Helonoton mexicanum Lord and Ivie, 2016

Lord, Nathan P. & Ivie, Michael A., 2016, Several New Genera and Species of New World Synchitini (Coleoptera: Zopheridae: Colydiinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (4), pp. 715-753 : 715-753

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scientific name

Helonoton mexicanum Lord and Ivie

sp. nov.

Helonoton mexicanum Lord and Ivie , new species

( Figs. 12 View Figs , 23 View Figs )

Diagnosis. This species most closely resembles H. ashei , but differs in the central ridge on the pronotal disc more strongly and evenly carinate, both pairs of mid-lateral pronotal tubercles more developed and carinate, the posterior pair larger than anterior pair, elytral interstrial interval 1 (sutural) carinate, variously interrupted in the basal half, basal elytral carinae of interval 7 not interrupted, most elytral tubercles developed into short carinae, and epipleuron continuing nearly to elytral apex.

Description. Size small (TL = 3.0 mm), body oval-elongate (TL/EW = 2.2), subparallel; bicolored, dark brown with light brown/golden patches (difficult to see if specimen is encrusted); habitus as in Fig. 12 View Figs . Head: Elongate (HW = 0.6 mm), broadest at eyes, not constricted behind eyes. Antennae: 11-segmented, ending in an abrupt, 2-segmented club; antennomeres 10–11 forming distinct club, antennomere 10 transverse, trapezoidal to slightly asymmetrical, narrowest at base; antennomere 11 truncate at base, transverse, rounded apically. Prothorax: Pronotum elongate (PW = 1.1 mm, PL = 0.9 mm, PL/PW = 0.8), widest at apical ⅓, narrowest at base. Lateral margins of pronotum sinuate, widening apically, anterior ⅓ produced into strong arcuate lobe, posterior ⅔ with small lobe or denticle; anterior angles distinct, slightly projecting forward to about level of anterior margin; posterior angles present, small. Pronotal disc with complex pattern of ridges and depressed areas; central portion with strongly depressed area, bordered laterally by sinuate ridge, ridge strongly carinate throughout; central portion bordered anteriorly by paired, short, parallel ridges that become confluent with anterior margin and bordered basally by distinct paired, baso-laterally directed ridges that end before posterior margin creating subtriangular baso-medial depression. Pair of strongly raised, short carinae present between lateral pronotal margin and basal ½ of central sinuate tuberculate ridge, as well as smaller pair present between lateral pronotal margin and anterior portion of central sinuate tuberculate ridge. Procoxal cavities broadly open externally. Mesothorax: Scutellum well-developed, visible, oval, not transverse. Elytra: Elongate, parallel-sided, widest at middle (EL = 2.1 mm, EW = 1.4 mm, EL/EW = 1.5). Surface with series of well-defined, short carinae. Sutural stria raised and carinate, variously interrupted in basal half, distinctly diverging antero-laterally to form scutellary striole. Scutellary striole present, but interrupted by small tubercle mid-way between end of interrupted sutural stria and elytral base. Each elytral base with 4 elongate carinae; 1 st at base of elytral interstrial interval 3, raised, elongate, not distinctly swollen posteriorly; 2 nd at base of interval 5, ⅔ length of carina on interval 3; 3 rd at base of interval 7, beginning at humeral angle and extending towards apex, 2X as long as carina on interval 5; 4 th on interval 8, on humeral angle, ⅓ as long as carina on interval 7. Interval 9 carinate, variously interrupted. Remaining tubercles on middle portion of elytra small and round to elongate-oval, of variable sizes. Carinae present on elytral declivity, short, not extending nearly to apex. Epipleuron present, narrowing apically, continuing nearly to elytral apex. Metaventrite: Longer than abdominal ventrite I, with paired sinuate grooves posteriad and bordering mesocoxae, also with paired, slightly curved grooves anteriad and bordering metacoxae. Discrimen short, extending only to basal ⅓ of metaventrite, strongly impressed between and anteriad metacoxae. Metacoxae transverse, narrowly separated. Metendosternite of fully winged form as in Fig. 2g View Fig (see genusgroup description). Abdomen: Intercoxal process of abdominal ventrite I triangular, apex acute. In males, ventrites III and IV with large, smooth, transverse-oval patches in lateral areas; patches occupy most of ventrite IV. Metathoracic wing: Fully developed.

Distribution. Mexico ( Fig. 23 View Figs ).

Biology. Specimens were collected from a dead branch on the ground and under Quercus L. ( Fagaceae ) bark in a mesophyllic forest.

Etymology. Named after the home country of this species, Mexico.

Type Material. 11 specimens. Holotype (pointed, MAIC): MEXICO, Hgo. Hwy.105; 2.7mi. N.Tlanchinol; 5000’ 10May1983 CW.&; L.O’ Brien&GBMarshall. Paratype (pointed, MAIC): MEXICO: Tamps., Mun.; Gomez Farias, La; Gloria, 1400m., 17-; III-1988, P. Kovarik / collected under: Quercus bark / mesophylic forest; Quercus, Liquidambar ,; Magnolia, Acer,; Carya, Podocarpus, etc. Paratype, male (pointed, partially dissected, genitalia and abdomen in glycerine in genitalia vial pinned underneath specimen, MAIC): MEXICO, Hgo.Hwy.105; 2.7mi. N.Tlanchinol; 5000’ 17June 1983 CW.&; L.O’ Brien&GBMarshall. Paratype (pointed, MAIC): MEXICO,Hgo.Hwy.105; 2.7mi. N.Tlanchinol; 5000’ 16June1983 CW.&; L.O’ Brien &GBMarshall. Paratypes (3 pointed, MAIC): MEXICO,Hgo.Hwy.105; 2.7mi. N.Tlanchinol; 5000’ 15June1983 CW.&; L.O’ Brien&GBMarshall. Paratype (pointed, MAIC): MEXICO,Hgo.Hwy.105; 2.7mi. N.Tlanchinol; 5000’ 2Aug.1982 CW.&; L. O’ Brien&G. Wibmer. Paratypes (3 pointed, MAIC): MEXICO,Hgo.Hwy.105; 2.7mi. N.Tlanchinol; 5000’ 10May1983 CW.&; L.O’ Brien&GB Marshall / from dead branch; on ground.













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