Stomis vignai ssp. maior, Sciaky, 2024

Sciaky, Riccardo, 2024, Review of the Chinese Stomis, with description of nine new taxa and a new key (Carabidae: Pterostichini), Zootaxa 5523 (1), pp. 1-34 : 4-5

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.1.1

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scientific name

Stomis vignai ssp. maior

subsp. nov.

Stomis vignai ssp. maior ssp. nov.

Diagnosis. A Stomis of medium size (8.1–12.5 mm), body superiorly black with greenish, bronze or coppery hues on head, pronotum and elytra; pronotal sides subsinuate and markedly constricted before basal angles.

Description. Habitus as in Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–4 . Length 8.1–12.5 mm; color black with greenish, bronze or seldom coppery, hues on head, pronotum and elytra; labrum dark reddish brown, maxillae and palpi reddish; femora black, tibiae dark reddish brown, tarsi reddish brown. Head broad, smooth, with strong ocular convexity; mandibles rather short, always shorter than the rest of the head; the right one almost straight; eyes rather small, scarcely protruding from the ocular convexity. Pronotum broad, relatively short, widest anteriorly of the middle of its length; lateral margins slightly sinuate before the basal angles; anterior margin almost rectilinear; anterior angles very small, projecting forward as small triangles; base completely but sparsely punctate; basal foveae rather narrow, ill-delimited, starting almost from the basal angle, as long as one third of the pronotal length; basal angles broadly rounded, basal seta not in the basal angle but where the sinuation begins; lateral gutter narrow all along its length, bringing 1–4 setae in the anterior half. Elytra oval, very convex, widest almost at middle, with just a little hint of humeral tooth; striae completely punctate; intervals evidently convex; humeri widely rounded; lateral gutter well marked and rather broad. Median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view long and sinuate before apex; in dorsal view with a small but evident tooth on the left side ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 29–31 ). Ratios: El/Pl = 1.15; Ew/Pw = 1.32; El/Ew = 1.41.

Type-locality: China, N Sichuan, Daba, Micang Shan , 32° 40’ N 106° 55’ E, 1385 m GoogleMaps .

Type-series. Holotype ♂: China, N Sichuan, Daba, Micang Shan , 32° 40’ N 106° 55’ E, 1385 m, 5.VI– 9.VII.2007, Jaroslav Turna leg. ( CM) GoogleMaps ; Paratypes: SW Shaanxi, Wulongdong, 1500–1800 m, 33° 36’ N 106° 18’ E GoogleMaps , 18.V–8.VI .2009 GoogleMaps , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 35 exx. ♂ ♀ (CM); SW Shaanxi, Tiantaishan forest   GoogleMaps park, 33° 16’ N 107° 05’ E, 1950 m, 17.V–10.VI .2010 , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 14 exx. ♂ ♀ (CM); SW Shaanxi, Liping forest park, Micang Shan , 1500–1600 m, 21.V–10.VI .2009 GoogleMaps , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 6 exx. ♂ ♀ (CM); SW Shaanxi, Liping forest park, Micang Shan   GoogleMaps , 32° 47’ N 106° 40’ E, 1500–1700 m, 15.V–13.VI .2010 GoogleMaps , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 48 exx. ♂ ♀ (CM); SW Shaanxi, Liping forest park, Micang Shan   GoogleMaps , 32° 47’ N 106° 40’ E, 1500–1600 m, 24.V–30.VI .2011 GoogleMaps , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 41 exx. ♂ ♀ (CM, CS, CW); SW Shaanxi, Liping forest park, Micang Shan   GoogleMaps , 32° 47’ N 106° 40’ E, 1500–1600 m, 25.V–26.VI .2012 GoogleMaps , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 7 exx. ♂ ♀ (CM); SW Shaanxi, Liping forest park, Micang Shan   GoogleMaps , 32° 47’ N 106° 40’ E, 1500–1600 m, 19.V –5.VII.2014 GoogleMaps , Jatua leg.: 24 exx. ♂ ♀ (CM); SW Shaanxi, Micang Shan   GoogleMaps , Yuanba, S env., 32° 47’ N 106° 40’ E, 1500–1600 m, 25.V–11.VI .2009 GoogleMaps , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 1 ex. ♂ (CM); SW Shaanxi, Laoguguan   GoogleMaps , 32° 45’ N 106° 12’ E, 1600–1700 m, 26.V–12.VI .2009 GoogleMaps , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 1 ex. ♀ (CM); N Sichuan, Daba env., Micang Shan   GoogleMaps , 32° 40’ N 106° 56’ E, 1435–1570 m, 6.V –12.VII.2006 GoogleMaps , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 6 exx. ♂ ♀ (CM); N Sichuan, Daba, Micang Shan   GoogleMaps , 32° 40’ N 106° 55’ E, 1385 m, 5.VI –9.VII.2007 GoogleMaps , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 3 exx. ♂ (CM); N Sichuan, env. Daba, Micang Shan   GoogleMaps , 32° 40’ N 106° 56’ E, 1350–1450 m, 21.V–12.VI .2008 , Jaroslav Turna leg.: 12 exx. ♂ ♀ (CM).

Etymology. This subspecific epithet alludes to the large size of this subspecies, on the average larger than the other known subspecies.

Description. The combination of characters allowing to distinguish this subspecies are: length on the average long (8.1–12.5 mm, but the specimens below 10 mm are extremely rare); pronotum with one or multiple setae in the anterior half of the lateral margins, that are slightly sinuate before the basal angles; elytra wider anteriorly than in other subspecies, less oval in shape ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–4 ). Median lobe of aedeagus with apical portion longer than the basal one, with long and evident sinuation before apex ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 29–31 ). Ratios: El/Pl = 1.15; Ew/Pw = 1.32; El/Ew = 1.41.

Distribution. This subspecies is known from the area on the border between Sichuan and Shaanxi, mainly on the Micang Shan, a large mountain chain stretching from West to East almost along the border between these two provinces and not far from the borders of Chongqing. This mountain chain is parallel but more southern than the Qin Ling Shan, where Stomis vignai ssp. taibashanensis is known.


Chongqing Museum













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