Mesobuthus galinae, Kovařík & Fet & Gantenbein & Graham & Aydin & Yağmur & Šťáhlavský & Nikita & Poverennyi & Novruzov, 2022

Kovařík, František, Fet, Victor, Gantenbein, Benjamin, Graham, Matthew R., Aydin, Ersen, Yağmur, Šťáhlavský, František, Nikita, Poverennyi & Novruzov, Nizami E., 2022, A revision of the genus Mesobuthus Vachon 1950 with a description of 14 new species (Scorpiones Buthidae), Euscorpius 348, pp. 1-189 : 52-57

publication ID

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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treatment provided by

Felipe (2022-10-08 12:41:53, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-07 14:09:24)

scientific name

Mesobuthus galinae

sp. nov.

Mesobuthus galinae View in CoL sp. n.

( Figures 326–364 View Figures 326–327 View Figures 328–336 View Figures 337–356 View Figures 357–364 , 1155, 1158, 1169, Table 4) http: //zoobank. org/urn: lsid: zoobank. org: act: D625796C-


TYPE LOCALITY AND TYPE REPOSITORY. Turkmenistan, Akhal Province , foothills of Kopetdagh Mts., Geoktepe, 38°09'45"N 57°40'05"E (38.16°N 57.79°E) GoogleMaps ; NMPC.

REFERENCES (selected):

Buthus cognatus: Simon, 1889: 386 .

Buthus eupeus thersites: Birula, 1905b: 122 ; Birula, 1917a: 41 (in part).

Mesobuthus eupeus thersites: Fet, 1989: 91–99 View in CoL (in part; complete references list for the former USSR); Fet, 1994: 526 (in part); Fet & Lowe, 2000: 175 (in part; complete references list until 1998).

TYPE MATERIAL. Turkmenistan, Akhal Province, Bakharden (38.43°N 57.39°E), 1♀ (paratype), 24 June 1992, leg. M. SnÍžek GoogleMaps , FKCP; Chuli (37.97°N 58.02°E), 12–13 April 1990, 2♀ 1♂ (paratypes), leg. M. Kafka GoogleMaps , FKCP; Geoktepe (38.15°N 57.92°E), 1♀ (paratype, Tab. 4), Аpril 1990, leg. A. Shestopalov GoogleMaps , FKCP; Geoktepe , 38°09'45"N 57°40'05"E (38.16°N 57.79°E), 30 March 2002, 130 m a. s. l., 1♂ (holotype, Figs. 326–328, 331–333 View Figures 326–327 View Figures 328–336 , 337–346 View Figures 337–356 , 357–358 View Figures 357–364 ) 1♀ (paratype, incomplete, Figs. 329, 334–336 View Figures 328–336 , 347–356 View Figures 337–356 ), leg. A. Gromov (NG-093) GoogleMaps , NMPC; Gyavers District, ca 1 km SSE of Berzengi, N foothills of Central Kopetdagh Mts. , 37°52'19"N 58°23'33"E (37.87°N 58.33°E), 423 m a. s. l., 30 March 2002, 2juvs. (paratypes), leg. A. Gromov (NG-067) GoogleMaps , NMPC; E of Chagaly , 38°08'09"N 58°29'03"E (38.13°N 58.48°E), 129 m a. s. l., 31 March 2002, 1♀ juv. (paratype, Figs. 359–364 View Figures 357–364 ), leg. A. Gromov (NG-081) GoogleMaps , NMPC; Balkan Province, Nebit Dagh (39.53°N 54.27°E), 2♀ 1♂ (paratypes), May 1989, leg. S. Bečvář GoogleMaps , FKCP.

DNA DATA. Mesobuthus galinae sp. n. was represented in our survey by two DNA sequences from the Akhal Province in the foothills of the Central Kopetdagh Mts. (Berzengi and Chagaly) ( Table 16).

ETYMOLOGY. The new species is named in honor of Galina N. Fet (Huntington, West Virginia).

DIAGNOSIS. Total length of adults 32 mm (male) to 53 mm (female). Trichobothrium db on fixed finger of pedipalp situated between trichobothria est and esb, very near to est. Both sexes with fingers proximally slightly twisted. Pedipalp chela length/width ratio 3.2 in female and 3.72 in male. Pectinal teeth number 20–22 in male, 19–21 in female. Chelicerae yellow, without reticulation. Metasoma sparsely hirsute. Carapace sparsely granulated. Carapace and tergites yellowish brown, black pigmented; metasoma, telson, pedipalps and legs yellowish brown, only part of metasomal segment V black. Femur of pedipalp with 4–5 granulated carinae. Patella with 8 carinae. Chela lacks carinae. Movable fingers of pedipalps with 11–12 cutting rows of denticles and 5 terminal denticles. Central lateral and posterior lateral carinae of carapace not joined to form a continuous linear series of granules to posterior margin. Sternite VII smooth, with 4 well marked granulated carinae. Metasomal segment I with 10 carinae; segments II to IV with 8 carinae, other two carinae are indicated by incomplete row of denticles on metasomal segments II and III; segment V with 5 carinae. Metasoma with all carinae granulated. Intercarinal surfaces on metasoma I laterally smooth. Length to depth ratio of metasoma III 1.24, metasoma IV 1.5–1.7 in both sexes. Telotarsus III ventral setation represented by short and strong spiniform setae. Tarsi hirsute, in adults with 10–13 retroinferior macrosetae on basitarsus III. Telson elongated. Anal lobe divided into two parts.

DESCRIPTION. Total length of adult males 32–45 mm, 45– 55 females. Trichobothrium db on fixed finger of pedipalp situated between trichobothria est and esb, near to est or in level with est. Both sexes have the fingers proximally slightly twisted. For measurements, see Table 4.

Coloration ( Figs. 326–327 View Figures 326–327 ). Carapace and tergites are yellowish brown, strongly black pigmented. Telson is yellow. Metasoma, pedipalps and legs are yellowish brown with dark spots. Metasoma ventral, mainly segment V black pigmented. Chelicerae yellow, without reticulation, the tips of denticles on cheliceral fingers are black.

Mesosoma and carapace ( Figs. 357–360 View Figures 357–364 ). Carapace carinate, unevenly covered by granules of varying size; much of the granulation is fine but some granules are larger and distinctly rounded. Tergites I–VI with three carinae and are granulated, with some intercarinal granules small and others larger and rounded. Tergite VII is pentacarinate. Pectinal tooth count is 20–22 in males, 19–21 in females. Pectinal marginal tips extend to about end of sternite IV in males and half of sternite IV in females. Pectines have three marginal lamellae and sixth to eight middle lamellae. Lamellae with numerous long setae, each fulcrum with three to five dark setae. All sternites are smooth and sparsely hirsute. Sternite VII with four well marked granulated carinae. Other sternites have two furrows. Pedipalps ( Figs. 337–356 View Figures 337–356 ). Pedipalps hirsute and smooth or bumpy. Femur has four to five granulated carinae, the middle carina on internal surface consists of strong irregular granules. Patella with eight carinae, of which internal are always and dorsal are usually granulated. Chela without carinae. Movable fingers of pedipalps have 11–12 cutting rows of denticles, each with external and internal denticles present, and five terminal denticles.

Legs ( Figs. 361–364 View Figures 357–364 ). Telotarsus III ventral setation represented by short and strong spiniform setae. Tarsi hirsute, in adults with 10–13 retroinferior macrosetae on basitarsus III. Femur with only several macrosetae. Femur and patella with carinae well developed. Tibial spurs present and moderate to strong on legs III and IV and absent on the other legs.

Metasoma and telson ( Figs. 328–336 View Figures 328–336 ). All metasomal segments only sparsely hirsute. Metasomal segment I with 10 carinae, II–III with 8 carinae but other two lateromedian carinae are indicated by incomplete row of granules, IV with 8 carinae, and V with 5 carinae. Metasoma with all carinae granulated. Intercarinal surfaces on metasoma I laterally smooth or finely granulated in male. All other Intercarinal surfaces on metasoma smooth and bumpy in both sexes. Ventrolateral carinae of metasoma V and ventromedial carinae of metasoma II–III posteriorly with several large lobate denticles. Telson is only sparsely hirsute, elongate and smooth. Anal lobe divided into two parts.

COMMENTS. This new species is found in southwestern Turkmenistan, including northern foothills of the Kopetdag Mountain Range. Earlier it has not been distinguished from other Turkmenistan populations, all of which commonly were lumped under the subspecies M. eupeus thersites . It is possibly the same species as was first collected in Krasnovodsk (now Türkmenbashi) by Gustav Radde in March 1886 and listed under the name Buthus cognatus by Simon (1889). Fet (1994) noted existence of differences between the populations of Krasnovodsk and Repetek (the latter we now classify as M. afghanus ).

DISTRIBUTION. Turkmenistan (Figs. 1155, 1158).

BIRULA, A. A. 1905 b. Miscellanea Scorpiologica. VIII. Bemerkunger ueber die Skorpione-Sammlung des Kaukasischer Museum zu Tiflis. Annuaire du Musee Zoologique de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. - Petersbourg, 10: 119 - 131.

FET, V. 1989. A catalogue of scorpions (Chelicerata: Scorpiones) of the USSR. Rivista del Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali Enrico Caffi , 13 (1988): 73 - 171.

FET, V. 1994. Fauna and zoogeography of scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones) in Turkmenistan. Pp. 525 - 534 in Fet, V. & K. I. Atamuradov (eds.). Biogeography and Ecology of Turkmenistan. Monographiae Biologicae 72. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Gallery Image

Figures 326–327: Mesobuthus galinae sp. n., male holotype, dorsal (326) and ventral (327) views. Scale bar: 10 mm.

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Figures 328–336: Mesobuthus galinae sp. n. Figures 328, 331–333. Male holotype, telson lateral (328), metasoma and telson, lateral (331), dorsal (332), and ventral (333) views. Figures 329, 334–336. Female paratype, telson lateral (329), metasoma and telson, lateral (334), dorsal (335), and ventral (336) views. Figure 330. Female juvenile paratype, telson lateral. Scale bars: 10 mm (331–333, 334–336).

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Figures 337–356: Mesobuthus galinae sp. n., pedipalp. Figures 337–346. Male holotype, chela, dorsal (337), external (338), and ventral (339) views. Patella, dorsal (340), external (341) and ventral (342) views. Femur and trochanter, internal (343), dorsal (344), and ventral (345) views. Movable finger (346). Figures 347–356. Female paratype, chela, dorsal (347), external (348), and ventral (349) views. Patella, dorsal (350), external (351) and ventral (352) views. Femur and trochanter, internal (353), dorsal (354), and ventral (355) views. Movable finger (356). The trichobothrial pattern is indicated in Figures 337–341, 343–344.

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Figures 357–364: Mesobuthus galinae sp. n. Figures 357–358. Male holotype, chelicerae, carapace and tergites (357), sternopectinal region and sternites (358). Figures 359–364. Female juvenile paratype, chelicerae, carapace and tergites I–IV (359), sternopectinal region and sternites III–V (360) and left legs I–IV, retrolateral aspect (361–364).


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