Chimarra robynsi (Jacquemart, 1967)

Blahnik, Roger & Andersen, Trond, 2022, New species of the genus Chimarra Stephens from Africa (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae) and characterization of the African groups and subgroups of the genus, ZooKeys 1111, pp. 43-198 : 43

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scientific name

Chimarra robynsi (Jacquemart, 1967)


Chimarra robynsi (Jacquemart, 1967) View in CoL

Fig. 13A-E View Figure 13

Chimarrafra [sic] Chimarrha robynsi Jacquemart, 1967 (1966a): 49-51, fig. 15.

Chimarra robynsi (Jacquemart, 1967). Comb. nov.

Material examined.

Tanzania - Tanga Reg. ● 1♂; West Usambara Mt., Mazumbai, Kaputu Stream ; 4°48'S, 38°30'E; 17-20 Nov. 1990; T Andersen leg.; Malaise trap; UMSP GoogleMaps .


Phallobase with ventral apex greatly produced, but only weakly bent, apex slightly enlarged and more or less rounded apically; phallic spines both relatively short; inferior appendage relatively narrow overall, with dorsal projection narrow and tapering, not or only scarcely bent, cusps of ventromesal surface not evident in lateral view.

We are somewhat unsure of our attribution of the specimen illustrated (Fig. 13A-E View Figure 13 ) here to C. robynsi , especially considering their different provenance. However, among the species of the Chimarrha fallax complex, it has the most slender inferior appendage, with a very narrow dorsal process that is not, or scarcely, bent apically. The slightly narrower dorsal process of the inferior appendage in the illustration by Jacquemart can probably be attributed to a slight difference in the orientation of the specimen when illustrated, as suggested by slightly rotating the specimen. Among the species of the Chimarrha fallax subgroup with an elongate ventral apex to the phallobase, considered here, C. robynsi has the apex least ventrally flexed or bent, possibly similar in this respect to C. falcifera , which was not available for comparison. As noted in the description of C. calundoensis , the hind wing of C. falcifera was illustrated as lacking fork III ( Jacquemart 1966b: fig. 7C) which is not true of the specimen illustrated here, in which the fork is prominent, as in Fig. 4B View Figures 4, 5 .


Adult. Head, prothorax, and appendages (in alcohol) yellowish; mesothorax and body yellowish brown, spurs slightly darker. Head relatively short (postocular parietal sclerite ~ 1/2 diameter of eye). Palps moderately elongate; maxillary palp with 1st segment slightly longer than wide, 2nd segment moderately elongate (~ 3 × 1st), apex with small cluster of stiff setae, 3rd segment only slightly longer than 2nd, 4th segment short (~ 1/2 length of 3rd), 5th segment subequal to 3rd. Forewing length: male, 7.1 mm. Fore- and hind wings with forks I, II, III, and V present. Forewing with stem of Rs rather weakly inflected at past midlength, basal fork of discoidal cell distinctly enlarged, length of cell ~ 2 × width, fork I slightly subsessile, fork II sessile, r crossvein diagonal, intersecting discoidal cell at past midlength, just before fork I, s and r-m, crossveins linear, m crossvein more proximal, s pigmented (like wing), r-m and m crossveins hyaline, 2A with crossvein (apparently forked apically to 1A and 3A). Hind wing with R1 narrowly parallel to subcosta, forks I and II subsessile, anal loop small. Forelegs with apical tibial spur distinct; male with foretarsi unmodified, claws small and symmetrical.

Male genitalia. Segment VIII with sternum relatively short, ventrally with distinct projection from posterior margin, tergum slightly longer. Segment IX, in lateral view, with anteroventral margin moderately produced, anterior margin with angular inflection in ventral ¼, weakly concave and narrowing dorsally; tergum short dorsally, with short anterior apodemes, obsolete mesally between apodemes; posterior margin nearly linear; ventral margin sloping, more or less linear, with elongate, narrow ventral process, apex of process acute as viewed laterally, rounded as viewed ventrally, apicoventral surface of ventral process roughened and file-like; anterior margin of sternum, as viewed dorsally or ventrally, subtruncate, slightly concave mesally. Lateral lobes of tergum X formed into dorsally curved, sclerotized, spine-like processes, with one or two sensilla apically; mesal lobe of tergum X membranous, moderately elongate; ventrally with strongly projecting, paired, sclerotized, periphallic processes, subtending phallic apparatus. Preanal appendages short and knob-like, constricted basally, fused laterally to periphallic processes. Inferior appendage relatively slender and narrow, with pronounced basal inflection, apex dorsally inflected and strongly narrowing, nearly straight, apex acute; as viewed ventrally, with weakly sclerotized, angular projections or cusps near base and before midlength, projections not evident in lateral view; mesal surface without projections or ridges. Phallic apparatus with phallobase tubular, with usual basodorsal expansion, apicoventral margin very strongly projecting, sclerotized, weakly ventrally deflected, apex of ventral projection more or less rounded, as viewed laterally; endotheca with two relatively short and asymmetrically positioned spines, membrane textured with small spines, phallotremal sclerite complex composed of short rod and ring structure and small apical sclerite.


Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania.

Jacquemart, S, 1966b. A propos de quelques Trichopteres du Katanga. Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique 42: 1 - 10

Gallery Image

Figure 13. Chimarra robynsi (Jacquemart), ♂ genitalia A lateral B dorsal, segments IX and X C inferior appendage, ventral D inferior appendage, caudal E phallus, lateral.

Gallery Image

Figures 4, 5. 4 Chimarra marginata (Linnaeus), Chimarrha marginata Group, wings A forewing B hind wing 5 Chimarra ankylis sp. nov., Chimarrha georgensis Group, wings A forewing B hind wing.











