Phoenoteleia sanma Lahey, 2021

Lahey, Zachary, Musetti, Luciana, Masner, Lubomir & Johnson, Norman F., 2021, Revision of Phoenoteleia Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae, Scelioninae), Journal of Hymenoptera Research 87, pp. 575-611 : 575

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Phoenoteleia sanma Lahey

sp. nov.

Phoenoteleia sanma Lahey sp. nov.

Figures 60-62 View Figures 60–62


Claval formula: 1-2-2-2-1. Number of clavomeres: 5. Color of antenna in female: radicle and A1-A7 light brown, A8-A12 brown. Color of A7 of female: distinctly lighter than clavomeres. Color of antenna in male: unknown. Color of head: light orange. Color of mesosoma: mostly orange, darker on mesoscutum lateral to horn. Color of metasoma: horn orange apically, becoming progressively darker posteriorly; T1 posterior to armilla burnt orange; T2-T3 orange; T4 burnt orange; T5-T6 nearly brown. Color of legs: becoming progressively darker distally. Setation of frons: long, moderate. Sculpture of frons: punctate-rugose. Sculpture of vertex: sharply areolate-rugose. Excavation on posteromedial vertex: absent. Sculpture of posteromedial vertex: same as remainder of vertex. Sculpture of gena: punctate-rugose. Length of LOL: 1 OD. Length of POL: two times as long as LOL. Sculpture of dorsal pronotal area: areolate-rugose. Sculpture of lateral pronotal area: transversely striate. Sculpture of netrion: transversely striate. Notaulus: absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: not clearly differentiated from surrounding surface sculpture. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: not clearly differentiated from surrounding surface sculpture. Sculpture of mesoscutum: areolate-rugose. Parapsidial line: absent. Setation of mesoscutellum: absent medially. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: granulate throughout. Form of metascutellum: twice as wide as long, unsculptured, lateral corner acute. Sculpture of propodeum: rugose. Setation of plical area: present. Median area of the lateral propodeal area: present. Sculpture of mesofemoral depression: smooth anteriorly, punctate-foveolate posteroventrally. Setation of mesepisternum ventral to mesofemoral depression: sparse. Sculpture of mesepisternum ventral to mesofemoral depression: punctate. Setation of dorsal metapleural area: absent. Sculpture of dorsal metapleural area: smooth anteriorly, rugose posteriorly. Setation of ventral metapleural area: present posteriorly. Sculpture of ventral metapleural area: foveolate-rugose. Length of horn on T1: reaching apex of mesoscutum. Sculpture of horn on T1: unsculptured apically, otherwise areolate. Sculpture of T1 posterior to armilla: longitudinally striate throughout, interstices rugose. Sculpture of T2: longitudinally striate, interstices rugose. Sculpture of T3: longitudinally striate, interstices rugose. Sculpture of T4: longitudinally striate, interstices rugose. Sculpture of T5: smooth. Sculpture of T6: punctate. Length of T6 in female: 1.25 times maximum width. Relative length of hind basitarsus in female: 2.5 times as long as remaining tarsomeres. Relative length of hind basitarsus in male: unknown.


The sculpture of the frons, horn of T1, and ventral metapleural area distinguishes P. sanma sp. nov. from its closest relative, P. buka sp. nov.


The epithet refers to the collection locality (Sanma Province, Vanuatu) and is meant to be treated as a noun in apposition.

Material examined.

Holotype, female: Vanuatu: Santo Island , Penaoru 900B ~ 900m, 18-30.xi.06, moist lowland forest ground, C. Villemant, MT, MG09B2, DNA Voucher N 116, OSUC 192538 (deposited in MNHN).


We describe this new species for a single female and the only specimen collected on the island nation of Vanuatu. The holotype is in excellent condition but A9-A12 are missing from the right antenna.













