Melittomma brasiliensis (Laporte, 1832)

Pérez-Flores, O., Zaragoza-Caballero, S. & Schuster, J. C., 2020, Distribution And New Records Of Lymexylidae (Coleoptera: Lymexyloidea) In Guatemala And Mexico, The Coleopterists Bulletin 74 (1), pp. 65-70 : 67-68

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Melittomma brasiliensis (Laporte, 1832)


Melittomma brasiliensis (Laporte, 1832)

In Mexico, M. brasiliensis is known from the states of Chiapas (Ocozocoautla), Colima (Minatitlán), San Luis Potos´ı (Tamasopo), and Veracruz (Córdoba, Estación de Biolog´ıa Los Tuxtlas, Fortin de Las Flores, and Tuxtla) ( Gorham 1881, 1886; Navarrete-Heredia 2004). Herein we record it for the first time from the Mexican states of Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, and Tamaulipas. Additionally, new localities from Chiapas and Veracruz are provided (see Material Examined). In Guatemala, M. brasiliensis is known from the department of Quetzaltenango (El Reposo) ( Gorham 1881, 1886). We present new distributional records from the departments of El Progreso, Escuintla, Huehuetenango, Izabal, Suchitepéquez, and Zacapa ( Fig. 1 View Fig ) (see Material Examined).

Melittomma brasiliensis is also widely distributed throughout the Americas ( Fonseca and Vieira 2000; Gorham 1881, 1886; Orozco and D´ıaz 2018; Wheeler 1986). This species is rarely collected, and no data about their hosts or fungal symbiosis were found. Here we report for first time a phoretic relationship with mites.

Material Examined. GUATEMALA: El Progreso: F. Santa Clara 17/IV/1988 G. Samayda (1: UVGC) ; Escuintla: El Rosario 10 IX 1987 J. Monzon (1: UVGC) ; Santa Luc´ıa, Finca La Gracia 18.III.2012. C. M. Gallaga (1: UVGC) ; Huehuetenango: Fca. San Rafael 13/V/1990, I. Ovalle (1: UVGC) ; Izabal: Cerro San Gil : 15-V- 1994 C. Marcos (1: UVGC) ; Carboneras , estación biol. 400 msnm. 8 VI 1999, Bosque tropical, Trampa de luz incandescente y UV, Col. G. Goemans. (1: UVGC) ; Morales, Sierra de Caral , 10–12 Julio 1993 J. Monzon 450 m. (1: UVGC) ; S.E. Morales, cerca Negro Norte. 1,150 m. 27 junio 1998, 16.318120 E, 17.00831 N. Col. Enio Cano, José Monzón (1: UVGC) GoogleMaps ; Sierra de Caral: 1,400 msnm. UV+ Hg VI 1996. J. Monzón y E. Giesbert, colls. (1: UVGC) ; [same data] VI-1995, J. Monzón (1: UVGC) ; Suchitepéquez: Patulul, finca Vesuvio, Volcán Atitlán 1,450 msnm. 1 mayo 2005 Col. Monzón y Goemans (1: UVGC) ; Samayac, Fca. Parraxé. 1.III.1998 M. Liere (1: UVGC) ; Zacapa: 5 km. SE La Unión town, Finca Los Chorros 1,474 m. 30 abril 2017. 14.942529 -89.275854 Col. Monzón y Naumann (1: UVGC) GoogleMaps . MEXICO: Chiapas: Boca del Chajul : IV.84, C. Deloya (3: CNIN) ; [same data] 23-VIII-84 Alt. 110 m. Deloya-Villalobos, cols. (1: CNIN) ; Bonampak, Brailovsky : 3/V/78 (1: CNIN) ; [same data] 23-V- 1980 (1: CNIN) ; [same data] 3/6/78 (1: CNIN) ; Frontera-Corozal el Tornillo , 15-VII-2004 16°47´458´´N 90°51´269´´ O, A. Ibarra (1: CNIN) ; La Esperanza , 11–27.IX.39 D. Peláez, C Bol´ıvar (2: CNIN) ; Ocosingo Chajul, Reserva Montes Azules : 28-IV al 5-V-86 Col. F. Arias, R, Barba, L. Cervantes (5: CNIN) ; [same data] Luz 30 mt. 3-VI-99 Luis Cervantes col. (2: CNIN) ; Palenque , 19-V-84 A. Ibarra, E. Barrera, M. Garc´ıa (1: CNIN) ; Rosario Izapa , 20-IV-83 E. Barrera (1: CNIN) ; Hidalgo: Km. 8 Desviación Huejutla de Reyes Atlapexco 440 m, 10-03-1999 N 21 15 14, O 98 22 819 H. Brailovsky, E. Barrera (1: CNIN) ; Ixcuicuila 13 km al SO de Huejutla, 11-05-1999 H. Brailovsky, E. Barrera (1: CNIN) ; Oaxaca: Puerto Eligio , Abril 64 (1: CNIN) ; Puebla: San Diego , 19-IV-52 Col. Noc. 12355 (1: CNIN) ; Querétaro: Km. 8 Agua Zarca- La Neblina , N 21 15 14, O 99 04 58: 25-IV-1998 E. Barrera, C. Mayorga (1: CNIN) GoogleMaps ; [same data] 23/VI/ 98 L. Cervantes, G. Ortega (1: CNIN) GoogleMaps ; [same data] 21-VII-1998 C. Mayorga, E. Barrera (5: CNIN) GoogleMaps ; [same data] 19-VIII-1998 H. Brailovsky, E. Barrera (4: CNIN) GoogleMaps ; [same data] 1090 msnm N 21 15 214, O 99 05 296, 28-V-1998 E. Barrera (9: CNIN) GoogleMaps ; Tamaulipas: Gómez Farias, Alta Cima 945 msnm 11-V-2007 23°03´21´´N, 99°12´34´´ W E. Barrera, L. Cervantes, H. Brailovsky (2: CNIN) ; Veracruz: Cerro Pelón Mpio. Vista Hermosa , 16-VIII-80 Col. Noc. S Z. C (1: CNIN) ; Cerro del Vigia , Los Tuxtlas, L. Vazquez: 14-IX-64 (2: CNIN) ; [same data] 2-IV- 65 (1: CNIN) ; [same data] 8-IV-67 (3: CNIN) ; El Ocotal Chico, Sierra Sta. Marta, Los Tuxtlas : 18.III.1980 Col. Nocturna (1: CNIN) ; [same data] 23-24-V-1982 H. Pérez (1: CNIN) ; Ixtaczoquitlán, Orizaba 900msnm 4-05-2000 E. Barrera, A. Ibarra (1: CNIN) ; La Palma , 19/II/77 Col. G. Figueroa (1: CNIN) ; Playa Escondida , 27/III/76, Col. Noct. Col. F. Buena (1: CNIN) ; San Andres Tuxtla, Ejido Lazaro Cardenas , 12-VII-89, H. Rojas, J. I. Col´ın (1: CNIN) .


Collecion de Artropodos


Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico















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