Anastrepha caballeroi Norrbom, 2015

Rodriguez, Erick J., Steck, Gary J., Moore, Matthew R., Norrbom, Allen L., Diaz, Jessica, Somma, Louis A., Ruiz-Arce, Raul, Sutton, Bruce D., Nolazco, Norma, Muller, Alies & Branham, Marc A., 2022, Exceptional larval morphology of nine species of the Anastrepha mucronota species group (Diptera, Tephritidae), ZooKeys 1127, pp. 155-215 : 155

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Anastrepha caballeroi Norrbom, 2015


Anastrepha caballeroi Norrbom, 2015 View in CoL

Figs 14-19 View Figures 14–19 , 20-25 View Figures 20–25 , 26-27 View Figures 26, 27

Material examined.

Peru • 13 larvae; Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, Centro de Investigación y Capacitacion Rio Los Amigos (CICRA), trail 2; 12.5612°S, 70.1085°W; 287 m a.s.l.; 28 Jan. 2014; E. J. Rodriguez and J. Caballero leg.; reared from fruit of Quararibea malacocalyx ( A. Robyns and S. Nilsson) W.S. Alverson ( Malvaceae ); FSCA (AP20180321.05-AP20180321.14, AP20190827.07-AP20190827.09) GoogleMaps .


Anastrepha caballeroi can be distinguished from all other species of Anastrepha by the dentate posterior margins of its accessory plates; in other species of the Anastrepha mucronota group the margins of the oral ridges are serrate or mostly or entirely fringed (see Tables 2 View Table 2 - 4 View Table 4 ). It also differs from all other Anastrepha species in having 27-36 accessory plates mostly in two series and covering a much larger area than the oral ridges.


Habitus. Third instar elongate, cylindrical, tapered anteriorly and caudal end truncate; color creamy; amphipneustic. Length 10.24-10.61 mm and width 1.66-1.69 mm at the sixth abdominal segment.

Pseudocephalon (Figs 14-18 View Figures 14–19 ). Antenna and maxillary palp on moderately developed lobe. Antenna with cylindrical base and apical knob. Maxillary palp bearing three papilla sensilla, two knob sensilla; dorsolateral group of sensilla bearing two well-developed papilla sensilla, aligned perpendicular to palp and surrounded by collar. Facial mask partly globular in lateral view, upper right section lacking ridges and accessory plates and forming almost a right angle. Preoral organ bearing 1-3 unbranched peg sensilla, located apically on small cylindrical lobe anterolateral to mouthhook, with or without one or two adjacent finger-like lobes; preoral lobe elongate, split apically, extending posterior to preoral organ. Oral ridges in 14 or 15 short rows, posterior margin entire or undulant (occasionally 1-3 posterior ridges emarginate); 27-36 accessory plates, posterior margin deeply dentate with sharply pointed teeth, anterior and posterior plates in one series, medial plates in two series, plates covering much larger area than oral ridges. Labium triangular, anterior surface knobby (not clearly visible in Fig. 14 View Figures 14–19 ), ventrally with two visible sensilla on small tubercles.

Cephaloskeleton (Figs 19 View Figures 14–19 - 21 View Figures 20–25 ). Total length from tip of mouthhook to end of ventral cornu 1.26-1.31 mm. Mouthhook well sclerotized, black apically and basally; length a 0.28-0.29 mm; length b 0.21-0.23 mm; height c 0.18-0.20 mm; ratio a:b 1.28-1.37; ratio a:c 1.45-1.63. Tooth long, sharp, strongly curved, concave ventrally, ventral surface eroded. Intermediate sclerite 0.21-0.23 mm long, 0.13-0.15 mm wide at ventral bridge. Epipharyngeal sclerite visible only in dorsal view, with medial lobe directed anteriorly. Labial sclerite short, robust, sclerotized in dorsal view. Parastomal bar extending for almost entire length of intermediate sclerite. Dorsal arch 0.27-0.29 mm high. Dorsal cornu with well-defined sclerotized area adjacent to notch, 0.51-0.54 mm long. Dorsal bridge prominently projecting anteriorly from dorsal cornu and slightly sclerotized. Anterior sclerite irregularly shaped and sclerotized. Cornu notch (N) 0.30-0.34 mm long and cornu notch index (N/DC) 0.59-0.63. Ventral cornu with poorly defined sclerotized area. Pharyngeal filter with weakly sclerotized anterior bar and seven ridges forming a series of grooves along length of ventral cornu. Ventral cornu 0.79-0.83 mm long from pharyngeal bar to posterior end of grooves. Ventral cornu 1.54-1.56 × as long as sclerotized area of dorsal cornu.

Thoracic and abdominal segments. Thoracic segments with dorsal spinules conical, symmetrical to slightly curved posteriorly; dorsal spinule pattern in rows as follows: T1 with three rows, forming scalloped plates; T2 with three rows; T3 lacking spinules; ventral spinule pattern as follows: T1 with seven or eight rows; T2 with three rows; T3 with 0-2 rows. Abdominal segments (A1-A8) lacking dorsal spinules; ventral creeping welts present on all abdominal segments; ventral spinule pattern as follows: A1 with two or three rows; A2 with six or seven rows; A3 with seven or eight rows; A4-A5 with 7-9 rows; A6 with seven or eight rows, A7-A8 with six or seven rows. Additional three or four anterior and posterior discontinuous rows of spinules, and one or two lateral rows around anal lobes, spinules large, conical, distally sharp, pointing away from anal lobes.

Prothoracic spiracle (Figs 22 View Figures 20–25 , 23 View Figures 20–25 ). Bilobed, bearing 17-21 tubules, distally rounded and arranged in a single sinuous row. Spiracle distal width 0.28-0.33 mm; basal width 0.13-0.16 mm at junction with trachea.

Caudal segment (Figs 24 View Figures 20–25 , 25 View Figures 20–25 ). Dorsal tubercles and sensilla well developed, D1 distinctly anterior to D2. Intermediate tubercles (I1 and I2) moderately developed, I1 lateral and sometimes slightly ventral to I2, associated sensilla weakly developed. Lateral (L1) and ventral (V1 and V2) tubercles, and associated sensilla weakly developed. Anal lobe entire and moderately protuberant.

Posterior spiracle (Figs 24 View Figures 20–25 , 26 View Figures 26, 27 , 27 View Figures 26, 27 ). Located above horizontal midline. Posterior spiracle openings with thick rimae and numerous trabeculae; 76-89 µm long; 31-37 µm wide; ratio length/width 2.4-2.5. Ecdysial scar apparent. Felt chamber oval, 143-184 µm in diameter at junction with trachea. Spiracular process SP-I comprising 5-8 trunks and 10-18 tips; ratio tips/trunks 2.0-2.3; basal width 7-13 µm; ratio basal width/length of spiracular opening 0.08-0.15. SP-II comprising 3-5 trunks and 3-10 tips. SP-III comprising 4-7 trunks and 4-12 tips. SP-IV comprising 4-7 trunks and 7-17 tips; ratio tips/trunks 1.8-2.4; basal width 5-7 µm; ratio basal width/length of spiracular opening 0.06-0.08.


Anastrepha caballeroi is known only from southeastern Peru (Cusco and Madre de Dios).


We reared this species from fruit of Quararibea malacocalyx , the only known host plant ( Norrbom et al. 2015). The larvae feed only on the pulp of the fruit.

Molecular identification.

COI barcodes were generated from 13 larvae and nine adults of A. caballeroi and submitted to GenBank (MH070125, MT644046-MT644048, MT654994-MT655010, MT763935). One additional adult sequence was available for analysis (KY428405). These data further confirm the identity of the described larvae. K2P distances between A. caballeroi individuals ranged from 0.0-1.6%. In our larger COI dataset for Anastrepha , A. caballeroi is nearest-neighbor to the undescribed Anastrepha sp. Yasuni 01 from Ecuador. One of the A. caballeroi barcodes (MH070125) is more similar to A. sp. Yasuni 01 than other A. caballeroi . However, all barcoded larval specimens of A. caballeroi are best matches to adult A. caballeroi sequences. BLAST searches were consistent with our new data, yielding only two good matches, both to A. caballeroi (98.07%-100% sequence identity; KY428405 and MH070125). Additionally, all thirteen larval barcodes returned consensus identifications of A. caballeroi with three votes ( Moore et al. in press).











