Heteragrion flavovittatum Selys, 1862

LENCIONI, F. A. A., 2013, <p> <strong> Diagnoses and discussion of the group 1 and 2 Brazilian species of <em> Heteragrion </ em>, with descriptions of four new species (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae) </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3685 (1), pp. 1-80 : 9

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Heteragrion flavovittatum Selys, 1862


Heteragrion flavovittatum Selys, 1862 View in CoL

Figs. 15 (♂ app), 34A–C (♂ thx), 46A–C (♀ thx), 48E–F (♀ S8–10, basal plate), 54A–B (♂, ♀ habitus), 71 (map)

Heteragrion flavovittatum Selys 1862: 20–21 View in CoL [18–19 reprint] (description of male and female); Selys 1886: 56 (species diagnosis); Williamson 1919: 15, Figs. 12–13, 119–120, 133 (discussion of MCZ specimens illustration of head of male and female, male appendages in dorsal and lateral views, male prothorax in dorsal view); Lencioni 2005: 131, Figs. 80A– C (description and distribution, illustration of male syntype appendages in dorsal and lateral view, habitus and thorax in lateral view); Machado & Bedê 2006: 50–52 (differences from H. muryense View in CoL , H. petiense View in CoL , H. ovatum View in CoL and H. tiradentense View in CoL ); von Ellenrieder & Garrison 2007: 6, Fig. 2e View FIGURE 1–6 (mention and illustration of male appendages); Garrison et al 2010: 88–91, Figs. 89, 91 (list, illustration of wings and appendages in mediodorsal view).

Types. Male syntype in IRSNB (examined), and male and female syntypes in MCZ. Male examined with the following labels: "mg [manuscript black ink on dark blue paper]", " H. flavovittatum DS View in CoL ♂ Minas Gerais [manuscript black ink on pale brown paper]", " H. flavovittatum View in CoL [manuscript black ink on pale blue paper]" and " Dessiné Williamson " [manuscript pencil on white paper]" .

Additional material examined. 1♂ directly compared with syntype. Brazil: Minas Gerais State: Jaboticatubas, Serra do Cipó —km. 128, 31-X-1966 , 1♂, leg. N. Santos, J. Machado & J. Martins. Images of a female collected near Santa Barbara, Minas Gerais State ( Figs. 48A–C View FIGURE 48 , 50E–F, 56B) .

Illustration made from following specimens. 1♂ —(Fig. 15A, 15B, 34A, 34B, 34C, 54A) Brazil: Minas Gerais State: Jaboticatubas, Serra do Cipó —km. 128, 31-X-1966, leg. N. Santos, J. Machado & J. Martins ( NC 1962 ); images of a female collected near Santa Barbara, Minas Gerais State (Fig. 46A, 46B, 46C, 48E, 48F, 54B), kindly provided by R. W. Garrison .

Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais State).

Diagnosis. Male: Easy to recognize by mostly black dorsum of thorax (Fig. 34B—shared with H. muryense and H. tiradentense —but these two species have the mesepisternum interrupted by a pale spot) and strongly swollen base of cercus occupying 2/3 of its length (Fig. 15B). Cercus in lateral view: dorsobasal expansion present. Ventrobasal expansion very large, occupying 2/3 length, its ventral margin almost straight (Fig. 15B). Cercus in mediodorsal view: Basal, medial and apical portions of cercus subequal. Ventral expansion present and sparsely hairy. Ventral branch of medial process rectangular plate with apical end rounded, dorsal branch roughly triangular and fused with ventral branch on its inner side (Fig. 15A). Female: Posterior lobe of prothorax semicircular with small notch in middle, pale yellow with large ovoid black spot in middle bordered with brown and tips covered with short hairs (Fig. 46C); valves of ovipositor reaching but not surpassing distal S10 and in lateral view ventral margin with small spines ( Fig. 48E View FIGURE 48 ); Cercus subequal to S10, apparently without bristles at the tip ( Fig. 48E View FIGURE 48 ); Basal plate: dorsal edge an inverted S-shape, longer than convex outer edge. Ventral side 2/3 length of outer edge ( Fig. 48F View FIGURE 48 ).


Museum of Comparative Zoology














Heteragrion flavovittatum Selys, 1862

LENCIONI, F. A. A. 2013

H. tiradentense

Machado & Bede 2006

H. muryense

Costa & Santos 2000

H. petiense

Machado 1988

Heteragrion flavovittatum

Selys 1862: 20 - 21

H. ovatum

Selys 1862
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