Sinohygrocybe C.Q. Wang, Ming Zhang & T.H. Li

Wang, Chao-Qun, Zhang, Ming, Li, Tai-Hui, Liang, Xi-Shen & Shen, Ya-Heng, 2018, Additions to tribe Chromosereae (Basidiomycota, Hygrophoraceae) from China, including Sinohygrocybe gen. nov. and a first report of Gloioxanthomycesnitidus, MycoKeys 38, pp. 59-76 : 59

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scientific name

Sinohygrocybe C.Q. Wang, Ming Zhang & T.H. Li

gen. nov.

Sinohygrocybe C.Q. Wang, Ming Zhang & T.H. Li gen. nov.


Differs from Chromosera and Gloioxanthomyces by its less omphalioid, more robust basidiomata, dry to subviscid pileus, dry and white tomentose stipe, more elongated basidia, higher length ratio (up to 8 times) of basidia to basidospores.


Sino- refers China, the holotype’s location of the genus; -hygrocybe indicates that it is a Hygrocybe -like genus.

Type species.

Sinohygrocybe tomentosipes C.Q. Wang, Ming Zhang & T.H. Li


Basidiomata medium-sized, subcaespiotose. Pileus convex to applanate, slightly depressed in the centre, yellow, orangish-yellow to orange, dry to subviscid, slightly when wet, never strongly gelatinised or glutinous. Lamellae adnate to decurrent, concolorous with pileus, with usually furcate and interveined lamellulae. Stipe yellow to whitish or almost concolorous with pileus, yellow or covered by white to yellowish-white tomentum. Basidiospores ellipsoid to oblong, ovoid, Qm = 1.6-1.7, not constricted, thin-walled, inamyloid, hyaline, smooth; basidia usually 4-sterigmate, 41-80 μm long, ratio of basidia to basidiospore length over 5 (up to 8), with basal clamp connection. Pileipellis and stipitipellis a cutis. Lamellar trama subregular. Clamp connections present throughout.