Ramusella (Rectoppia) pararadiata, Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp, 2007

Mahunka, S. & Mahunka-Papp, L., 2007, Taxonomical And Faunistical Studies On Oribatids Collected In Kenya (Acari: Oribatida) I., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (1), pp. 51-74 : 68-70

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12585708

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scientific name

Ramusella (Rectoppia) pararadiata

sp. nov.

Ramusella (Rectoppia) pararadiata View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 30–33 View Figs 28–30 View Figs 31–33 )

Diagnosis – Rostrum conical. In front of the lamellar setae a fine transversal line present, a pair of separate longitudinal ones also observable. Rostral setae straight, arising in divergent position. Three pairs of maculae in the interbothridial region. Sensillus fusiform, bearing long cilia of different lengths. Nine pairs of notogastral setae. Exobothridial and epimeral regions well sclerotised, on the sejugal border a pair of conspicuously large tubercles present. Genitoanal setal formula: 5–1–2–3.

Material examined: Holotype: Kenya, Nairobi, 19.11.2004. Leg. CS . CSUZDI, (Afr. 974) , 5 paratypes from the same sample. Holotype (1695-HO-2005) and 4 paratypes 1695-PO-2005): HNHM , 1 paratypes: MHNG .

Measurements: Length of body: 258–286 µm, width of body: 137–148 µm.

Prodorsum: Rostral region broad, rostral apex rounded, conical. Rostral setae located near to each other, on the median surface. A fine transversal line observable in front of the lamellar setae, from which a pair of short lines run posteriorly. One pair of arched lines – like fine costulae – also observable, separately from the preceding one. Three pairs of distinct maculae medially, and some irregular pairs laterally. Interbothridial region framed by a distinct line basally ( Fig. 31 View Figs 31–33 ). Ratio of the length of prodorsal setae: ro in ex @ le. Setae ro well pilose. Bothridium strongly sclerotised. Sensillus directed laterally, fusiform. Its head bearing progressively longer cilia from basal to distal end, on both lateral margin.

Notogaster: Ovoid in shape. Nine pairs of medium short, simple notogastral setae and the alveoli of setae c 2 present. Setae p1 and p2 shorter than the remaining notogastral setae. No essential difference among the latter ones,

Lateral part of podosoma ( Fig. 33 View Figs 31–33 ): Strongly sclerotised and well granulate. Pedotecta 1 comparatively large, pedotecta 2–3 reduced. Discidium sharply pointed.

Ventral regions ( Fig. 32 View Figs 31–33 ): All epimeral borders – except the anterior part of the longitudinal one – well sclerotised and broad. A distinct polygonal pattern visible. A pair of round porose field observable on epimere 1 and a pair of large and strong tubercles on the sejugal border visiblet. Epimeral setal formula: 3–1–3–3, setae 1c arising on the lateral margin, on small tubercles. Except setae 3c and 4c, all setae short and simple. Setae 4b located on posterior border of epimeral region. All setae also simple in anogenital region, setae ad 1 arising on a strong lath, setae ad 3 located far from each other, near to the lateral margin of the ventral plate.

Remarks – The new species stands nearest to Ramusella (Rectoppia) radiata BALOGH, 1961 , however, it is dinginguish from the BALOGH’ s species by the presence of the transversal lines on prodorsum and the large tubercles on the epimeral and sejugal regions. The ratio of the notogastral setae (p1 and p2) also different. Porose field on epimere 1 was not known in this relationship.

Etymology – Named after its relation.


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle













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