Klinckowstroemia brevimarginata, Villegas-Guzman, Gabriel A., Pérez, Tila M. & Reyes-Castillo, Pedro, 2009

Villegas-Guzman, Gabriel A., Pérez, Tila M. & Reyes-Castillo, Pedro, 2009, New species of the genus Klinckowstroemia Baker & Wharton from Mexico (Acari: Mesostigmata: Trigynaspida: Klinckowstroemiidae), Zootaxa 2248, pp. 1-46 : 19-25

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.190717



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scientific name

Klinckowstroemia brevimarginata

sp. nov.

Klinckowstroemia brevimarginata sp. nov.

Material examined. Holotype. Ƥ ( CNAC 006585), Oaxaca, Mexico, 101 km Federal highway Puerto Escondido-Oaxaca (16°28.156' N, 97°01.674' W), 1,906 m, 28 June 2006, from Ve r re s aff. intermedius, O. Francke, A. Valdez and H. Montaño coll., oak forest. Paratypes. 5 Ƥ ( CNAC 006586- CNAC 006590), 6 33 ( CNAC 006591- CNAC 006596), same data as holotype, from two specimens of Ve r re s aff. intermedius . Holotype female, four paratype female and five paratype males deposited in the CNAC, one female and male paratypes deposited in NMNH.

Female (n = 6). Body oval. Idiosoma, L = 762 (736–762), W = 525 (512–532) ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 A).

Ve n tr al idiosoma. Hyaline hood extending to level of coxa I, seta a 1 moderately long and simple, L = 19 (17–20). Tritosternum base wider than long. Tetartosternum shield L = 31 (28–31), anterior W = 99 (93–99), shagreened, anterior margin rounded, tetartosternal notch like a small cavity. Sternal seta st 1 near anterior margin, moderately long and serrate, L = 19 (16–22), lyriform sternal pore stp 1 near posterior margin. Sternal shield L = 62 (62–65), shagreened ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 E). Pore stp 2 near centre of shield, behind it st 2, st 3 and st 4 are simple microsetae, the last two setae located on sides of shield near the corners, close to posterior margin. Sternogynial shield, L = 47 (47–53), W = 143 (140–152) triangular, narrow because mesogynial shield extends anteriorly ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 D); posterior margin slightly pointed at apex, surface shagreened, stp 3 near anterior margin. Sternogynial apodeme long and thin, extending to posterior to level of latigynial and mesogynial condyles. Latigynial shields, L = 109 (109–124), W = 71 (68– 71), each with an oval pore and four to six setae, commonly with five ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 D), medial margins of shield short and straight, surface of shield shagreened; latigynial apodeme thin. Mesogynial shield L = 84 (82–93), W = 99 (93–99), triangular, wider posteriorly, slightly pointed at apex, surface shagreened. Mesogynial condyles behind level of apex of shield. Ventral shield, L = 198 (176–198), posterior W= 403 (403–429), triangular ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 G), truncated posteriorly, surface shagreened and reticulated laterally, with 13 pairs of small setae. One pore underneath posterior margin of coxa IV. Metapodal-peritremal-exopodal shield with a pair of pores, and a seta, surface reticulated. Anal shield, L = 109 (102–124), anterior W = 288 (288–307), with five pairs of simple setae plus longer antero anal seta ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 A), L = 24 (22–25), two pairs of pores, one near anterior margin and the other below the anus.

Gnathosoma . Capitular setae (sc) short and serrate, L = 14 (9.3–14). Hypostomal setae hyp 1 simple, L = 50 (50–56), longest. Seta hyp 2 medium length, serrate, L = 31 (31–34); hyp 3 short and simple, L = 12 (12–14) ( Fig.11 View FIGURE 11 C). Chelicera with barbed seta, movable digit bifurcate at tip, with four teeth, fixed digit with six teeth. Most palpal setae simple, except al 1 and al 2 on trochanter are branched and serrate respectively; femoral setae av 1, ad 2, pl 1, pd 1 and pd 2 barbed; genu setae pl 1, pl 2, pd 1, pd 2 and pv 1 barbed. Anterior margin of palp trochanter with blunt process (b), and denticulated process divided (s) ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 F).

Legs. Most leg setae simple, except: Leg I: trochanter I ad 1, al 1, pl 1 and pv 1 barbed; femur I: pv 1, pv 2 and pv 3 barbed; genu I: av 1 and pv 1 barbed; tibia I: ad 1, ad 2, ad 3, pd 1 and pd 3 barbed. Leg II: femur II: av 1 and pv 1 barbed; genu II: av 1 and pv 1 barbed. Leg III: trochanter III: pv 1 and pl 1 barbed; femur III: av 1 barbed; genu III: av 1 and pv 1 barbed. Leg IV: trochanter IV: pv 1; femur IV: av 1 barbed; genu IV av 1 barbed. Seta pv 1 is large and serrated ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 H), L = 32 (31–38).

Male (n = 6) Body oval. Idiosoma, L = 736–781, W = 499–544 ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 B).

Ve n tr al idiosoma. Tetartosternum, L = 31–40, anterior W = 93–102, shagreened, anterior margin round ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 B). Tetartosternal notch distinct, anterior margin divided in two parts, with a pore near posterior margin. Sternal seta st 1, L = 9–16, serrate. Sternal shield shagreened, L = 93–102, reticulated laterally ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 C). Setae, st 2, st 3 and st 4 are simple microsetae; with two pores, one near anterior margin of shield, one close to genital opening. Genital opening oval, L = 47–53, W = 78–81. Ventral shield, L = 282–307, posterior W = 448, shagreened, with 38 setae and two pores, one at level of anterior margin of coxa IV and the other below coxa IV; this area of shield reticulated laterally ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 B). Anal shield shagreened, L = 109–124, anterior W = 333–358, with five pairs of simple setae plus longer antero anal seta, L = 20–25, with two pores, one near anterior margin and the other below anus. Metapodal-peritremal-exopodal shield with a pair of pores, and a seta, reticulated.

Gnathosoma . Hypostomal seta hyp 1 long and simple, L = 47–53, hyp 2 serrate and long, L = 31–40, hyp 3 simple and shorter, L = 12.

Etymology. This name is from Latin brevis (= small) and marginata (= margin) referring to the size of the medial margins of the latigynial shields.

Remarks. This species can be distinguished from all others because the mesogynial shield extends to the sternogynial shield and is wide on posterior margin; the margin of the latigynial shield is straight and reduced, 12 (9–16). Sternal seta st 1 is of moderate length (16–22) and serrate in both sexes and sternal setae st 2, st 3 and st 4 are microsetae and simple. The sternal, genital, ventral and tetartosternum shields are shagreened and the ventral shield is reticulated laterally. The male tetartosternal shield has a round anterior margin, the tetartosternal notch dividing the anterior margin in two, and 38 pairs of setae on the ventral shield. Klinckowstroemia brevimarginata is similar to K. rectimarginata because they have st 1 serrate and st 2 is a microseta; however, K. rectimarginata (813–902) is bigger than K. brevimarginata (736–762) and has three setae on the latigynial shield, while K. brevimarginata has four to six setae. Klinckowstroemia brevimarginata is similar to K. schusteri because it has four setae on the latigynial shield and st 1 serrated, but the former is shorter than the latter and setae st 2, st 3 and st 4 are microsetae, while in K. shusteri setae st 2, st 3 and st 4 are short, the mesogynial shield does not extend anteriorly, and the medial margin of the latigynial shields is long.

The specimens were found in decaying trunks at the same locality at Oaxaca, Mexico. The mites were found in the alcohol with two passalids.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History















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