Jurilda Gründel, 1973

Gründel, Joachim & Nützel, Alexander, 2013, Evolution and classification of Mesozoic mathildoid gastropods, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 58 (4), pp. 803-826 : 805-806

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Felipe (2024-08-08 21:19:35, last updated 2024-08-08 23:30:56)

scientific name

Jurilda Gründel, 1973


Genus Jurilda Gründel, 1973 View in CoL

Fig. 1C View Fig .

Type species: Mathilda (Jurilda) crasova Gründel, 1973 (= subjective junior synonym of Promathilda (Teretrina) concava Walther, 1951 ); original designation: Bajocian to Bathonian, Poland.

Included Jurassic species: The genus is present with numerous Jurassic species. Some examples are: Promathildia angularis lineata Jamničenko, 1987 , Toarcian–Aalenian; Mathilda wonwalensis Schröder, 1995 , Valanginian; Promathildia conoidea Gründel, 1997 , Bajocian; Promathildia naricata Gründel, 1997 , Bathonian–Callovian; Promathildia pommerana Gründel, 1997 , late Bathonian–early Callovian.

Emended diagnosis.—Shell slender to moderately broad; protoconch transaxial to almost coaxial, smooth or with radial folds; teleoconch with two primary spiral ribs; abapical rib may be strong, keel−like; few secondary spiral ribs can occur; spiral ribs intersected by strengthened growth lines; intersections are not or only slightly nodular; strengthened growth lines prosocline, straight to weakly prosocyrt between adapical suture and abapical spiral rib and nearly orthocline from the abapical spiral rib to the abapical suture; backmost point of growth lines on abapical primary spiral rib; faint micro−ornament of spiral striae present in some species; base more or less convex; aperture oval, rounded, sometimes (always?) with anterior siphonal canal.

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—Possible Triassic representatives of Jurilda are still doubtful and may belong to the genus Teretrina Cossmann, 1912 (AN and JG personal observations). The type species, Turritella bolina Münster, 1841 , from the Late Triassic Cassian Formation has growth lines


which are distinctly opisthocyrt between the adapical suture and the abapical spiral rib, i.e., their cenit is situated above the abapical primary spiral rib. However, other species which have been described as Promathildia species by Bandel (1995) have a course of the growth lines including axial ornaments similar to that of the Jurassic species. The first certain members of Jurilda are of Hettangian age. For instance Chapuis and Dewalque (1854), Terquem and Piette (1868), and Piette (1855) reported species which according to their descriptions and illustrations should be classified to Jurilda . Jurilda is at least present until the Early Cretaceous ( Schröder 1995; Kaim 2004). The last occurrence of the genus is unclear. The genus is known from Germany, Poland, Italy, Ukraine.

Bandel, K. 1995 Mathildoidea (Gastropoda, Heterostropha) from the Late Triassic St. Cassian Formation. Geologica Scripta 111: 1 - 83.

Chapuis, E. and Dewalque, G. 1854. Description des fossiles des terrains secondaires de la province de Luxembourg. Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants etrangers 25: 1 - 325.

Cossmann, M. 1912. Essais de paleoconchologie comparee, vol. 9. 215 pp. Published by the autor and J. Lamarre and Cie, Paris.

Grundel, J. 1973. Zur Gastropodenfauna aus dem Dogger. I. Die Gattungen Mathilda und Eucycloidea. Zeitschrift fur geologische Wissenschaften 1: 947 - 965.

Grundel, J. 1997. Heterostropha (Gastropoda) aus dem Dogger Norddeutschlands und Nordpolens. I. Mathildoidea (Mathildidae). Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe E 25: 131 - 175.

Grundel, J. 2010. Neubeschreibung der Gastropodenfauna aus dem Hettangium (unterster Jura) des Kanonenberges bei Halberstadt (Deutschland). Beringeria 41: 3 - 24.

Hebert, M. and Eudes-Deslongchamps, E. 1860. Memoire sur les fossiles de Montreuil-Bellay (Maine-et-Loire), 1 re partie. Cephalopodes et Gasteropodes. Bulletin de le Societe Linneenne de Normandie 5: 153 - 240.

Jamnicenko, I. M. 1987. Melkoroslye gastropody jurskich otlozenij Donbassa i dneprovsko-doneckoj vpadiny. 176 pp. Izdatelstvo Naukova dumka, Kiev.

Kaim, A. 2004. The evolution of conch ontogeny in Mesozoic open sea gastropods. Palaeontologia Polonica 62: 1 - 183.

Munster, G. von 1841. Beschreibung und Abbildung der in den Kalkmergelschichten von St. Cassian gefundenen Versteinerungen. In: H. L. Wissmann and G. von Munster (eds.), Beitrage zur Geologie und Petrefacten-Kunde des sudostlichen Tirol's vorzuglich der Schichten von St. Cassian 4, 1 - 152. Buchner, Bayreuth.

Piette, E. 1855. Observations sur les etages inferieurs du terrain jurassique dans les departements des Ardennes et de l'Aisne. Bulletin de la Societe geologique de France (2) 12: 1083 - 1122.

Schroder, M. 1995. Fruhontogenetische Schalen jurassischer und unterkretazischer Gastropoden aus Norddeutschland und Polen. Palaeontographica A 238: 1 - 95.

Terquem, O. and Piette, E. 1868. Le Lias inferieur de l'est de la France comprenant la Meurthe, la Moselle, le Grand Duche de Luxembourg, la Belgique et la Meuse. Memoires de la Societe geologique de France (2) 8: 1 - 175.

Terquem, O. and Jourdy, E. 1871. Monographie de l'etage Bathonien dans le departement de la Moselle. Memoires de la Societe geologique de France (2) 9: 1 - 175.

Walther, H. 1951. Jurassische Mikrofossilien, insbesondere Gastropoden, am Sudrand des Hils. Palaontologische Zeitschrift 25: 35 - 106.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. Type species and examples for Jurassic genera of the family Mathildididae. A. Mathilda angulata (Gründel, 1997), erratic boulder from Hohendorf near Wolgast 3/96/3, Germany, Callovian; from Gründel (1997: pl. 5: 73). B. Tangarilda subturritella (d’Orbigny, 1850), Kanonenberg near Halberstadt, Germany, Hettangian; from Gründel (2010: pl. 3: 3). C. Jurilda concava (Walther, 1951), borehole Kłęby (formerly Klemmen) 1/37, Poland, Bathonian; from Gründel (1997: pl. 1: 1). D. Tricarilda plana (Gründel, 1973), bore Kłęby (formerly Klemmen) 1/37, Poland, Callovian; from Gründel (1997: pl. 3: 41). E, F. The group of Turritella binaria (Jurilda or Tricarilda). These species were also originally included in Promathildia; see also Fig. 4. E. Alaria clathrata Terquem and Jourdy, 1871, Les Clapes, Bathonian; from Terquem and Jourdy (1871: pl. 4: 7). F. Turritella binaria Hébert and Eudes−Deslongchamps, 1860, La Motte Bourbon, early Callovian, Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie BSPG 2012 I 22.







