Temnothorax solidinodus Prebus
publication ID |
https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.483.9111 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9323F207-90A7-465B-8486-3468E839BC32 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/6BC6BA04-F0E3-4714-957F-B62A2D7D60A4 |
taxon LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:act:6BC6BA04-F0E3-4714-957F-B62A2D7D60A4 |
treatment provided by |
scientific name |
Temnothorax solidinodus Prebus |
status |
sp. n. |
Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Formicidae
Temnothorax solidinodus Prebus sp. n. Fig. 13
Type material.
Holotype worker: KENYA, Kakamega Forest, Colobus. 0.27°N, 34.88°E, 1600 m. Rainforest, canopy fogging Teclea nobilis “101”. x.2002. leg. W. Freund. (HLMD: CASENT0906153).
Temnothorax solidinodus is easily distinguishable from the other Afrotropical species by the following character combination:
Antennal scapes short, distinctly failing to reach the posterior margin of the head; compound eyes moderate in size (OI <30); post petiole globular in dorsal view, widest at the midpoint of the segment; metanotal groove shallowly impressed; head subrectangular (CI> 85); posterior margin of head flat.
Worker measurements
(n = 1). EL 0.185; FRS 0.257; HL 0.728; HW 0.664; IOD 0.575; IOcD N/A; MD 0.153; PH 0.295; PL 0.298; PPH 0.248; PPL 0.198; PPW 0.265; PTW 0.215; PW 0.45; SL 0.507; SPST 0.232; WL 0.921.
Indices: CI 91.2; DPeI 72.1; DPpI 134; LPeI 101; LPpI 79.8; OI 27.9; PeNI 47.8; PpNI 58.9; PPI 123; PSLI 31.9; SI 69.6.
Worker description.
Head sub rectangular (CI 91.2); head sides converging toward the mandibular insertions anterior to the compound eyes in full-face view; posterior margin of head flat, occipital corners rounded. Anterior clypeal margin slightly concave medially, with the median clypeal lobe rounding evenly into the lateral clypeal lobes. Frontal carinae developed: extending posteriorly to about midlength of the compound eye, after which they become indistinguishable from the ground rugulae of the head. Antennae 12-segmented, antennal scapes short, falling short of the posterior margin of the head by about the length of the first funicular segment (SI 69.6). Eyes moderate in size (OI 27.9), 13 ommatidia in longest row.
Mesosoma relatively slender (WL 1.27 times HL); promesonotal suture very shallowly impressed and marked a distinct break in sculpture. Metanotal groove shallowly impressed; visible as a broad, shallow concavity in lateral view and lending a slightly peaked appearance to the propodeum. Propodeal spines long, straight and acute (PSLI 31.9); propodeal lobes small and rounded.
Petiole without a differentiated peduncle. In profile, the anterior face of node sloping evenly into the anterior portion of the petiole. Petiolar node in profile low, with anterior and posterior faces broadly rounded (LPeI 79.8). In dorsal view petiole elongate (DPeI 72.1). Postpetiole in profile globular, nearly equal in height to petiolar node, laterally compressed (LPpI 79.8); in dorsal view transversely elongate-rectangular, widest at the midpoint (DPpI 134) and 1.2 times wider than petiole (PPI 123).
Mandibles distinctly longitudinally striate along their entire length. Clypeus smooth and shiny, bearing 13 longitudinal rugae which become weaker medially. Cephalic dorsum predominantly longitudinally rugose, overlying punctate sculpture that weakens medially. In profile, sides of head coarsely reticulate between the compound eye and mandible. Sculpture of mesosoma in dorsal view with predominately longitudinal rugae on pronotum; mesonotum punctate on the anterior half, weakening the posterior half; propodeum predominantly longitudinally rugose. Space between propodeal spines strongly punctate, propodeal declivity with several weak transverse rugae. In profile, mesosoma, petiole and post petiole strongly rugo-reticulate over a punctate ground sculpture. Gaster smooth and shining.
Dorsal surface of the head, including clypeus, frons, posterior margin of the head and occipital corners equipped with short (less than the length of the pedicel), yellow ish, blunt-tipped setae. Anterior clypeal margin with two pairs of long setae flanking the median carina. Antennal scape pilosity abundant, sharp-tipped and subdecumbent. Pronotal “neck” and procoxae with short, fine yellowish pubescence. Dorsal surfaces of mesosoma, waist segments and gaster with uniformly erect, short, abundant, blunt-tipped yellowish setae, their bases spaced from each other by the length of the setae or more. Bases of the setae on the posterior margin of first gastral tergite separated by more than the length of the setae.
Dorsal surface of head, excluding the antennae, clypeus and mandibles, dark brown. Antennae, clypeus, mandibles, mesosoma and waist segments uniformly light brown. Gaster transitions from light brown to dark brown along the anteroposterior axis.
Distribution and ecology.
One worker of Temnothorax solidinodus was collected via canopy fogging of Teclea nobilis in Kakamega Forest. Presumably this is an arboreal species.
Worker: Overall chestnut-brown, with head and gaster posterior to the midlength of the first tergite darker.
Taxonomic notes.
Temnothorax solidinodus , in relation to Temnothorax angustulus and other species within the angustulus group bears a very large petiolar node.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.