Kodormus Barber, 1930

Gil-Santana, Helcio R., Berenger, Jean-Michel & Oliveira, Jader, 2023, A new species of Kodormus Barber, with a redescription of the genus, taxonomic notes, and a key to the species of the genus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Stenopodainae), ZooKeys 1181, pp. 265-298 : 265

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scientific name

Kodormus Barber, 1930


Kodormus Barber, 1930 View in CoL

Kodormus Barber, 1930: 151 [key], 213-214 [description]; Costa Lima 1940: 166, footnote [ Kodormus considered identical to Otiodactylus Pinto, 1927]; Costa Lima 1941: 337-338 [ Kodormus recognized as diverse from Otiodactylus but alleged as possessing the same characteristics of Ocrioessa Bergroth, 1918]; Costa Lima and Campos Seabra 1944: 507 [ Kodormus recognized as distinct from Ocrioessa ], 510 [key]; Costa Lima and Campos Seabra 1945: 159 [checklist]; Wygodzinsky 1949: 66 [catalog]; Putshkov and Putshkov 1985: 104 [catalog]; Giacchi 1985: 68-69 [redescription]; Maldonado 1990: 506 [catalog]; Wygodzinsky and Giacchi 1994: 7 [key], 8 [checklist]; Bérenger and Maldonado 1996: 37 [comparison with other genera]; Froeschner 1999: 227 [catalog]; Forero 2004: 166 [diagnosis], 167 [new record from Colombia], 191 [key]; Gil-Santana et al. 2015: 337 [citation], 341 [key]; Gil-Santana and Oliveira 2016: 501, 502 [citations], 505 [key].

Type species.

Kodormus bruneosus Barber, 1930: 214-216, by original designation.


This genus can be separated from other genera of the New World by the following set of characters. Body somewhat elongated, ~ 2-3 × as long as maximum width, slightly flattened dorsoventrally. Head large, anteocular portion longer than postocular; antennal scape shorter than anteocular portion; eyes prominent, shortly setose; labial segment II [first visible] shorter than the others combined; postocular region broad; ramose setigerous processes posterolaterally behind eyes; anterior lobe of pronotum with anterior angles prominent, anterior and lateral margins covered with a row of setigerous tubercules, and a pair of tubercles on its disc; pronotum wider across humeri than along midline; humeral angles protruding; prosternum behind coxae shorter than length of coxae; evaporatory area of metapleuron large, sooty black; fore femora strongly incrassate, robust, at least twice as thick as middle and hind femora; fore and hind tibiae curved, small tibial pads on apices of fore and middle tibia. Abdomen broad, with a more or less expanded connexival margins, which are denticulate and/or lobulated at posterolateral angles of segments II-VI; in male, posterior margin of the abdominal segment VII almost or completely covering the pygophore in dorsal view and with a slightly bilobate shape; in the (known) females, the genital area is visible from above and conical.


Body somewhat elongated, ~ 2-3 × as long as maximum width, slightly flattened dorsoventrally. General color pale to dark brownish with darkened and pale portions; a clear, generally whitish rounded or subrounded spot above the approximately mid-portion of the outer cell of the membrane of hemelytra. Integument dull, body and legs, except tarsi, generally covered with short, rounded tubercles, each with a short pale apical scale-like seta (setigerous tubercles), scale-like setae, and on some areas, simple setae too. Some glabrous areas, such as the interocular sulcus or forming lines on head, thoracic sterna and femora, subrounded to irregular areas on anterior lobe of pronotum, pleura and abdomen. The integument is generally rugous where there are setigerous tubercles and smooth in the glabrous portions. Simple erect or curved setae are present on labium, antennal segments II-IV, fore tibiae and tarsi. Head subcylindrical; a little longer than wide; shorter than pronotum; anteocular region ~ 2 × longer than postocular region, the latter wider than the former. Mandibular plates (jugae sensu Barber 1930; Costa Lima 1941; tylus sensu Giacchi 1985) prominent, divergent, tapering. A small lateral protuberance on antenniferous with setigerous seta(e). Antenna inserted far from eye, somewhat anterior to middle point of anteocular portion, laterally; scape thickened at distal 2/3, somewhat curved at middle 1/3, shorter than anteocular region and covered with pale scale-like setae; pedicel, longer than other segments,> 2 × longer and slenderer than the scape, straight at basal 1/2, somewhat curved at middle portion or distal 1/2 and slightly thickened apically; in male, with very numerous, pale to whitish, thin, long, erect to somewhat curved setae, forming a dense pubescence covering almost all the segment, except on anterodorsal surface, where these setae are scarcer and there are 2-4 irregular rows of sparse stout darkened and stiff long setae, in which one or two rows are composed by setae serrate at their distal portion, while the setae of the other rows are uniform; at distal portion of the pedicel the stout setae are less numerous and serrate setae are absent; apex covered by shorter curved pale setae. In the female, the pedicel has sparse scale-like setae and, at the distal portion, scattered straight or somewhat curved short pale setae. Flagellomeres much thinner, cylindrical, straight, subequal in length, each a little shorter than the scape, with few scattered long, erect, stouter setae and a pubescence of simple setae which is formed by thin, short to moderately longer setae on basiflagellomere and generally shorter and even thinner setae on distiflagellomere; the apex of the latter acutely pointed. Clypeus depressed, with a pair of more developed setigerous tubercles. Eyes globose, rounded in dorsal view; suboval in lateral view, extending somewhat on the lower surface of the head, with sparse scale-like setae among facets. Transverse sulcus not very deep, somewhat curved; more sinuous at lateral portions, reaching eyes at their inner posterior angle. Ocelli moderately large, prominently elevated, each ocellus separate from the other for a distance wider than the width of each of them. Labial segment II [first visible] thicker and shorter than the others combined, reaching approximately level of anterior portion of eye; its length subequal to that of the segment III; the latter thinner toward apex; segment IV slender, ~ 1/2 as long as segment III, tapering; its apex reaching stridulatory sulcus on approximately its middle 1/3. Postocular region of the head converging behind eyes to neck, rounded on dorsal view, with one or two conspicuous ramose setigerous processes posterolaterally at each side; above the latter, between eyes and posterior margin, a serial line of somewhat more developed setigerous tubercles. On ventral surface of head, 4-16 large conspicuous setigerous tubercles, generally grouped by transverse pairs, but sometimes, besides some pairs, an isolated tubercle is present at only one side. Two or more of these tubercles generally lie anteriorly to the eyes, and the more posterior pair lies between eyes, near their posterior margin. While in the most posterior pair, the tubercles are very close to each other or even contiguous; in the other pairs, they are clearly separated from each other. Thorax: pronotum wider than long, with anterolateral angles prominent; a pair of tubercles on disc of fore lobe; pronotum wider across humeri than along midline; humeral angles pointed or more prominent. Anterior collar with a variable number of somewhat more developed setigerous tubercles, which also form single rows on the lateral margins of fore lobe of pronotum and on the antero-lateral margin of propleura. Transverse furrow between fore and hind lobes of pronotum shallow, interrupted laterally by a pair of faint submedian ridges; the latter run on approximately the proximal 1/3 of the hind lobe. Fore lobe with a median very thin and somewhat deep midlongitudinal sulcus on the approximately distal 1/2 of fore lobe; sinuate linear ridges covered with setigerous tubercles, narrow and glabrous areas among them and between the most external ridges; lateral margin covered by a row of setigerous tubercles. Supracoxal lobes not prominent; anterior portion of fore supracoxal lobe with a group of conspicuous tubercles, similar to the ramose setigerous of the head. Scutellum subtriangular, longer than wide, with an erect apical tubercle; metascutum also with a short tubercle. Propleura moderately declivous, reaching ventral side laterally and posteriorly to fore coxae. Meso- and metapleura almost vertical; evaporatory area of metapleura large, sooty black. Anterior prosternal processes moderately elongated and curved downwards at apex. Prosternum behind coxae shorter than length of coxae. Stridulitrum long. Mesosternum flat; metasternum slightly prominent at median portion. Legs: fore coxae close, separated from each other by the prosternum, which surpasses fore coxae, by a short distance; middle coxae inserted somewhat less close to each other than the fore coxae; hind coxae inserted very distant from each other. Coxae with two or three ill-defined glabrous longitudinal lines; large setigerous tubercles on fore coxae, more numerous or only present anteriorly. Trochanters with glabrous areas; fore trochanters with two pairs of spiny tubercles on internal surface. Fore femora fusiform, strongly incrassate, at ≥ 2 × thicker than middle and hind femora; ventrally with spiny, relatively small, rounded tubercles, including a basal group of 3-5 elements, a midline row with 5-8 elements and some others close to this row on anterior surface; at apex, a lateroventral pair of conspicuous setigerous processes. Fore and middle femora approximately as long as respective tibiae. Scale-like setae on femora and middle and hind tibiae very numerous and generally longer. Fore tibiae with smaller, less numerous or without tubercles and generally less setose than other tibiae. Tarsi with scattered scale-like setae dorsally and stout, straight or slightly curved setae, more numerous, sometimes forming tufts, ventrally. All femora with glabrous lines, which are larger and more evident on fore femora and straight, thinner, and less evident or partly interrupted on middle and hind femora. On fore femora, a ventral and two dorsal of these glabrous, somewhat shiny, lines are generally present. Mid and hind femora slender, straight, somewhat thickened subdistally, generally with some more developed subapical setigerous processes, ventrally. Fore and hind tibiae curved, middle tibiae slightly curved or sometimes straight; all of them compressed dorsoventrally, except at base, generally with a median shallow narrow longitudinal furrow on each lateral surface, except at base, with small tibial pads on fore and middle legs. Fore tarsi two- or three-segmented; middle and hind tarsi three-segmented. Ratio of tarsal segments (approximately): fore tarsi: 1:3 (when two-segmented) / 1:1.5:2.8 (when three-segmented); middle tarsi: 1:1.4-1.6:1.9-2.0; hind tarsi: 1:1.2-1.5:1.8-2.2. Hemelytra with discal cell closed, although the distal cross vein may be indistinct and the cell seems open; corium generally with sparse small scale-like setae, which are more numerous on lateral portion; membrane glabrous. Abdomen: suboval in shape, flattened; segments gradually widening to apex of segment V, then strongly shortening in the next two segments, towards apex; first tergite narrow, integument with shallow longitudinal ridges; tergites II-VI glabrous at median portion in variable extent; scars of dorsal abdominal gland openings on median anterior margins of tergites IV and V very small; connexival margins prominently denticulate and/or lobulated at posterolateral angles of segments II-VI; progressively larger from segment II to V, the latter, although variably in shape among the species, is always the largest, while that on segment VI has a dimension similar or slightly larger in comparison to the prominences on segments II and III. Sternite II (first visible) <1/3 as long as the sternite III. Sternites II-VI with a median longitudinal narrow pronounced keel; spiracles on sternites II-VII elliptical, prominent, diagonally oriented in relation to the abdominal margin, approximately at medial point between the intersegmental furrows; their margins darkened, even in individuals in which the surrounding integument is pale. In male, posterior border of segment VII straight or curved at median portion, latero-distal margins curved or acute; eighth sternite slightly sinuous on median portion of posterior margin. In the (known) females, the genital area is visible from above and conical. Male genitalia: Genital capsule only visible in ventral view and when in situ, with parameres visible in posterior view; exposed portion of pygophore sub-rounded, covered with setigerous tubercles with scale-like setae; in dorsal view, between anterior and genital openings, a moderately narrow bridge; laterodorsal margin of pygophore, between the bridge and the insertion of parameres, with numerous variably long erect simple setae. Proctiger subsquared with several long setae on approximately its distal 1/3. Medial process of pygophore only visible via dorsal view, with adjacent sparse erect setae, directed upwards, situated just below the paramere apices, subtriangular, triangular or spiniform in anterior view; straight, elongated, thin, and with apex acute in lateral view. Paramere apices close in resting position; in ventral view only the posterior margins of their apices are visible. Parameres symmetrical, very curved in median portion, with a sclerotized moderately large subapical blunt prominence on internal surface; glabrous on approximately basal 1/3 and generally covered with scale-like setae on the exposed surface and scattered, straight, moderately short to longer, simple, erect, thin setae, which are somewhat more numerous around the subapical prominence. Phallus: articulatory apparatus short, with a short basal plate bridge and somewhat longer basal plate arms; pedicel longer than articulatory apparatus, slightly enlarged towards apex, with deep transverse ridges, curved in lateral view and subrectangular in dorsal and ventral views. Gonopore process slightly sclerotized, broad. Dorsal phallothecal sclerite subrectangular, moderately sclerotized. Struts as a pair of elongated arms, fused distally; subcylindrical in approximately basal 2/3 and somewhat enlarged towards apices, which are rounded. Endosoma formed only by its wall, which is smooth and very wrinkled, distal margin more coarsely rugous and sclerotized, shortly prolonged ventrally by an almost imperceptible fold which leans against the main portion of the endosoma.












Kodormus Barber, 1930

Gil-Santana, Helcio R., Berenger, Jean-Michel & Oliveira, Jader 2023


Barber 1930


Barber 1930


Barber 1930


Barber 1930


Pinto 1927


Pinto 1927


Bergroth 1918


Bergroth 1918