Empoasca (Empoasca) longa Zhang & Liu

Liu, Yang, Qin, Dao-Zheng, Fletcher, Murray J. & Zhang, Ya-Lin, 2011, Review of Chinese Empoasca Walsh (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), with description of seven new species and some new Chinese records, Zootaxa 3055, pp. 1-21 : 5-6

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.202154



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scientific name

Empoasca (Empoasca) longa Zhang & Liu

sp. nov.

Empoasca (Empoasca) longa Zhang & Liu View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs.19–27 View FIGURES 19 – 27 ; 81–84)

Type materials. China: holotype: 3, Mt. Fengyang (27° 56’ 23” N, 119° 13’ 31” E), Zhejiang Prov., 7 August 2003, 1250m, coll. Wu Dai; paratypes: 2 3, same data as holotype; 2 3, Chenzhou, Hunan Prov., 16 August 1985, coll. Yalin Zhang & Yonghui Chai; 1 3, Zhangjiajie, Hunan Prov., 7 August 2001, 650m, coll. Qiang Sun; 1 3, Mt. Dayao, Guangxi Prov., 9 September 2000, coll. Zhenjiang Liu, Xiangqun Yuan & Zhongli Sha (all in NWAFU).

Length: 3 2.6 mm.

Ground color of body gray to yellow (fig. 84). Crown with light green patch on each side of coronal suture (fig. 81). Eyes brown-blackish. Pronotum with irregular white and light green patches on anterior margin of pronotum and under eyes. Forewing and hindwing semitransparent. Abdomen yellow. Legs light yellow to green (fig. 83).

Ventral abdominal apodemes relatively long, reaching segment 5, parallel-sided to broadly rounded apices (fig. 23). Pygofer with short dorso-apical lobe curved mediad, ornamented with 9–10 rigid setae distributed from outer to inner face of pygofer (fig. 19); pygofer appendage almost as long as pygofer, barely reaching pygofer margin, curved caudad apically, tapering to apex; bearing some short slim setae on ventro-lateral and dorso-medial surfaces (fig. 20). Anal appendage stout, swollen distinctly at mid-length, posterior margin finely serrated (fig. 21). Subgenital plate in lateral view, curved gradually caudodorsad apically, not expanded apically, tapered to narrow apex; with numerous macrosetae and fine setae somewhat irregularly arranged; 17–19 short microsetae from apex to nearly basal 1/3 and basolateral group absent (fig. 27); Paramere with 5 teeth on dentifer, 5–7 setae subapically (fig. 26). Connective broad, anterior margin medially emarginate, strongly sclerotized along mid-line but without obvious dorsal keel (fig. 22). Aedeagus in lateral view with thick preatrium, with distinct flattened plate-like postatrium (figs. 24, 25); shaft at base strongly divergent from line of atrial complex but thence angled caudodorsad, straight in midlength, and again angled dorsad, subparallel-margined to near rounded apex, pair of long processes at base of preatrium; in lateral view long processes aligned with aedeagus stem and tapering to apex. Gonopore terminal.

Etymology. The species name refers to the long processes at the base of the preatrium.

Distribution. China (Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangxi).

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to Empoasca warchalowskii Dworakowska, 1972 , but differs in having the long aedeagal processes in lateral view aligned with the aedeagus stem and tapering to the apex; the anal appendage ornamented with small teeth apically; and the pygofer appendage long, bearing some short slim setae on the ventro-lateral and dorso-medial surfaces ventrally.















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