 cm long; blade elliptic, ovate-elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, 6.8 − 14.6 × 3.3 − 6.7 cm, apex acute to slightly-acuminate, base abruptly cuneate, adaxially glabrous, rarely simple trichomes on the midvein, abaxially restricted to the veins, usually with sparse disc-shape trichomes. Inflorescence in lax, terminal and axillary, bracteate raceme, terminal ones 4 − 7.3 cm long, axillary ones 1 − 3.5 cm long, on both peduncle 0.3 − 1.5 cm long; flowers opposite, sometimes subopposite; sparse simple and glandular trichomes on rachis, bracts and bracteoles; bracts and bracteoles yellow-whitish to light-greenish, bract elliptic to lanceolate-elliptic, 3.8 − 6.5(7) × 0.8 − 2.8 mm, 3 acrodromous veins, bracteoles linear-lanceolate, 3 − 6.2 × 0.5 − 1 mm. Pedicel 1.5 − 4 mm long; calyx whitish-green, sparsely pilose with scattered simple and glandular trichomes, non-ciliate, posterior segment 9 − 13.6 × 2.8 − 5.3 mm,(3 −)5 − 7-nerved, lateral pair of segments 6 − 9.8 × 0.5 − 1 mm, anterior pair of segments 7.7 − 12.2 × 0.9 − 1.9 mm; corolla white to lilac, usually with vinaceous markings at limb and throat, 10 − 16.5 mm long, basal tube 2 − 4 mm long, anterior lobe 3.5 − 5.1 mm, externally with scattered simple and glandular trichomes, internally glabrous; posterior stamens 3.8 − 5.5 mm long, anterior stamens 3.8 − 6 mm long, staminode 0.9 − 2 mm long; ovules 13 − 20 per locule, posterior lobe of the stigma truncate to concave, rarely divided. Capsule 7 − 10 × 2 − 4 mm, sparsely glandular pilose.

Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Paraná: Guaratuba, Rio Itararé , 6 July 1958, Hatschbach 4818 ( MBM) ; Paranaguá, Mananciais da Serra , 20 August 1968, Hatschbah 19621 ( C, MBM) ; Sengés, Rio Itararé, 7 October 1971, Hatschabch 27126 ( MBM). Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia, P.N. Itatiaia , 22 July 1958, Monteiro s.n. (RBR-1459) ; P.N. Itatiaia, Monteiro ( RBR 1798 About RBR ) ; Parati, APA-Cairuçú, Corisquinho , 27 June 1995, Bovini et al. 828 ( RB) ; Fazenda São Roque, 4 August 1988, Marques 106 ( RB). Santa Catarina : Ilhota , Parque Botânico Morro do Baú , 1 October 1989, Falkenberg 4838 ( MBM). São Paulo: Biritiba Mirin , Estação Biológica de Boracéia , 23º38’ − 23º49’S, 45º52’ − 45º53’W, 27 November 1984, Romaniuc Neto & Custódio Filho 246 ( SP, HRCB) GoogleMaps ; Cananéia , Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso, 23 July 1984, Kirizawa & Romaniuc-Neto 1283 ( SP, SPF) ; Caraguatatuba , 28 July 1983, Pirani & Yano 789 ( SP, HRCB) ; Iguape , 6 September 1976, Davis et al. D.60526 ( SP) ; Iporanga, Fazenda Intervales , 23 May 1996, Proença et al. 144 ( SPF) ; Juquiá , 13 May1994, Mello-Silva et al. 975 ( SPF) ; Mogi da Cruzes , 28 July 1983, Kirizawa et al. 1009 ( SP, IBGE) ; Paranapiacaba , 18 August 1990, Fierro 1629 ( HRCB) ; Patrimônio , 24 June 1941, Khulmann s.n. ( HB, MBM, K, SP 45738 ) ; Peruíbe , 26 April 1980, Bevilaquia 8 ( BOTU) ; Peruíbe , 29 October 1891, Löfgren & Edwau 1617 ( C) ; Peruíbe , 28 October 1892, Edwau 1891 ( C) ; Registro , 06 September 1976, Davis et al. D.60526 ( UEC) ; São Miguel Arcanjo, Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho , 29–31 October 1993, Moraes & Capellari-Jr. 870 ( ESA) ; Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho , 23 September 1992, Sugiyama & Kirizawa 1026 ( HBCB, SP) ; Sorocaba, Santos , 17 July 1901, Moreira 475 ( R) ; Tapiraí , rodovia 79, 11 May 1994, Mello-Silva et al. 893 ( HRCB, K, UEC) ; Ubatuba , 16 August 1975, Morawetz 14-16875 ( K) ; Ubatuba, Morro Corcovado , 23 o 27’ − 23 o 28’S, 45 o 11’W, 14 October 2000, Dittrich 772 ( HRCB) GoogleMaps ; Picinguaba , 8 October 1988, Cunha 110 ( HRCB) ; Picinguaba , 13 April 1990, Furlan et al. 1304 ( SP) ; Picinguaba, 25 August 1990, Furlan et al.1217 ( HRCB; SP). Without locality: Alto Serra , May 1942, Landerman 2.022 ( K). Without locality: “Chacara del Oro”, April-November 1885, Puiggari 3213 ( P) ; April-November 1885, Puiggari 3214 ( P) ; Roth 5775 ( IPA) .

Distribution and habitat:— Staurogyne sylvatica occurs in the south and southeastern Brazil, restricted to the Atlantic rainforest, at elevations above 500 m in the northern latitudes and in lower lands to the south, usually in humid habitat, inside or in the border of the forest.

Phenology:— It flowers and fruits during all the year, but especially between August and October.

Taxonomic notes:— Staurogyne sylvatica is recognized especially by the large leaves, the long-petiolate terminal and axillary inflorescences, the axillary ones usually shorter, with 3-nerved colored bracts, these much smaller than the flowers. S. sylvatica is similar to S. mandioccana and S. eustachya especially in regard to the flowers, and several distinctive features among them are discussed by Braz & Monteiro (2006).


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