Wuguia efremovi ( Khosatzky, 1996 ) Danilov & Sukhanov, 2006

Danilov, Igor G. & Sukhanov, Vladimir B., 2006, A basal eucryptodiran turtle “ Sinemys ” efremovi (= Wuguia efremovi) from the Early Cretaceous of China, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 51 (1), pp. 105-110 : 110

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13643596

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Wuguia efremovi ( Khosatzky, 1996 )

comb. nov.

Wuguia efremovi ( Khosatzky, 1996) comb. nov.

1996? Sinemys efremovi Khosatzky, 1996: 92 , figs. 1–4.

2000? Sinemys efremovi Khosatzky, 1996 ; Sukhanov 2000: 319.

2001 “ Sinemys ” efremovi Khosatzky, 1996 ;: Brinkman 2001: 1650.

2003 “ Sinemys ” efremovi Khosatzky, 1996 ; Maisch et al. 2003: 706–707. 2003 Dracochelys wimani sp. nov.; Maisch et al. 2003: 707, figs. 1–5. [syn. nov.]

Holotype: PIN 5114−1 View Materials , a partial shell consists of three pieces: imprint of the dorsal surface, internal core, and imprint of the ventral surface.

Locality and horizon: Toutunhe (= Tukhun−Kho) River area, southern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang−Uygur Autonomous Region, China; Hutubei Formation, Tugulu Group,Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian–Barremian).

Diagnosis.—A species of Wuguia characterized by presence of fontanelles in the carapace and plastron. Nuchal not fused with peripherals. Pygal narrow. Costals 8 contact at midline. Plastral bridges make up 35–40% of plastral width. Vertebral 3 wider than long and wider than vertebrals 4 and 5.

Distribution.—Hutubei and Lianmuxin Formations, Tugulu Group, Lower Cretaceous, Junggar Basin, northwest China.









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