Crumomyia topali, Papp, 2003

Papp, L., 2003, New Oriental Species And Records Of Sphaerocerinae And Copromyzinae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (1), pp. 71-85 : 77-79

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587208


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scientific name

Crumomyia topali

sp. nov.

Crumomyia topali View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 10–13 View Figs 10–13 )

Material studied ( HNHM): holotype male: India, Daitari , Jajpur-Keonjahr – 1–5.I.1967., leg. Topál.

Paratype male ( HNHM): ibid., 31. XII. 1966. [left first flagellomere lost, abdomen with genitalia in a plastic microvial with glycerol, left wing of the specimen prepared between two pieces of cover glass glued to a paper card, below the specimen] .

Measurements in mm: body length 2.70 (holotype), 3.19, wing length 2.60 (holotype), 3.32, wing breadth 1.03 (holotype), 1.33.

General colour dark to black; some parts ofbody with brownish grey microtomentum.

Head slightly longer than high. Head with frons broad, frons mostly dark microtomentose, only orbital plates and narrow frontal triangle shiny.. Lunule microtomentose. Face (prefrons) shining black, with relatively deep and strongly microtomentose antennal concavities. Interantennal tubercle red. Parafacialia black, with glossy black margins. Vibrissal angle reddish microtomentose. Gena at genal seta 0.3 as high as longest eye diameter. Gena with a subquadrate microtomentose area on and above peristoma, which widens apically up to almost eye margin. Occiput and postgena black, wholly microtomentose. All cephalic macrosetae relatively thin; a pair ofsmall postocellar setulae only; outer and inner verticals long and subequal to ocellars in length; 2 subequal (or posterior slightly longer), closely set, lateroclinate orbitals; 6 fine interfrontals subequal in length; numerous additional setulae between orbits and interfrontalia, and a series of small, mostly lateroclinate setulae on orbits. Vibrissa long, subvibrissa about one-third ofits length and much thinner. Genal seta well-developed, long; peristomal setulae numerous and fine, postoculars numerous and unarranged. Eye not reduced, slightly oval, its longest (oblique) diameter about 1 1/3 times as long as shortest. Scape and pedicel black, first flagellomere rounded, dirty red to reddish brown. Arista long, about 4 times as long as antenna, with long cilia.

Thorax black, dorsally mostly (except notopleuron and scutellum) dark microtomentose. Pleura bare, microtomentose pattern most resembling that of Crumomyia fimetaria (MEIGEN, 1830) , i.e. microtomentose only behind halteres and on metanotum. All characteristic setae ofmesonotum long and thin: 1 proepisternal, 2 notopleural (anterior definitely longer than posterior), 1 short supra-alar and 1 very long postalar, 1 long presutural, 1+2 relatively weak dorsocentrals, 4 irregular rows ofsparse and fine acrostichal setulae, 2 very long scutellars (basal only slightly shorter than api - cal, no additional scutellars). Propleuron finely setulose, anepisternum without setae. Katepisternum with 4–5 fine pale setulae at dorsal margin.

Legs as in fimetaria , black, but trochanters, knees, apices oftibiae, and tarsi yellowish. Fore femur somewhat thickened, with longer but hair-like setae in posteroventral and posterodorsal rows. Mid femur with 4 thick preapical setae and with a number of hair-like setae ventrally. Hind femur as in fimetaria . Fore tibia with 1 short dorsal preapical seta and ventroapical brush ofdense, darker brown setulae. Mid tibia with usual subapical crown ofsetae, 6 rather thick anterodorsal setae, 1 strong anteroventral seta at apical 2/7, and 1 much weaker posteroventral seta opposite or slightly distal to anteroventral. Hind tibia with the usual dorsal preapical seta, without an anteroventral seta but with 2 apical spurs (the anterior short, the ventral strong, curved, about as long as tibial width). Fore and hind basitarsi with a well developed, small, black ventroapical hook, hind basitarsus and 2nd hind tarsal segment with dense ventral brush ofdark brown hairs.

Wing normal with normal venation; membrane and veins unicolorous light brownish, but both cross-veins brown infuscated, R-M more strongly so. Costal vein dark brown distally to R 1 , veins otherwise lighter brown. Wing vein ratios: C-index (paratype) = 1.692 mm / 0.577 mm = 2.93, M vein index = 0.923 mm / 0.88 mm = 1.05, dM-Cu 0.295 mm, R-M-dM-Cu / dM-Cu ratio 3.13. Vein stub of Cu posterior to discal cell 0.07 mm long. Haltere dirty yellow, knob usually darker than stem .

Abdomen with well-sclerotized preabdominal sclerites. Terga black, broad, rather shiny, with fine setulae longest at lateral margins. Preabdominal sterna comparatively narrow, like in fimetaria , sterna 2–5 ofalmost equal breadth, 5th sternum unmodified. Postabdominal sclerites well-sclerot - ized, dark; 6th and 7th sterna strongly asymmetrical and fused as in congeners, 8th sternum also asymmetrical and relatively short, dorsally strongly convex and partly bare.

Male genital morphology is similar to that of C. fimetaria and C. roserii . Epandrium strongly convex, with the usual ventral lateral cleft and densely uniformly haired, without extremely long setae. Cerci distinct but fused with epandrium ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10–13 ) and medially well separated, each with a number oflong and almost straight hair-like setae and a number offine setulae. Subepandrial sclerite well developed ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10–13 ). Surstylus ( Fig. 11 View Figs 10–13 ) broad and round in broadest extension, in this view anterior border not broken (as in C. roserii ), practically no apex on surstylus (cf. fig. 105 of C. fimetaria of NORRBOM & KIM 1985 a); lateral surface in apical half covered by medium long setae, i.e. no such setae in basal half (cf. figs 100 and 105 of NORRBOM & KIM 1985 a). Hypandrium as in congeners. Aedeagal complex ( Fig. 12 View Figs 10–13 ) ofthe C. fimetaria -subgroup type, resembling that of C. fimetaria but postgonite, lateral view, 13 = postgonite laterally. Scale: 0.2 mm for all differing as follows: basiphallus somewhat more slender with thicker and straight epiphallus (resembling more to that of C. roserii ), pre-epiphallus arising rather distally (similar to C. fimetaria but contrary to C. roserii ) but stronger than in C. fimetaria . Distiphallus with differently formed paired dorsal hooks. Postgonite with broader apical part in profile, i.e. the lobe dorsal to it projects only slightly more anteriorly ( Fig. 13 View Figs 10–13 ), seta on lateromedial edge seems longer than that of C. fimetaria . Ejaculatory apodeme rather slender, situated in posterodorsal opening ofphallophore.

Female unknown.

Discussion. This new species is a member ofthe Crumomyia setitibialis - group, fimetaria subgroup sensu NORRBOM and KIM (1985 a: 184). Based on similarities in the male genitalia, it appears intermediate between Crumomyia roserii (RONDANI, 1880) and C. fimetaria (MEIGEN, 1830) , which are consequently its sister-species. All these species share similar, very small (ifany) microtomentose pattern on anepisternum, only a few setae on dorsal part of katepisternum, no additional marginal setae on scutellum, male femora, tibiae and abdominal membrane with rather short setae, hind tibiae without an anteroventral seta, and similar structure ofinner male genitalia. However, with its bare scutellum, similar colouration oflegs, and details ofgenital structures, the new species seems closer to C. fimetaria . Indeed, only details of genital structures, described above, differentiate this species from C. fimetaria ( Figs 10–13 View Figs 10–13 , cf. NORRBOM & KIM 1985 a: figs 105–106).

The new species, like C. fimetaria , is terricolous but probably not cavedwelling.

The genus Crumomyia MACQUART is new to the Oriental region.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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