Platyintybia Liu, 2024

Liu, Zhenhua, Wang, Yuqi, Song, Haitian, Ding, Bi & Li, Zhiqiang, 2024, Platyintybia, a new genus of Apalochrini (Coleoptera, Melyridae, Malachiinae) from China, ZooKeys 1201, pp. 345-356 : 345-356

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1201.123141


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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Platyintybia Liu

gen. nov.

Platyintybia Liu gen. nov.

Type species.

Platyintybia zhongshanensis Liu & Wang sp. nov.


The genus name is a combination of the Latin word platys and the genus name Intybia ; platys means broad, referring to the modified terminal antennomere in male. Gender feminine.


This genus can be recognized from other genera of Apalochrini by combination of the following male specific characters: antenna with scape and antennomere 3 dilated and modified, antennomere 11 enlarged and flattened; head with pair of concavities on head between eyes; front tarsi 4 - segmented, without comb on tarsomere 2. It can also be separated from Collops Erichson, 1840 and some species of Notointybia Liu, Ślipiński & Pang, 2020 , which also with 4 - segmented front tarsi, by having lateral margins of the pronotum without a bead.


Length about 2.7 mm.

Male. Head and pronotum black, elytra black with pair of large white spots at about basal fourth and pair of smaller white spots at about anterior fourth; antenna yellow with base of scape and terminal segment black; ventral surface mostly black, abdomen orange with lateral areas more or less black. Vestiture comprising double row of dense, short, whitish setae and sparser, longer, black bristles.

Head subtriangular, widest across eyes; vertex with pair of large concavities besides eyes; frons flattened dorsally, moderately constricted in front of eyes. Dorsal surface covered with dense, short, depressed whitish setae, sparser between antennal insertions and absent on concavities. Eyes relatively large, distinctly protruding laterally, finely facetted. Antenna 11 - segmented, laterodorsally inserted on frons; scape and antennomere 3 dilated and modified; antennomere 11 flattened and expanded. Maxillary palps with terminal palpomere dilated, cupped, and apical surface depressed; labial palps with terminal palpomere conical.

Pronotum longer than wide, widest at about middle; lateral margins slightly curved, moderately constricted at base, without lateral carina; posterior margin nearly truncate. Disc finely, densely punctate, smoother at middle, posterior area with shallow transverse depression, covered with dense, depressed setae. Prosternum short, with deep incision anteriorly between pronotum and prosternum. Procoxal cavities transverse, continuous at middle, externally open. Procoxae projecting, with protrochantins exposed. Scutellum with visible part subtrapezoidal, posterior margin almost truncate.

Elytra with dorsal surfaces finely and densely punctate, covered with dense, depressed, whitish setae and longer, sparse, black setae posteriorly; epipleura incomplete, extending to abdomen. Meso- and metaventrite without distinct punctuation, covered with dense depressed setae; metaventrite moderately dilated, with short discrimen; metepisternum broad at base, not extending to posterior margin of metaventrite ventrally. Mesocoxae subtriangular, projecting, with exposed trochantins. Metacoxae subtriangular, sharply narrowed laterally. Legs with femora slightly dilated at about basal third; tibiae slender, covered with dense, short setae along inner edge; hind tibiae slightly curved; tarsal formula 4 - 5 - 5, with basal tarsomeres slightly prolonged ventrally.

Abdomen with 6 - segmented ventrites, freely articulated, gradually narrowed to posterior. Tergite VIII transverse, subtrapezoidal, with pair of anterior struts; sternite VIII nearly divided, weakly connected by membrane at middle (Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ). Aedeagus slender and curved, with apex upwardly curved; endophallus with 1 slender sclerite and a few short sclerites around it.

Female. Similar to male in body shape and colouration, but antenna with basal and apical segments simple, head without concavity on vertex, and front tarsi 5 - segmented.


China (Fujian, Guangdong); Malaysia (Borneo).









