Phlomoides longidentata Pendry

Zhao, Yue, Chen, Ya-Ping, Bai, Rui-Zhu, Pendry, Colin A., Sukhorukov, Alexander P. & Xiang, Chun-Lei, 2024, A new species and a new record of Phlomoides (Lamiaceae) from Xizang, China, PhytoKeys 246, pp. 15-26 : 15-26

publication ID 10.3897/phytokeys.246.129057


persistent identifier

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PhytoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Phlomoides longidentata Pendry


Phlomoides longidentata Pendry View in CoL , Edinburgh J. Bot. 78: 4, 2021.

Fig. 4 View Figure 4


Nepal, Solukhumbu District, Namche Bazar, above bridge over Dudh Kosi . 27 ° 47 ′ 31 ′′ N, 86 ° 42 ′ 57 ′′ E, alt. 3060 m, 12 Sep 2006, DNEP 3 BX 36 (holotype: E!; isotypes: KATH!, TI!, TUCH!) GoogleMaps .


Phlomoides longidentata is a recently described species from Bhutan and Nepal ( Pendry 2021). Specimens of P. longidentata were collected by Chinese collectors as early as 1959 (Anonymous 752; PE 00832482 !), when it was identified as P. umbrosa and P. umbrosa var. australis . During our field investigations in Rongxia Town, we rediscovered this species in the wild. It rather looks like a perennial herb, but not annual as described by Pendry (2021). Here we provide description of this species.


Perennial herbs. Roots delicate, thin, linear-tuberous. Stems 30–60 cm tall, subquadrangular, unbranched, stellate pilose. Basal leaves absent; stem leaves with petioles 4–19 cm long, with stellate (with a long central ray) and simple trichomes, blade cordate, papery, 4–14 × 4–15 cm, adaxially green with sparse simple trichomes, denser and longer on the main vein, abaxially light green, with dense stellate trichomes with equal rays, (stellate trichomes denser and with longer central ray on the veins), base cordate, margin serrate or crenate, apex acute. Verticillasters axillary, 8–20 - flowered; floral leaves with petioles 0.5–10 cm long, blade lanceolate, base cordate to truncate, 4.5–13 × 2–11 cm, gradually reduced upwards; bracts subulate, 7–8 mm long, with sparse long simple trichomes, ca. 2 mm long. Calyx tubular, 10–11 × 4–5 mm, pubescent outside with sparse stellate trichomes with equal rays outside (10 tubular veins have longer central rays); tube apically emarginate; teeth 5, unequal, two longer teeth 4 mm long, three shorter teeth 2–3 mm long. Corolla light purple to pink, 19–22 mm long, 2 - lipped; posterior lip 7–8 mm long, galeate, densely stellate tomentose outside, margin denticulate, brown to black-bearded inside; anterior lip 3 - lobed, ca. 6 × 8 mm, middle lobe largest, oblong, ca. 5 × 3 mm, lateral lobes ovate; tube glabrous outside, ca. 12 mm, annulate pilose inside. Stamens 4, included within posterior lip, with “ cobweb-like ” indumentum, posterior filaments with reflexed appendages at base. Style unequally 2 - lobed. Nutlets oblong, apex truncate, glabrous.


Flowering from July to September, fruiting from October to December.

Distribution and habitat.

China, Bhutan and Nepal; new record for China found in Xizang (see below). It grows in forests and forest margins at altitudes between 2000 and 3800 m (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ).

Chinese name (assigned here).

cháng cì cǎo cāo sū (长刺草糙苏)

Additional specimens examined.

China. Xizang Province: • Rikaze City, Dingri County, Rongxia Town , 28 ° 1 ′ 12.7 ″ N, 86 ° 15 ′ 52.1 ″ E, alt. 2888 m, 29 Aug 2023, Y. Zhao, R. Z. Bai, Q. Tian & M. L. Qian XCL 2670 ( KUN 1614352 About KUN !, KUN 1614353 About KUN !) GoogleMaps Rikaze City, Dingri County, Rongxia Town , 28 ° 1 ′ 12.7 ″ N, 86 ° 15 ′ 52.1 ″ E, alt. 2888 m, 11 Sep 2019, Y. P. Chen, Y. Zhao & B. Y. Zhang EM 1123 ( KUN 1614351 About KUN !) GoogleMaps Rikaze City, Dingri County, Rongxia Town , alt. 3200 m, 2 Aug 1959, Anonymous 752 ( PE 00832482 !) .


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Department of Plant Resources


Herbarium of the Department of Botany, University of Tokyo


Tribhuvan University


Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences











