Helonoton tatumbla Lord and Ivie, 2016

Lord, Nathan P. & Ivie, Michael A., 2016, Several New Genera and Species of New World Synchitini (Coleoptera: Zopheridae: Colydiinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (4), pp. 715-753 : 715-753

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scientific name

Helonoton tatumbla Lord and Ivie

sp. nov.

Helonoton tatumbla Lord and Ivie , new species ( Figs. 15 View Figs , 23 View Figs )

Diagnosis. This species most closely resembles H. pascoei in general appearance and having the scutellary striole interrupted by a small tubercle, but differs in the 3-segmented antennal club, head with distinct temples behind the eyes, absence of the anterior pair of pronotal mid-lateral tubercles, and Costa Rican distribution.

Description. Size moderate (TL = 3.1 mm), body elongate, parallel-sided (TL/EW = 2.3); bicolored, body light brown, pronotal disc and elytral tubercles darer brown; habitus as in Fig. 15 View Figs . Head: Transverse (HW = 0.6 mm), with distinct temples, abruptly constricted behind temples. Antennae: 11-segmented, ending in an abrupt, 3-segmented club; antennomeres 9–11 forming distinct club, antennomere 9 transverse, asymmetrical, narrowest at base; antennomere 11 truncate at base, transverse, rounded apically. Prothorax: Pronotum quadrate (PW = 1.1 mm, PL = 0.9 mm, PL/PW = 0.8), widest at apical ⅓, narrowest at base. Lateral margins of pronotum sinuate, widening apically, anterior ⅓ produced into strong arcuate lobe, posterior ⅔ of lateral pronotal margin with small lobe; anterior angles distinct, rounded, slightly projecting forward to about level of anterior margin; posterior angles present, small. Pronotal disc with complex patterns of ridges and depressed areas; central portion with weakly depressed area, bordered anterolaterally by pair of sinuate ridges that become confluent with anterior margin and; basal ⅓ of pronotal disc with pair of prominent, raised tubercles; disc bordered basally by subtle, paired, basolaterally directed ridges that merge with posterior margin, creating subtriangular baso-medial depression. With pair of large, strongly projecting midlateral tubercles present between lateral pronotal margin and central portion of pronotal disc; anterior mid-lateral tubercles absent. Procoxal cavities narrowly closed externally. Mesothorax: Scutellum well-developed, visible, ovoid. Elytra: Elongate, parallel-sided, widest at middle (EL = 2.2 mm, EW = 1.3 mm, EL/EW = 1.6). Surface with series of well-defined tubercles and shallow carinae/ridges. Sutural stria raised, beaded, ending before posterior of carina on interstrial interval 3. Scutellary striole present, but interrupted by small tubercle mid-way between end of sutural stria and elytral base. Each elytral base with 4 elongate carinae; 1 st at base of elytral interstrial interval 3, raised, elongate, not distinctly swollen posteriorly; 2 nd at base of interval 5, ½ as long as carina on interval 3; 3 rd at base of interval 7, beginning at humeral angle and extending towards apex, ⅓ longer carina on interval 3; 4 th on interval 9, on humeral angle, shorter than carina on interval 7. Interval 9 with basal carina, short, mid-elytral tubercle, and long posterior carina that extends to elytral apex. Remaining tubercles on middle portion of elytra small and round to elongate-oval, of variable sizes. Carinae present on elytral declivity, short, not extending nearly to apex. Epipleuron present, well-defined, incomplete to apex, ending at junction of abdominal ventrites IV and V. Metaventrite: Longer than abdominal ventrite I, with paired, punctate, sinuate grooves directly posteriad and bordering mesocoxae, also with paired, slightly curved grooves directly anteriad and bordering metacoxae. Discrimen short, extending only to basal ⅓ of metaventrite, strongly impressed between and anteriad metacoxae. Metacoxae transverse, narrowly separated. Metendosternite of fully winged form as in Fig. 2g View Fig (see genus-group description). Abdomen: intercoxal process of abdominal ventrite I triangular, apex acute. In males, ventrites III and IV with large, smooth, transverse-oval patches in lateral areas. Metathoracic wing: Fully developed.

Distribution. Honduras ( Fig. 23 View Figs ).

Biology. Little is known about the biology of this species. The type series was collected at a blacklight.

Etymology. Named after the type locality, Tatumbla, Francisco Morazán Department, Honduras.

Type Material. 3 specimens. Holotype, female (pointed, CSCA): HONDURAS: Francisco ; Morazán, Tatumbula [sic]; V-22-1996, F.G.; Andrews & A.J. Gilbert . Paratype, female (pointed, CSCA): HONDURAS: Francisco ; Morazán, Tatumbula [sic]; V-22-1996, F.G.; Andrews & A.J. Gilbert . Paratype, male (pointed, CSCA): HONDURAS: Francisco ; Morazán, Tatumbula [sic]; V-22-1996, F.G.; Andrews & A.J. Gilbert; Blacklight


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